Why are most of you against white-asian race mixing? they are traditional based and smart what harm can it do, i myself have a beautiful loyal asian girlfriend and think you all are just jealous
If you're going to race mix with a non white, why not a castiza since they are like golden white women
Why not show us where you’re really from shill boy.
For the sake of your thread you best reply with your proper geo location
Because it ruins the white race and appeals to weak soyboy beta males.
Both things that National Socialist White Men should be opposed to.
'Asians' don't exist.
You have the superior Japanese, Korean and (some of) Chinese.
The rest of Asia is way lower than them.
Mixing your genes with anyone outside your race is wrong by itself, regardless of who it is with.
Whites must always mate with Whites. Making it about Asians is just counter-signalling. It's about producing more white children.
This is what most white men who like Asian women look like.
Vaping, glued to his computer, no life, skinny, beta male.
We don't have a problem with Asian people. We have a problem with race mixing.
Understand, op?
>this cherry picked example is what they all look like
Sure bro.
"Marry me white man. I am a traditional waifu and will obey and love you forever! So submissive! So obedient!"
Against white Asian mixing okay with fucking a sexbot.
Moral ground is very strong on pol.
Why is it that this particular combination of races seems to produce mentally fucked up individuals more than any other?
Neither are ok. Sup Forums only likes sexbots because they will render the power women currently wield null and void.
But in reality, sex bots are not a good thing.
Those aren't even soyboys, they are soymen. GTFO, at least they don't need their right hand in order to get laid like you do.
does it really though?
dont forget that r/hapas propaganda doesnt differentiate between "white" and "jewish".
Look how mad you are.
If you think these are legit before and after, you think all Asians look alike. These are different people.
Yeah, I'm mad what are you going to do about it? Laugh it up faggot but my hapa spawn will go crazy and be at that local gas station when you are there. Just you watch.
>at least they don't need their right hand in order to get laid like you do.
I have a girlfriend who is beautiful, virgin, submissive, and aryan as I am.
Unlike you, I have not compromised my blood in order to get fucked. We are both virgins and will enter into sex only after the sacrament of marriage has been received.
You are a subhuman.
thats what most white "men" these days look like, period.
and then their wife divorces them a few years later because they are completely unengaged with the relationship other and start writing screeds online about how he was completely blindsided and never saw it coming (both true -if you're glued to fantasy lands and disengaged emotionally its pretty hard to spot your wife feeling like a leaf in the wind)
they made her lips smaller?
Most chicks are trying for the inflated fish-lips look, but this one goes from normal to zero lips?
>I have a girlfriend who is beautiful, virgin, submissive, and aryan as I am.
Your right hand doesn't count, otherwise post proof. The only faggot here is you, you faggot larper.
Your offspring will hate you for dooming them to a cursed mutant existence.
That type of shit happens when you also get lost in your career. I think a lot of people just get lost in the romanticism of "love" and don't realize that people are flawed.
Not as much as they hate you.
Asians have a constant inferiority complex.
>top right one
Only one that objectively got worse from surgery.
Its just natsoc faggots who want this from you.
No, they will hate you more. I didn't doom them to a cursed mutated existence. If they hate me, it is only because they envy me.
Typical WMAF couple.
Beta white man + ugly fat leftover Asian woman
What exactly is traditional and based about marrying a gaijin and racemixing? Neither of you would be traditional or even conservative.
its bad photoshop, not surgery
honestly the shit people believe about the asian surgery meme is ridiculous to anyone who even somewhat familiar with plastic or maxillofacial surgery.
It is extremely hard to make ugly people attractive. Extremely hard. Most actual surgery patients barely improve their looks, you can look at the works of the top surgeons in the world to confirm this.
the asian "transformation" pictures are almost certainly the work of photoshop rather than a scalpel. For most of the serious causes of ugliness, there is simply not any good surgical correction techniques. Indeed, many things like eye spacing and significant asymmetry cannot be corrected safely.
tl;dr its surgery clinics using photoshop to sell people on abilities these clinics simply do not have and probably will not have, ever.
>it's all photoshop goyim, don't listen to Sup Forums's warnings.
Nobody is falling for it.
Ha that's wishful thinking when it comes to Hapa craziness, they will gun you down like a fish in a barrel.
The only admissible race mixing here is white-slav
>someone says it's not ok to racemix
>you start making death threats
hmmm I wonder which one people will believe.
I'm not making death threats, I'm just stating facts. Or do you disagree with me that hapas are crazy?
How do you know that she's submissive if you haven't fucked her user?
>I'm not making death threats
Coward. This is why you can't find and conquer a white woman. You are filled with fear. The instant someone shines light on your actions, you retreat into the darkness like a cockroach.