Why would Jews want whites as a minority? if Islam takes over then surely that would be bad for Jews?
It doesn't add up. Whats the incentive?
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Mudslims are easier to control. White chimpout causes world wars.
Because Muslims are low iq animals you can easily bait to kill each other.
That Jewish kid looks pretty white to me, albeit a very ugly white. Could fit in Scotland.
Because they're playing the long con. It isn't their end-game to have shitskins as the majority. Their hope is to beat the white race down with hordes of subhumans until we get so sick of it that we rise up against them. They'll exploit that moment to get complete control over not only the white race, but every race we dominate in our retaliation.
This is why they fake so many terrorist attacks. This is why they funded turmoil in the Middle-east and Africa. This is why they throw such much leftist shit at us, knowing full well we aren't built to take that for long.
I don't think they think that plan that far in advance. Rather, they just hate Europeans and do everything they can to harm us. If you've ever watched Der ewige Jude, the narrator talked about how even beautiful European art and sculptures are like poison to the jew.
White? Looks like an inbred half bald headed mongoloid.
I thought they wanted race mixing to bring down the average IQ while pumping everyone with soy to make them all effeminate so what their left with is weak willed easily manipulated slaves.
>Why would Jews want whites as a minority?
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Your gonna die choking on cawk, thats a promise
Europeans have been kickin them outta european countries for over a thousand years
Moving them on from place to place like fucking gypsies
They take corners of the markets in different countries, take over control of small-mid trading, take all local money and only spend it between themselves
Wonder why people hate their greedy manipulative shillin
Jews actually love Muslims.
there is no incentive because demonization of the jews is a Sup Forums fetishization and a logical fallacy
What makes you think the Jews won't turn around and wipe the Muslims out once they've served their purpose?
>australia half black
>israel, italy, greece all black
>3/4 of russia black
>2/3 of usa black
>argentina all black
neck yourself
left wing diaspora Jews are retarded and the entire enrichment thing is a plan gone horribly wrong
at first they thought having more minorities would take the heat of them.
only now are they starting to realize they're turning the countries they live in to shit
Jews just want white people to be afraid of white genocide so that, in their panic, white people will be easier to control. It's all a Jewish psyop. White people are still a majority and bombing the enemies of Israel will not increase our birth rates.
I hate that pic.
I am not a nigger. I don`t want to enter your gay countries.
Do you really believe they want Europe to become Muslim? They will subvert Islam as they did with Christianity (and Paganism beofore).
Once the infidels(we) are gone, someone else will become the enemy. It could be a foreign nation, like China, or a ethnicity (like niggers).
(((Theiy))) want a endless conflict in a divided society, always. More chaos>more power to the state.
And when the goyim will have no rights, the New World Order will be established.
Muslims easily defeated using their own ignorance and aggression against them. Whites much more difficult.
>If Islam takes over
Have you ever heard of promoting wars to make a profit?
You've got it all wrong. Jews are allied with Saudi Arabia (they're both semites and they both want to conquer Europe). Jews use their financial acumen and networks to subvert western countries by destroying Christianity, our education system, the economy, and white birth rates - then bring in millions of arabs to colonise and conquer us with replacement migration. Saudi Arabia then returns the favour by offering military support in the Middle East for the Greater Israel project.
Its a mutually beneficial relationship.
They just hate us. It's in their genes or something. They are not especially thoughtful and are acting out what is in their nature.
jews love being hated.
the only people that have been nice to them have been white people and they stab us in the back so we hate them again, and cry out as they do so.
>That Jewish kid looks pretty white to me, albeit a very ugly white. Could fit in Scotland.
Half ginger half Jew. The worst of humanity right there.
>> 88
Someone up there is smiling at you.
That could indeed be the endgame.
Turn Evrope into modern day Egypt, Turkey, Greece or Italy. A place without glory nor progress, just problems.
but if the muslims become majority they basically have all of americas nukes at their disposal.
by the time it happens and the rate technology advances even muslims are smart enough to press the big red button.
It still doesn't make sense. It kind of debunks a lot of Jew conspiracy. If they are doing it then its a shit plan.
>Burn down your own continent twice
>Kill millions of your own people
>Call it a world war
lol white people
>They just hate us. It's in their genes or something.
Subversion is a parasitical evolutionary group strategy that evolved over thousands of years in predominantly white Christian societies. However, this doesn't mean there aren't very intelligent jews at the highest levels in politics, finance, media and entertainment who are consciously pursuing an agenda for their own selfish reasons. The higher level jews at the top of the jewish pyramid know exactly what they're doing.
Conquering Christendom by subversion has been their plan for hundreds of years, long before WW2 and the fall of Germany. The international bankers wanted a war with Germany so they could consolidate their control.
Arabs are easy to play like a fiddle. The whole palestinian meme was created by israel in order to make the arabs chimp out and give us legitimacy to take more land from them in order to protect ourselves.
Blacks are even lower than Arabs; they are literally animals that you can do whatever you want with without effort.
Asians are not bad since they never tried to genocide us so they don't deserve anything
I got an interesting theory. Jews want us to hate muslims and blacks, through forced immigration. We'll suddenly start to chimp out and destroy islam and blackies; so israel can scream: "see, we're right! now gib land to israel!"
> White chimpout causes world wars.
Really, when was that? Do you realize who (literally) financed all major factions in WW1 and WW2 in order to bring about a total reconstruction of Europe to their benefit? Hint: it wasn't "the whites".
>but if the muslims become majority they basically have all of americas nukes at their disposal
Not if jews stay in control of the financial system, they won't
Pic related
No matter who sits on the throne, Jews will still be pulling the strings until the Ponzi scheme collapses
jews hate everybody else but themselves most of all
deep down they just want to be holocausted again and will keep pushing and prodding until it happens one way or another
they want to weaken their only true enemy, then they try to mix with the remaining whites, who proved to be strong and bright enough to be part of a "new masterrace". after that's done the rest will be enslaved
Niggers have nothing to burn down
because we don't
Ultimately there will be hordes of shitskins with a very small white/jewish elite ruling over the shitskins.
Thats the plan. Jews basically want to be the elite white ruling class.
Mongrelisation friend. Its much easier to rule low iq collectivist radical idealogues than it is to rule people raised in an individualist enlightenment based society. (((They))) dont care if you're Muslim' Marxist, even National Socialist, so long as you're stupid and idealogically possessed.
Nice comeback, dodo. I'll write it down since your people have no future
You're fucking destructive parasites. When lots of jews started showing up in America in the early 20th century they went straight to work trying to change our immigration laws. You didn't get your way until 65'. Had your tribe just laid low, nobody would know you even exist. But no, you jews had to start destroying the host the moment you got off the boat.
This is the eternal jew MANIFEST - they don't think long term.
I know let's create an atheist state in russia that persecutes Christians - fine until Stalin takes over and suddenly Jews are being persecuted as well.
The jewish problem is not that they're stupid. Jews are very smart - but they are nowhere near as smart as they think they are, and they underestimate everyone else. This is why they always end up getting their heads kicked in
I thought they already were if you buy your stupid 'jew privelege' crap.
>Prison planet
Mfw your gonna get assainated now.
the bolshevik revolution still resulted in a long-term culling of the intelligent and creative classes of russians. Russia will probably never be as great as it was 100 years ago. Whereas the jew continues to refine and improve his gene pool. The jew thinks long long term, like in the hundreds of years, not in decades
is this a meme account or for real?
>Because they're playing the long con. It isn't their end-game to have shitskins as the majority. Their hope is to beat the white race down with hordes of subhumans until we get so sick of it that we rise up against them
Interesting angle.
The Jews rely on subversion and manipulation. They are basically sniveling cowards. What they have most relied on is taking over media, education and banking and have convinced white men to work like dogs in order to kick up Shekels and by proxy, Power to Joos.
This is why the "Shitskins will take over the white race!" theory has never held water with me. It's not easy to subvert or manipulate animals. They just come in, gobble up resources until there are none and die until an equilibrium between consumer and nature is reached. If a Shitskin wants to fuck a white woman, he will simple rape her. He'll never go through the trouble of working and being a member of society to get her hand.
I think all the "white race is dying" fear is more tuned to getting white men to stop "Dropping Out" (eg: MGTOW) and "participate" (eg: Work; Be Taxed; Pay Interest; Be a Financial Slave).
There is a difference in that "the Jews are doing it" and that "it would be a benefit to all Jews".
Don't think a Jew will not Jew over an unsuspecting Jew he has no connections with.
> virtualy
> literally
So what? He was supposed to say: " i will not finance a conflict between sovereign nations. "? And: "I will not finance the reconstruction of Europe, you deserved it. "?
They blame whites, who hates muslims, for muslims hating jews. They are that bad, Shlomo.
they are profoundly jealous of western civilization
Jews don't fear muslims. They have allied with them many times throughout history. Their ultimate enemy is the white man.
Islams and Judaism are two sides of the same coin. They're constantly at (((war))) with each other expect it's always other countries fighting for them.
Jews will be found out an once again, they will face a vicious backlash that will destroy them for good.
Sorry, but your an idiot. Are you even white?
Jews will use anyone 2 obtain their JWO goal.
Good point
Do you honestly think an IQ of 90 would be high enough to drive capitalism? Would anything even get invented? New products? New inventions?
Shit, an IQ of 90 is just about being an Ape. What work would it do? This propaganda infographic is assuming the a low-IQ race of mud people could actually drive a capitalistic society.
The driving FORCE behind capitalism is whites. Otherwise, it would be a commie system and the Joos would not get hardly any shekels.
It's like the old saying, "Harder than trying to herd cats". You'd have massive crime waves; rebellion; resistance.
The power of the Kikes to date has been a tactic of manipulation and subversion. Who would control these animals? More animals?
Let us sing about the jews
Oh we have a future alright, one that will include removing worthless shitskins like you from our societies. Now that Israel paved the way, your free ride will come to an abrupt end sooner rather than later.
>Why would Jews want whites as a minority? if Islam takes over then surely that would be bad for Jews?
>It doesn't add up. Whats the incentive?
Whites are the powerful ethnicities. Eliminate them and then they move on to the genocide of the powerless ethnicities.
>implying communism isn't what jews really want
>>implying communism isn't what jews really want
Perhaps they do "want communism" but are The Joos smart enough to understand that it will benefit them less when they have such a shoddy system of communism to control the people.
Once a nation goes commie, you have an entire population who wants handouts and nobody to give those handouts. Look back to Russia in the 80s when they had to fight for cars, bread and Levis. Americans would visit Moscow and the Russians would pay them a months wages to strip down in the street and give them Levis jeans.
Who would "protect Israel"??? How long before the Ape masses descended up on the Joos to slaughter them?
The major flaw with Whites is that they are smart enough to produce goods; invent; cure and flourish in society but they're also susceptible to coercion and manipulation.
Why did we eventually crush Soviet Russia? Through the sheer force of capitalism.
Whites already realize that government is the problem. Many are starting to opt-out; drop out; form militias; etc. Once the Mud Society starts, the remaining whites will retreat to the forests to regroup. Game of Thrones for like 200 years and then they come back to form a new civilization without Joos.
The Jew is an irrational creature.
Man, that question has been answered so many times, how often?
Found this on the Red Pill thread today.
Without white society.......there is no society, just animals inside a pen.
And the Joos are already inbred as it is. It's not as if they will create the next cure for Polio or overcome the next Black Plague.
They need whites but they need to manipulate them. That is the whole reason for their Fake Religion; their "Chosen People" status and the lies of the Holocaust.
Half these anti-Joo threads fail to see the reverse psychology nature of the Joos. They are master manipulators. They are puppeteers.
The last white person on earth will be the messiah, screencap this.