Where does Sup Forums stand on animal conservation? Do you care about animals going extinct? Are poachers a problem?
Animal Conservation
rhinos are for niggers
Animals dont matter.
Ecology is nice to have around but we could do without it just fine,
you are a nigger.
You are a nigger if you don't support conservation efforts
for you then? Nigger=American
you have zero knowledge about how world works.
Without fucking bees alone billions of people would die in less than a years.
Holy fuck this board is full of incerdibly massive fucking idiots.
Oh, and the rhino pictured is also knows as the last white rhino or something.
Yes animal and ecological conservation are very important. Poachers should be hanged.
I am a full accelerationist.
I'd love to live in a city that looks like Blade runner in 100% artificial enviroment and eat synthetic food from processed oil.
The enviroment is unsustainable, the whales and corals are going down no matter what you do so fuck it all the way, burn it quicker.
I don’t give a fuck about sharks and snakes desu. I like birds as long as they are beneficial to us. Cormorants can be shot down if you’d ask me. Africa? Who gives a fuck about Africa?
This is the only known planet with life in the galaxy, and we treat it like it's disposeable.
We're at the top of the food chain, so that makes the animal kingdom our responsibility. The neglect and abuse our fellow creatures have suffered is immeasurable.
>Without fucking bees alone billions of people would die in less than a years.
>what is hydroponics
>what is artificial enviroments
>what is chemistry
IF they really needed the bees and their extinction was a problem they would genetically engineer super bees already. And those would make super honey and not sting.
The only reason the havent done it already is because nobody needs it.
yes poachers are subhuman animals
What is about nature and animal threads that bring put the biggest retards on this board?
they tried that and got killer bees instead
I’d love to kill a poacher
>nigger detected
we shouldnt fuck around besides culling predators to maintain ecological balance
>people still kill rhinos so they can sell the equivalent of a giant toenail
I just wish niggers and chinks weren't so fucking stupid.
Let animals go extinct. Or else we aren't letting nature evolve. It's pretty fucking simple, animals go extinct, new ones take their place.
True whites cat about saving species, especially cool ones. It’ll be a sad day when megafauna go extinct. Tigers similar huge animals are cool and enrich our existence, I don’t want to live in a world only populated by humans, squirrels and mice
Well you dont always get what you expect.
Now they have to correct that mistake by making the Killer Bees Killier bees
Try to intervenue the minimum possible unless it's predator control, while some animals are more important to the Earth itself, we should try to preserve them, poachers are literally niggers with guns.
the recent meme decline in bees that was supposed to kill us all was 100% covered by other wild species of insects
Animals are important. We shouldn't allow any animals to go extinct in this day an age. Especially when they're sawing off rhino horns to give subhuman chinamen hardons. Nature is resilient but it is our duty as masters of this domain to preserve it.
Only niggers don’t support the conservation of animals and nature.
There are plenty of people out there who want nothing more than an excuse to kill other humans. I think this could be a big business if you could convince the government of one of these African countries to go for it.
poachers are all subhuman niggers with rusted ak's. I'd love to be on an anti poaching team and hunt those fucking nogs.
Like it or not the endgame of any planet with intelligent life harbors only a handful of meaningful species.
Whites are going extinct also. We can solve idiotic problems after we solve the major ones.
Also funnily enough, ensuring survival of the whites is the only way to save the planet and its animals.
This Tiger cub was found in a box by Mexican authorities. Some Cartel druglord probably wanted an exotic pet and had it sedated and put in a box for shipping.
Fucking this. Life is sacred and should be treasured. Life feeds on life, but to view life as worthless and disposable is satanic. Rampant abuse of the Earth and the creatures that inhabit it is the highest of transgressions. We are programmed to be cancerous, ever spreading, ever consuming. We must achieve harmony with Gaia or face destruction.
Colony Collapse disorder is real bro. We nee bee's for a lot. youtu.be
we should simply license people to hunt poachers.
I'd happily pay a good chunk of change to fly to africa and hunt niggers down.
WTF are you talking about? This post could ONLY come from a dumb American.
I stand corrected, looks like stupidity is universal.
>i.e. nig nogs, mudslimes, spics, and kikes
Animals have gone extinct all throughout history. And new animals have taken their place in the hierarchy. Which allows for new evolutions. Give me one good reason to not allow animals to go extinct.
>True whites care about saving species
This is the truth right here. It's the number 1 thing IMO. If you don't, you aren't white
because there's a difference between evolutionary processes occurring over thousands of years, vs people slaughtering the absolute shit out of everything they can.
It's the difference between taking a satisfying shit, and fucking your mom.
Daily reminder that if you don’t want to save wildlife and preserve nature, not only are you not white, you aren’t human. Nature is the backbone of a traditional white society. What is life if you can’t go on a walk in the woods or go fishing on the lake or go camping out in the mountains?
I feel it too.
These, and vaccine threads bring out the widest disparity of opinion on this board.
Where is your evidence to back this up? You don't have any, you're just talking shit
It's not that we won't allow them to go extinct that's beyond our power, but it must happen naturally, not with niggers shooting at them to get some shekels.
Must of been imported from russia.
citation needed. I don't see there being a difference at all. We are within nature, nature will adapt.
>humans arent natural
try harder
Whats the story behind that picture?
Probably Sci-Fi movies
Yes and yes.
animals go extinct historically because they couldn't adapt to changing conditions.
Animals go extinct now because people fuck them up, and leave nothing that has out-competed the original species.
The void that should have been filled, isn't.
Or did you mean between taking a shit and fucking your mom? Because there's a load of evidence around that one as well.
Are you dumb or just lack text interpretation?
yes only subhumans would not care
brainlets who think humans exist outside of nature
Also just sample their dna and clone them in the future if they die out, not a big deal.
brainlet who has no idea how nature works
he's dumb. I wish he was trolling, but he's really that fucking stupid.
This makes no sense, where you got this from?
The fact these animals are going extinct only proves that the world is no longer for them. To keep them around is cruel at best.
he has no facts to back himself up, so now he's resorting to insults.
You unironically think humans arent part of nature and you call me stupid lmao
If I remember correctly, that's the last white rhino. They removed its horn to discourage poaching and it has soldiers constantly guarding it.
Do we not, as the top predator of the known universe, have a responsibility to not completely kill off other forms of life?
You unironically think that humanity is part of the traditional eb and flow of evolutionary process.
We're not. We're a species that is able to consciously wipe everything else out. That's not evolution, that's wanton destruction.
You are correct at the very, very basic aspect of your premise, therefore you think your extrapolations are correct as well.
I will never take animal “rights” seriously until niggers are controlled.
Well, what about not making genocides on random animals and letting nature make It's way?
Hope you're trolling or atleast has some kind of mental illness.
Looks like the nigger is trying to grab a titty.
muh dick and all that.
What Jews call kosher ain't really kosher. Jews are most animalistic in slaughtering methods
LOL WHAT KIND OF ARGUMENT IS THIS. Why on earth would we have that responsibility.
>thats destruction
Ever seen a volcano? or a hurricane? Destruction seems pretty natural to me. You are literally a fucking idiot who thinks we are beyond nature. You are hilarious.
we are a force of nature you brainlet dont make me repeat myself more please its annoying
You once again prove you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're a literal science nigger.
Nigger are the problem. No animal in Africa bigger than a beetle will see 2050. By then, there'll be 4 billion feral niggers on the continent and nothing will survive that.
You overestimate the human race, don't forget that the only difference between we and any other animal is our ability of rational thinking, saying that we are a force of nature is just naive.
I don't think it's possible to sustain biodiversity at the rate of growth the human kind is experiencing right now.
Say good bye to your favourite animals.
While suffering of these animals is a concern to us as empathetic creatures, there is not much we really can do to stop them from goining extinct.
Unfortunately you simply cannot halt natural process of extinction(man-made extinction events are fractions of percent in reality), because their spots in ecosystems are already filling with other species and bringing these creatures back equals exterminating their successors in the end, that is something greenpeace or other loudmouthers won't tell you.
This is why this fight is ultimately futile and mostly nothing but buzz that drags us away from real problems.
The only thing we, as self-appointed caretakers of our planet can do is preserve information about these dying creatures in form of DNA to resurrect them later, their place in current ecosystem to re-create that ecosystem preferably off-world so that it does not disrupt whatever new has emerged in their place, their behaviour, symbiotic creatures and so on.
>we can destroy wantonly any species
>calling us a force of nature is naive
I'm afraid i dont see where you are coming from here. also kudos on being less niggerish than the canadian.
its over and i just took my own life so you all will never figure out the tech...only the randon rabbit holes...which if you arent high you knowva rabbit hole is just a dead end.
do what the rhodesians did
animals are the gift of God to this world
Feels bad when whales get fucked with. They just want to chill in the ocean and eat krill. Don't see why Japs won't just leave them be.
>be nigger
>call others a nigger
well done, Tyrone.
Your mom is still less satisfying than a good shit though.
She is, however, more intellectually capable than you are.
It's a sign that nothing last forever
It's also a great sign that we as a species will go extinct soon
the real red head king you pieces of shit is chaz that hangs around redcove. lol an olf red and white bar that is probably mine. fuck lynda uvari kill them all and nuke ventura.
Yea let's mix it with some alpha Japanese hornet DNA next time.
187 santabarbara
we are the pizza gate cult
destroy us please! this is not a joke!
i beg putin and turmey to destroy the west coast abd london.
>“Like it or not the endgame of any planet with intelligent life harbors only a handful of meaningful species.“
What kind of argument is that? The universe isn’t a game with a beginning middle and end. And there are no other examples of this happening on other planets for you to base this on.
Being a force of nature, a disaster that happens purely by chance with a combination of factors, is very different from being a life form with enough power to destroy the others using MACHINES (that are not natural, just made from materials we get from nature).
also kill all the faith hating fucks in europe. kill all adans...im bleeding out currently im tired of the riddles and games. fuck you all literally i will never help someone again unless it twists others...yiu want to see my black magic skil...when none of you could fight my whit magic all together with your static grays of disceray?! night night demon cabal you allvare mided in with each
no joke you all are doomed and i curse the world into hell except for the pure.
rhino genocide is a conspiracy theory made by racist right wing extremist rhinos
those poachers arent REAL poachers #WeAreAllPoachers
pandas have a low birth rate so the only way to save them is to bring a lot of black, brown and grizzly bears in to their territories as this will help bring up the birth rate and there will be literally no problems between them
i do but dont expect the rest of the niggers spics and kikes on here to feel the same.
Black/white magic? The fuck you're talking about nerd? This ins't final fantasy. Also drop the edgy troll part.
I agree, but do you think its nature taking its toll when we hunt animals to the brink of extinction for economical profit?
>killing animals with something other than survival in mind
negro behaviour
>Russkies proving the stereotypes true
We could live without Russians too...
All non-whites should be killed. Then animal conservation would not be a problem
You all say real whites aren't degenerate about nature but ignore the fact that pretty much all glorious white cultures slaughtered and deforested the nature around them to build civilisations, get food or just for sport.
Raping the land and nature is what white expansionists did to either settle or bring wealth and riches.
We should conserve animals because most of them are delicious.
If we set aside at least half the planet for undisturbed nature reserves guarded by soldiers to stop poachers loggers and fishers, banned disposable plastic items and toxic e-waste, banned non renewable energy sources, and banned pesticide and fungicide, humans could live on this planet in harmony with the majority of species in the planet
However retards refuse to create these laws because they want extremely short term economic gain at the dispense of our descendants who will live in a toxic hot wasteland flooded with shitskins because there is no freezing temperatures to ward them off, and mostly devoid of biodiversity
Here in the USA most of those populations have been re-established and are growing. Bison, bald eagles, wolves, white tail deer.
Nature is very important, and we should stop the niggers in africa from killing off all of the animals there
Have rich people hunt them for a shit ton of money, give to the locals who protect their land from poachers....that fucking easy.
Hunting is the best conservation.
If you don't care about animals(not like the fucking peta hippy shit) you're less of a man in my eyes
T. hunter and traditionalist