Do we have Bad Music because the Creative Millennials were Overmedicated?

It makes sense there was a conspiracy to overmedicate the creative or different millennials. The system told people that differences were good so that no one would suspect what was happening to the different people.

This is why Millennials aren't making good music. Because the creative people were either overmedicated or marginalized to the point of dropping over. The overmedication changed their brains forever and got rid of a lot of creative genius deviations.

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Just stick to the old stuff, Nazi Germany army songs are my favorite

But what about the conspiracy? I think there was a genuine conspiracy to form us into vapid people who were unable to think individually.

Two things actually, overmedication and overstimulation.

Every 6 year old boy with energy and imagination is given mandatory adderal to “calm him down” these days. It severely stunts the mental growth of the young boy, effectively turning him into a good goy drone by adulthood.

Every kid nowadays is given an ipad and unlimited internet access as soon as they are old to enough to touch a screen.

Just curious but what happened to most of the Millennials who's parents were outliers and refused to medicate them?

That’s the end game of the (((global Jewish conspiracy)))

Step 1: dumb everyone down with vaccines and medication, start at a young age

Step 2: make a content population. That’s the thing with phones and internet and social media and entertainment, it’s not interesting at all but it’s just satisfying enough to keep us coming back by utilizing dopamine rushes and stimulation. Over time it destroys our attention spans and social lives by making us hooked on technology 24/7. This is also started at a young age by pushing iPads onto kids.

Step 3: destroy any sense of identity and sense of family and community within people. They already successfully did this with blacks by destroying the black family structure, now they’re doing it to whites by encouraging divorce, casual sex, cheating, single parenthood, birth control to destroy the sanctity and commitment of relationships, etc. Once they destroy the family they destroy the community

Step 4: total control

My parents didn’t medicate us growing up and I’ve noticed that me and my brothers aren’t mindless emotionless consumerist drones like people who were well medicated and well stimulated

If overstimulation is fucking me up as a 30yr old, that kid has ZERO chance

Same. I'm just asking because most parents were on the medicate the child out of differences train.

It made me almost completely unable to relate to my peers.

Yea I’ve heard bad things about kids with iPads. They grow up to be 100% retarded and depdendent on stimulation. Like if you thought the millennial addiction to screens was bad, just wait until the current children grow up

Now they use them as babies

That video made me sad

She's not even getting normal baby years.

Sadly I see this everywhere. At restaurants all the kids just stare at iPads. When I go to friends or families houses, the kids are just staring at iPads. It makes me sad for the future of our society.

How do you think this will affect them when they grow up?

Why a conspiracy? Non-vapid people who think individually are problematic to the institutions. Parents believing failure to thrive in those institutions means either they are bad parents or there is something wrong with their children go for the latter and medicate.

Nobody is blamed. The child gets high.

The cause of the problem is fitting square pegs into round holes. The drugs are just a new way to make square pegs round - no matter that the square pegs that fell out were actually valuable - they just weren't valuable to the institutions paid to make pegs fit though holes no matter what.

Because the mecication actually changes a person's brain for life during their developmental years.

Lack of imagination or creativity, complete 100Percent dependence on screen stimulation, socially stunted and more

How does it affect someone if they are socially stunted but extremely imaginative and creative? Hating the outside world and preferring to live in your elaborate fantasies 24/7?

It's becasue the Jews took over the music industry, fucktard

Sorry but iPads are not a proper way for a child to develop imagination. Legos and toys are a much better option.