Redpill thread because too many shills. Post your redpill and leave, don't fall for any bait here.
Pic is a reminder that America does not have a gun problem, blacks and mexicans do.
Redpill thread because too many shills. Post your redpill and leave, don't fall for any bait here.
Pic is a reminder that America does not have a gun problem, blacks and mexicans do.
Reminder for all shills everytime you see a "donate to africa" or "save africa" commercial that it's all BULLSHIT. The african population is currently exploding to insane levels and all aid should be cut off or sent as contraceptives.
We really need that wall
Yeah. Ok.
How does the shit hole of a continent Africa grow so much in population?
Is just that they're so far behind in economic development that Africa has the mos substantial gains to be made?
stop sending aid
>more black people died from constipation than by being killed by police while unarmed.
iq is a mem-
Why do niggers hate Trump more than spics? I didn't think he said anything against niggers.
Granted Germans counted causalities differently than most other nations. They didn't mark light wounds as causalities while most other countries did. But even bringing that into account, the k:d ratio is still very impressive.
The only thing I could think of was the Obama born in Kenya thing he pushed really hard.
They see the gop as the "white man party".
They vote 90% left since the 60's.
Exodus 20:11
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Is the average age of perpetrators among blacks 9.1 years old? or what the fuck am I looking at?
and just like that, you ruined your other points
8) Prophets
Did Kent Hovind get out of jail already?
Hi, Kent, hope your arsehole wasn't too badly damaged by Tyrone.
The SH redpill right here Faggots.
He did. He isn't near as good now though.
How is it even possible to die from constipation?
The poo gets backed up to far
England's Iq is messed up by immigration
Redpill on Fascism for normies who still think it's "evil" because muh Hitler
>Implying that Hovind was ever anything other than a gullible retard exploiting other gullible retard.
Pic related: A gullible retard exploited by the gullible retard who went on to exploit other gullible retards.
pt 1
pt 2
>ethiopia receives 133% of its expenditures in aid
your map is a joke
ty user... been looking for this.
good post
E celebs are a valid counter to main stream media and very important to further our cause. Only shills hate them. Richard Spencer has basically shaped the landscape and if you hate him you're a shill.
>No source
This is not how you convert the blue pilled