Why companies keep trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't buys their product? I thought capitalism was about making money, not to waste money on political propaganda.
Why companies keep trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't buys their product...
because they hire firms to do market research for them. these firms have bias. the higher ups in the vidya companies don't realize that this bias exists
Influence is power. The commies know this.
And yet they make more people hating communists.
A very good question to which I'd like to know the answer, I suspect that the entertainment industry has become infested with far-left millennials who were indoctrinated in college who simply can't stop themselves from inserting Marxism in to their projects.
They key is knowing thy there is a large white male cuck fanbase who will keep buying your shit no matter how much you dump on their dreams.
andromeda flopped just because it was a fucking mess, really. game was so unfinished and buggy that it's legitimately hard to believe it came from a major publisher and studio.
also is Nier actually that good? what's it even like? is it an action RPG?
>finally have a femturian romance
>have absolute dogshit writers in charge of the game
Bowden explains it pretty well in his talk on marxism & the frankfurt school. We're living in a perverse monstrosity of radically left wing ideas use to the benefit of capitalist profit.
In England, in the early part of the 20th century, intellectuals of left and right often used to debate with each other. This is really no longer possible now eighty, ninety years on.
The irony is that if you’d turned to them or their audiences, maybe in venues like this, eighty-odd years ago and more, that we would have in the early part of the new millennium, a left wing, capitalist society, people would have said “You’re mad!” The idea that the market can adopt the values of the folded out, libertarian, slightly soft — but not entirely so — left would have been regarded as perverse by almost any social and ideological commentator of that era. But it’s what we’ve got! And it’s all around us, and it’s sort of in the ether; it’s all-pervasive. Even to cut against it in a very minor way is to create a shock somewhere. Certainly if you’re anyone of any reputation or any foreknowledge in the culture and you make a remark which is “incorrect,” and you’re known, and you’ve ventilated it as such, there’s a tremor in the web.
Now my interpretation of this is that hard Marxism, strict Marxist Leninism and various anarchistic and other variants often to one side of it, have failed, but the trajectory of the ideology itself has succeeded, has morphed, and has transfigured itself in a new way. You have the left has come into the center, taken it, turned it around, and what we’d call liberalism now, either with a small or large “L,” is not the liberalism of fifty to sixty years ago. It’s not even the liberalism of a hundred and fifty years ago.
The Protestant ideological moralism that underpinned liberal ideas of a traditional sort has been ripped out. So it’s become a materialist and secularist ideology prone to infiltration and change by forces from its own radical left.
>Video game companies hire consultants and research firms to find market demands and desires.
>These researchers do this, but only see the feminists as they are the loudest minority group.
>Failing to realize that this subgroup may not be the entire market, they take the easy route and say that feminists = gaming market.
>They happily return to the company with their "research" done.
>Unwilling to admit that the money spent on "research" was a waste of money, the C-level execs just assume it to be true and make a game about it.
>Lower-level devs are too busy to refute the research, even though they have experience dealing with feminist assholes,
>New entrants from other lefty tech companies make it near impossible to say that this isn't the case
>You now have a feminist game because execs were too prideful and devs were too scared / busy
Andromeda was only good for the crazy bow-legged running animations and you can just watch that on youtube.
>Why companies keep trying to appeal to an audience that doesn't buys their product?
that's one of the most perplexing things about what happens today
this is why I believe different forces are at work, forces above the profit motive of the economy. This propaganda is vital to the new society to come, it is pushed into video games despite the fact that gamers do not at all align with this nonsense
Rule 1 with the left: protect the ideology. Audience doesn't like "diversity" and progressive propaganda? Get a new audience.
>Now my interpretation of this is that hard Marxism, strict Marxist Leninism and various anarchistic and other variants often to one side of it, have failed, but the trajectory of the ideology itself has succeeded, has morphed, and has transfigured itself in a new way
indeed it has
Communism has realized itself not in the Russian or Chinese societies but the western society of the modern day. I hold that modern western american and european society is at heart what communism was destined to be from its inception. We alone are atheist, materialist and have replaced religion with scientism. Our universities and academia burst with leftist revisionism and the craziest and cookiest liberal garbage the humand mind can conceive of. Our politicians and nobody else's, flood their own countries with cheap labour and destroy their own heritage. Nobody else does anything that remotely resembles it - particularly not the openly communist regimes!
Because these kinds of people either don't believe in or understand capitalism. They believe people will or should buy things based on the moral or societal obligation instead of personal benefit.
I recommend reading Atlas Shrugged. It's not entirely realistic, but it provides an excellent critique of the postmodernist and Marxist mindsets.
This should answer your question
I wanna play Jade's game
Bowden posting is my favorite new thing
What's remarkable about Bowden is that he talked about all these things before they ever emerged in the mainstream. Back in 2010, 2011 no one had any clue of what was to happen, but Bowden saw it.
Nier baited you with ass and delivered a great story.
Andromeda was just Potato tier from the beginning.
Most people on this board don't even know who he is, still. You still see people fapping over softballs like Pierce
>models used for character base are good looking
>female devs mutt them up
It has some combos like Bayonetta.
Also it's one of those games where the first playthrough isn't nowhere near the end.
this is just how it work
you buy bec it looks nice => u play more and more bec the game is nice
>Meanwhile Nier has direct references to Marx and Engels, among other philosophers and thinkers
The real difference is that Andromeda is a shit game made by hasbeens who've been bleeding talent because of EA.
>too busy to not make a shit game
That makes sense.
$ is just a tool. They print $ all they want. It's just a lever to move things. They want power. They're this close to destroying the west and white men. What's a few dollars they printed compared to that? Once they seize full control they'll have all the wealth and power and $. The only thing in their way is us.
I mean these companies operate on a sunk cost fallacy to be frank. EA has a tight schedule for almost all of their games. So if development has been going on for months, people could be well aware that the game is shit yet they stay the course because too much time has been sunk into the game for it to change now