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The Hapa'ing?
tired of reading about it here, I know what happened and I've read everyone's incest fantasys
Whites are degenerate?
Castizos > Hapas
shes a qt
wait what? They look roughly the same age.
>Whites are degenerate
From what I've read their kid will probably be okay genetically. One generation of incest is okay, but going a second or third round you'll begin to run dangerously short of genetic diversity.
He failed as a father and a husband.
t. creep who wants to bang his sister and/or mom
They would make millions with in porno
They probably would.
>didn’t know each other until they met later in life so it’s clear he didn’t groom her
>both over the age of 18
So far nothing here more degenerate than the average person having casual sex or homosexual sex.
>had a kid
Now this is degenerate as fuck because the kid is inbred
They lived apart for 16 years
Still weird though
Wait, are you saying that's actually a legal crime?
Where? Not in Canada right?
He made his grandkids white again! Whats the probs?
This. Damn Mongolians
he memed too hard for
>tfw Asian gf
yes, this.
as far as sexual taboos go, incest is probably the worst, just ahead of necrophilia. But genetically, one generation of incest isn't as bad as the memes are. Humans at this stage, are generally hyper hetereogenous, and one off generation isn't going to destroy a child typically. Much of your ancestors were products of incest as well, and routine "near" incest was common for thousands of years, when villages were only around 100 people.
tldr; incest isn't actually as bad as the memes are unless done for multiple generations.
I would totally fuck her if it weren't for the fact that she gave birth to a potential leatherface.
How much would it fucking suck to know you were the child of incest? If it's only one generation, you probably wouldn't be retarded, but you would have all sorts of weird physiological and psychological issues that would present themselves randomly. You would feel defective, because in a sense you would BE defective. Goddamn.
They are a hot couple.
I wish he could keep breed dat Asian.
The child doesn't need to know. It would be for the best if no one knew.
Pedophilia's way worse than either. You're psychologically damaging a fucking child.
Incest is gross, and we're hardwired to be repulsed by the thought of it. But more importantly, obviously it undermines the wellbeing of the offspring.
Necrophilia isn't really morally wrong. It's just incredibly disgusting, and if their relatives or friends found out they'd probably be really pissed off. But it's kind of a victimless crime. Granted, I hope no one, or at least no guys or ugly chicks, ever fuck my corpse.
he essentially just shares 75% of his genes with his father, instead of routine 50%. Humans are generally extremely outbred today compared to the even recent past, so that increase isn't going to fuck up one generation child that much on a typical basis.
Damn I'm going to make sure my daughter takes the pill. Don't want a son who is also my grandson. That's awkward.
I agree with you there, and I'm sure this child will probably never find out because they're in the adoption system. But I have to assume most kids who remain with their families eventually find out; it's kind of a big secret to hide.
he's from North Carolina, which speaks fucking volumes
[citation needed]
What a cute couple
Incest is fine.
Usually they just move to a new place or country and restart a new life.
This one was unlucky his ex wife was a cunt.
its common knowledge sorry you're fucking retarded
i would fuck his daughter
Trump is the same type of degenerate, claims he would date his own daughter if she was not his daughter...his friend circle (((epstein))) suggest that she may have been candy on the lolita express
The elite knowns no limit
>meme flag
>retarded post
a problem with humanity is that everyone in the west are fucking hamplanets now, that a literal 4/10 becomes something to lust over.
hapa, even hapaier
Nothing a good old Sup Forumsack wouldn't do.
>tfw baby's father is also it's grandfather
Now he is both of those, quite literally, at same time.
It's common knowledge that being a child of incest doesn't create problems for the offspring? Really? And you're calling me a retard? kys
meh, whatever happens within a family and between consenting adults isn't really our problem. I think it should be mandatory to release your genetic profile to each other before you sign a marriage certificate or consider pregnancy so you know what to expect and what will be the outcome of birth but other than that you can fuck your dog, cat, horse, uncle, grandmother behind closed doors for all I care because it doesn't affect me personally. We should frown upon as society on pregnancies outside of wedlock and not subsidize them and promote pregnancies for married couples, also we must illegalize divorce and make it a punishable offense for leaving your spouse. Getting married should be a lengthy process and true to it's word; UNTIL DEATH DO US APART!
Did she get bail yet?
>no makeup
>still qt3.14
hapa superiority confirmed
Cute story, up until the ending. I hope there's a sequel where the bad guys lose and love wins?
>Both your children and grandchildren call you daddy in and out of the bedroom.
If a straya can't find comedy in that then all hope is lost.
Dude it's set somewhere to like a 100 million dollars which is a stupid amount for the crime. Even covering like 5% of that for bail would be fucking crazy. That being said the Dad was bailed out, kek.
Is it even really incest if the kid is less genetically similar to you than most white people?
She's kinda cute
God dammit North Carolina...every time we start getting cocky about not being as bad as Florida, someone marries their daughter.
OP is a faggot and a sage
Thread theme
>all this hate over the miracle of love
meant for Bowie is great though.
Every time that baby kills an animal it appears on it's shirt, I think satan does it.
It's common knowledge that humans were radically more inbred for extreme vast majority of existence, you fucking meme flag. Of course incest causes problems, but on a macroscale, only after multiple generations. Yes, typically, one generation of incest isn't a horrible thing genetically. Especially when humans today are hyper outbred, and his own daughter has extremely distant east asian genes as well. Biology isn't fucking retarded. If one generation made everyone infertile and braindead, than no life forms would even exist today. Basically fucking your sister one generation, then your cousin, then your half sister, was the norm for the first 200k years of homo sapien history, until agricultural revolution, when it just became fuck your cousins. And then now, in post industrial revolution, humanity is extremely outbred, lowering the consequences of incest even further.
She is a beautiful mother.
Dancing with exhumed bodies brought back the black plague in 2017. There are victims of corpse diddling.
Everyone around you that you expose to disease.
Lmao at that butthurt roastie. Impregnating asian women and then aborting the males and breeding with the females is the future.
Only real countries can post here.
Why isn't the baby retarded?
That's just something the jews told you so you wouldn't bang your hot sister
Nah mate every woman you're supposed to lust over looks like Kim K. her retarded family. or a plastic Barbie doll with huge tits. Men just like their women to look normal and slightly sexy not 100% mutilated freaks with lips like niggers.
You have to inbreed for several generations to get a potato.
Cleopatra was an incest baby. Not all incest babies are born retarded. The chance they do and develop mental problems later in life, just signifcantly increases.
>if their relatives or friends found out they'd probably be really pissed off
I think that's a bit of an understatement. What if the corpse is a child or a baby? Don't you think that crosses a lot of lines? Would you really just be "really pissed off" if someone dug up your mom and put their cock in her mouth? I'd be more than "really pissed off." The psychological damage you'd do to the relatives isn't exactly "victimless."
Legit something I always thought.
Still banged my cousin though. 100% worth it.
Unless there's morbid obesity (250+ lbs) or severe disfigurement, most women under 30 wouldn't be a 4 out of 10. Don't be silly.
despite being his daughter she's more genetically distant to him than him to another random white person
I think we've had this thread 50 times since it happened weeks ago.
She wanted it a kid with a pig tail, case closed.
Will he fuck his grand daughter too?
No that would be disgusting.
Russia is the largest producer of incest porn in the world - often involving real relatives rather than the actor and script interactions of western incest porn. Sometimes these families are completely unaware of the global nature of their films, often being mislead to believe they are intended for small private audiences, and sometimes they are stolen home videos.
Supposedly a much less talked about aspect of slavic culture (at least not in english speaking documentation/communities) is that is not uncommon for the youth to be introduced to sex by an older adult in the family.
second to russia is japan, which has a high incidence report of cultural incest, which perhaps hasnt gotten attention until very recently for whatever reason. It is unclear whether mothers form inappropriate emotional relationships with their sons, or whether the relationships are purely sexual/preparatory in nature like the slavic example.
Then there is south asia, particularly india, where incest is reportedly alarming common, but is probably of the nonconsenting variety.
then you have all the burgeoning psych research about the commonness of incestous fantasties......
suffice to say arguments about being "hardwired" against incest are probably dumb and just-so stories. Environmental pressures influence biological expression. There were probably times in human history where incest was the only way to carry on reproduction.
then again, it takes a certain kind of stupid to look at the scope and breadth of human sexual behaviors and conclude it must all have strictly reproductive functions. Fags dont reproduce, and they fuck way more than hetero people do.
she is very cute
The fuck? Did he have her when he was 10 or something? He doesn't look much older.
Why arrest them?
Backward America...
Love know no boundaries, let them love each others.
>American education
That's fucking genius. He can have 75 % white children through a 0 % wife woman. Next iteration will be 87.5 % white. This man is a god damn hero.
>those lips
>daddy dick
Of course. What would even be the point otherwise?
>How much would it fucking suck to know you were the child of incest?
I'd want to get a try with mommy too
You are a sad little faggot, and it's clear you want to fuck your mother.
7/10 would bang
>such a qt
There is nothing wrong with love for sister.
I knew she felt familiar somehow.
She sort of looks like her in a way.
he looks no more than 5 years older than her