Opinion thread
Opinion thread
You're retarded m8
Poorthener detected.
i like this, but you should know Henry V conquered a whole lot more territory then that. Also the Angevin Empire was a lot larger.
>why such a small part of france?
It puts the fr*nch in their place since the Normans were Anglos and they're are too weak to assert otherwise buy any means of force.
Worse than niggers
hmm, Fuck the fr*nch
Normans has been colonized by Vikings (Norvegian and shit), not anglos.
Normandie has been*
Normans were the Vikings. (men of the North)
fuck you dont include my place in your homeland
>being loved by bongs
>loving non-whites
You people are probably the only relevant (by EU standards) nation in Europe who aren't annoying faggots. Dante and Mussolini were top tier too desu
I knew the fr*gs would come out of their hovels
why the hate
Norman here. Fuck off role player. You're ours.
>Calls Anglos larpers for claiming Normandy
>literally been larping as Normans for 1000 years
It's the case though. It's not a matter of blood but of whom the people followed and what they did at this time.
Freeing southern italy from the m*slim, owning the angl*s, first crusade, ...
>national motto is "Dieu et mon droit"
>amblem is norman golden lions and french blue and gold lilies
>thinks normans are anglos
You were conquered by some french dudes, get over it
Danke Deutschland state of mind
>Norman rapebaby Larping as Norman
I'm not an islamophobe please don't kill me!
go back to your country you sandnigger
>people this retarded actually exist
>oh wait, they're fr*nch
>I'm special! I'm not French, really! Pls say so
no reason to hate any of you, we're all family
Wait this is how I'ts supposed to be right?
“France” does not exist. There exists only the Parisian Masonic occupied zone, indicated by the absolute unitarist government with its systematic genocide of various native cultures for being too Catholic. These cultures are annihilated and prostrated before New Sodom aka Pa*is.
Coming from a Scottish, British, French, German, Scandinavian Mutt
I like this map
> we're all family
b-but why did you forget us?
Paris has been shit for close to the entirety of its existence, even under christian rule. What is new about that? The same thing can be said of Jew York, London, and most big cities which are the heart and culmination of whoredom.
And stating France = Paris is retarded. Since we talked of normandie look at its contribution to France.
I'm going to keep shilling these threads until we aren't that irrelevant anymore.
you are and will always be irrelevant.
>sorry bout that
only blue areas are good
I don't know much about your country hense why I didn't color it, no opinion
That makes no sense
Malta is literally the "no opinion" canon
Sad but quite true unfortunately
>tfw Moortoguese and Cucktalunjan have never heard the tale of how Based Crusaders stooped the Ottoman menace
Greetings from your homeland.
What makes no sense? I fundamentally disagree with Hungary's policies, attitudes, and stances because I do not value what the people of that nation value. My values far more closely align with the people of Iceland, for example.
how the fuck would you know the values of iceland?
>fucking burgers
we dont like you, fuck off
I forgot to remove that. I also forgot to put dislike on North Africa instead of kill it with fire. Don't know enough about Malta to be desu with you
By actually studying other cultures and keeping up with the changes they make in their nations?
Fuck off Lloyd.
Remove memeflag.
Prove it.
my mistake I left that on accident
oh yeah, how you studying the culture of iceland. What changes are they making? How does the public feel about the current political climate?
What we value mostly I'd say is families and national identitity, but at the same time you dislike Germany and Sweden who do the opposite, and have mixed feelings about Poland which is almost identical to what Hungary stands for but ok
By any chance are you Hungoyrian?
>literally been larping as Normans for 1000 years.
they've been larping as franks for 1500 years
>What changes are they making?
Moving towards anti-capitalistic, socialist, environmental policies, but at the same time being very active in opposing corruption in their government, far more so than most. I don't love them, but I find that their attitude towards banking, the purposes of government, refugees, etc is closer to my views than many other nations.
>How does the public feel about the current political climate
The beginning stages of disillusionment with democracy are occurring (not just in Iceland), which is the first step to genuine change. Beyond that I can only judge by actions, I do not know the thoughts or value judgments behind them.
I am neither liberal nor conservative, I'd classify myself as a left-wing radical National Socialist. I criticize Hungary on the basis of having values I disagree with, I criticize Sweden and Germany on their lack of standards, their tolerance for all values. I probably should have put dislike for Poland, but they just made Christ the official king, which bumped them up by 1 notch because they were the first country I'd heard of to do so.
Then why do you support a country that promotes the mass murder of unborn children?
Do you have no quarrel with this?
how are you studying it i said.
You are so full of shit it's unreal. You don't know dick you absolute cunt.
Pretty sure we could play a game of bingo with that clusterfuck of mismatched political stances
I'm sorry potatos, I just can't stand talking to you