Why do liberals come here? I mean, they're free to, of course, but why? 99% of the internet is tailor made for them, and yet they come here. What are they hoping to achieve?
Why do liberals come here? I mean, they're free to, of course, but why? 99% of the internet is tailor made for them...
Other urls found in this thread:
Because sometime they lapse in their programmed brainwash and they are curious to see what's down the rabbit hole.
Spreading their gayness.
i came to this place for memes. even at stormfront i just wanted to see their meme humor thread. here i am now
they can only believe what they believe if everyone is dumb enough to believe it. they are trying to improve their own standing by converting you and repeating their brainwashing.
they need to die.
Because places like this shouldn’t exist. Places where you can openly hate women and minorities should not exist. We’re going to take you down.
Tee hee
To them coming to Sup Forums is like choosing to be gay. Why would anyone do this?
because heavily moderated forums are boring echo chambers and so they seek actual debate
unfortunately most of them are literally incapable of critical thinking and so get annihilated
The correct term we use in the Western side of America is faggotry.
Free speech is great. You libs must tremble with hate that places like these are not thought policed.
I don't think any actual liberals come here the same way I don't think any actual conservatives come here. It's all just trolling. I've played both sides and it's fun either way.
Why not just ignore it? We're a fraction of the internet. Go be gay somewhere else.
>you can't hurt my feefees!!!
fuck off faggot soyboy/roastie whore/jewish shill
This board hurt their feelings and that appeals their machohistic nature
control. they want to control everything
They are prime Red-Pill material, why are you complaining?
never will
>"Sup Forums has a unanimous voice" said the foreign invader while posting on Sup Forums.
I'm shakin in mah boots.
they need the real world to resemble their fantasy, otherwise it's not real
they'll burn it all to the ground before admitting they're fucked up
Little did user know, he was here forever. When you piss into the ocean of piss, the ocean of piss also pisses into you.
Because I was here first. That's why
Sup Forums used to realize Ron Paul and individuality was the way.
All you race obsessed, identity politics tards didn't show up until Zimmermann.
Now anyone who doesn't suck Trump's dick, idolize Putin, or buy into conspiracy theories is a "liberal."
Go back to the_donald and Stormfront and give me my board back
We need to try and take our shit elsewhere. This board is getting pretty bad. Everyday its tyrones dick, drumpf this, millenials this, boomers this. Barely any actual discussion anymore. Somedays are better than others..but the left mixed with normies, and plebs have taken most this board and turned into a pow wow of their own. Its good though, we can just keep shoving our red pills down their dumb fucking throats.
There's no such thing as classic liberals anymore. The left is full of authoritarian socialists now. They know that they can't compete with opposing points of view so they do everything they can to censor and destroy opposition.
>we pol now
just go to 8 pol
this place is fun because there are so many posters at any time, but 8 is where the actual discussion happens.
Way to prove his point. Trump is a kike plant and you know it.
Everyone knows the hierarchy even if they try to deny it. It is why there was a "popular" group in school, there were usually less of them and they only hung out with each other, yet always get referred to as that cliche. On the internet, the truth and originality become valuable. Say a girl looks pretty 100x you'll get nothing, call her a pig once, notice the amount of attention you get.
Are we disrupting your safe space, OP?
you people make fun of safe spaces while demanding ethnic safe spaces, and the amount of paranoia is unbelievable.
And it’s more likely the real shills are the people calling opposition viewpoints shills. Flat earth shit is taken more seriously than mainstream news and not all of it is trolling. I’d bet money there are more schizos, narcissists, etc here than most places.
Liberals feel the need to destroy anything that doesn't fit into their ideology. The mere thought that something exists that doesn't fit into their narrative causes them to panic and try to destroy it at all costs.
Liberals love nothing more than an enemy to fight. Not really an enemy or an actual fight, more like a playfight. The women especially, do you know how boring they find liberal males? They'd much rather spent a day fighting with one of us than hang out with some pussy soyboy groveling at their feet.
Yeah. I’m so close to giving up on this board because it’s just full of dipshits and bots. The only reason I stick around is for happenings.
Honorary canadian
those are usually stormfags aka muslims falseflagging as liberals
Checked and kek’d
who is this semen demon?
>1 post by this ID
Annihilation :(
>being afraid liberals want to destroy everything outside their ideology
>not remotely concerned about fascists calling for day of the rope and the murder of everyone engaged in “degeneracy”
full retard
Eventually they become us. That's the nature of this place, reality slowly infiltrates into them. Changing them. They can't leave, they look at things differently after a while and they can never go back. Exposing themselves to red pills they can never unswallow.
if you want a serious answer-
- the progress has always been fueled by differences. resolving conflicts through dialectics produces advancement.
- a human is pretty much a problem-solving machine.
- therefore a human is self-destructive in nature.
- it struggles to resolve all the conflicts in the world, but doesn't realize that this is a false ideal.
Any nail that sticks above the rest gets hammered until we all have the same shitty pasteurized opinions.
Most liberals in an actual fight will scream that they are being “when ever they are losing the argument I see it all the time
>thinking that he is afraid of them because he said what they do
>thinks that killing degenerates like roasties shitskins and fags is a bad thing
lol fuck off back to your safe space polyfat turboqueer
They come here trying to scratch that itch they feel behind their eyeballs... that feel caused by knowing there is a place where unvarnished truth is being told and many potential lib-zombies are being quietly red pilled.
>questioning why people come to a board that overall doesn't agree with them is wanting a safe space
Holding your world view is only tenable if you ignore the reality of human genetics. That's why more former lolbertarians are turning to nationalism.
Because it gets borning having to talk to yourself in a leftist echochamber.
without open discussion and an exchange of ideas
there will be no resolution to the worlds problems.
I come here to read alternative views in hopes of shaping
a belief system that is fair and not just blind leftist
babble like the older generations.
I enjoy listening to right wingers be retarded.
They cant handle the thought of anyone, even one person, not thinking their controlled narrative. So out of their arrogance, and quite frankly mental delusion, they come here determined to make everyone think what they do. Where in reality they end up just sounding like complete fools.
> it’s best to keep your mouth shut and just let people this you are stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt
Well ya know, kill yourself. You’re subhuman garbage
>removing cancerous elements from society that are utterly destroying society is bad
You have yet to make the case how.
If you don't remember Sup Forums being a liberal website, then maybe you don't belong here. GTFO, newfag.
To troll retards
Because theyre lonely
> liberal website
Libertarian, yes. Liberal? What planet are you from?
fucking 2005 Sup Forums, dumbass. There was a time when this website made fun of Fox News, Republicans, white supremacists and the like. This fucking website is now crawling with idiots like you.
lureque moor faghoat
you're confusing all of Sup Forums with Sup Forums
This is Sup Forums you fucking moran. Go back to Sup Forums with your faggot friends.
>Y-yr subhuman garbage
Nice argument, you cock sucking liberal. why don’t you go back to making dinner for your roastie wife while she is pounded by Tyrone?
That's what liberals don't understand. Once a person gets red pilled and goes right there's no turning back. You either stay on the left you're whole life or you live long enough to become Hitler.
Just because you are a turbofaggot and came here thru Sup Forums like all the turbofaggots doesn't mean the rest of the site thought this way.
I came here for /m/ and there were threads trying to get WWII era tanks into /m/ even then. People were making games just so they could rp as nazis in their spare time.
Sup Forums is on meinspace tho
Source on girl?
I think ethnonationalists, fascists, neo-cons are the cancer of society. Fundamentalists have done more damage than fags ever could.
la creatura immonda ...
this. when I was a brainwashed libtard ten years ago I still was curious and enjoyed debating, gathering facts, figuring out how things work etc.
>tl;dr brainwashed =/= braidead
El goblino de las tinieblas siempre negro
I don't understand how obvious b8 like this can work, but I like it!
I'm not really liberal. I lean left, but I'm more an anarchist that anything else.
I come here for the same reason I read Chick tracts, good to modern conspiracy theory websites, or watch old documentaries on YouTube about the evils of rock and roll...
I have a fascination with the absurd and it doesn't even get more absurd that Sup Forums. They have the vehement hatred of women you'd see coming from incels or MGTOW, the racism of the worst of Stormfront, with the paranoia of conspiracy theory forums. All while unironically thinking that their unfunny political memes are funnier than unfunny left-wing memes.
Also, it's funny to try and figure out which posters legitimately believe the shit the do and which ones are shitposting
Lose me with that generic bullshit. You have an original thought in your head?
Just call your opponents cuck and post frogs on twitter and tell yourself it’s any different than virtue signaling. For people so elitist, you’re all the same. And you’ll die unloved like the rest.
liberals are low iq infants seeking out what they naturally know is superior people ie a mom, dad, or pol
>I think ethnonationalists, fascists
That's because you have objectively untrue and anti-scientific views about human genetics. It's the only thing that makes maintaining a lolbertarian world view tenable.
You're right about neo-cons at least.
>Fundamentalists have done more damage than fags ever could.
This is a sort of false dichotomy. The elevation of unhealthy behavior is causing much societal harm now. But yes, fundies should be told to stfu for the most part.
Were talking about the same people who control 99% of the media and stage massie riots over the fact that conservatives are still allowed to have a platform. Youre talking about the people who shut down college campuses with riots because 5% of the student body is allowed to posess a different opinion from thiers.
Theyre intolerant busy-bodies who literally seethe with hatred at the idea that anyone else is allowed to think differently. They come here looking for a fight.
Keep talking cuck, sooner or later you will be one of us once you take the red pill there is no going back
Liberals like to think they are saving people but in reality they are the true Nazis. Going anywhere they can to try and stamp out any opposing views and they have no self awareness and dont realize it.
This, I used to be "kind of" liberal and was mostly libertarian. The more I became a race realist, shedding the "lol edgy" racism, the further I strayed from lolbertarians.
>Liberals are the Nazis
No mate, they tremble with fear, not hate.
First of all most self declared liberals are actually ideologically marxist and marxists never stop until you make them do so with extreme prejudice.
>have you learned nothing here?
Sup Forums has always and will always be a National Socialist board