So no charges were filed and he hasn't been convicted of anything. He allegedly hit her 14 years ago and based on that his entire life should be ruined and he should never get a job again.
How is that fair?
So no charges were filed and he hasn't been convicted of anything. He allegedly hit her 14 years ago and based on that his entire life should be ruined and he should never get a job again.
How is that fair?
He fucking did it. Any man who hits a woman deserves to be jailed for at least a decade and ruined.
Fuck this animal
>t. roastie
Nope, just a grown man who doesnt pick on people weaker than me.
> Polack
Go fix a toilet, third worlder
>how is that fair?
Is he a white male? If no, do not report any of what he's accused of and do not show his picture. If yes, he must be executed publicly next week.
Rob Porter is a subhuman thug. I hope someone kills him
because fuck off roastie thundertwunt, that's why.
What happened?
> Magapede hyperbole
He actually did it though. We have pics, restraining orders, his kids confirm etc. Porter is just a thug criminal who violently attacks weaker people.
Whats the issue? He should be shamed out of society and impoverished
Reminder: There is literally no logical reason to ever speak to women
quick rundown?
When Rob Porter ( currently dating Hope Hicks)was hired the FBI refused to give him a clearances because he had beaten both his ex wives so Trump issues him a temp security clearance because Kelley wanted him.
>marred someone in 2003
>allegedly abused her (including punching her with a photo)
>they divorced
>married another woman in 2009
>was "emotionally abusive" and they divorced
>couldnt get a security clearance because of it
>press found out and wanted his head
You aren't admirable at all.
You are like all liberals, spare the rod, spoil the child--be it a child or woman. There has to be order, and you are not dominant, nor a grown man. You are likely a soft, scraggly bearded fool who thinks that if he doesn't hit a woman, the respect and favor will be returned. I hope you live forever so your smug sense of 'living a good life' on your deathbed never reaches the threshold of your miserable mind.
How do you let them know what kind of sandwich they have to make
Thats a funny viewpoint.
In reality Rob Porter has been convicted of a violent offense and refused to obey a restraining order.
He is aviolent criminal by any definition and his attitude towards women leaves him with no place in modern society
> this entire post
Its over Rob, you arent getting your job back
>Rob Porter has been convicted of a violent offense
[citation needed]
This is literally an MSM distraction from the real news coming out guys.
This sociopath worked with Gen. Kelly every day, often 14 hour days -- Kelly thought they were best m8s -- and NOT ONCE did this guy mention he had a pair of ex wives?
Kelly didn't even know this guy had ever been married. Total sociopath move
>beat ex wife 1
>beat ex wife 2
>beat ex gf in 2017 who also worked at WH with him
>now with Hope Hicks
100% chance Hope comes to work with a black eye in near future
>also beat 2017 girlfriend who also works in the WH
>implying 2 divorces before age 32 doesn't tease out a sociopath
Why is anyone defending thus guy? He obviously has violent tendencies
He’s 32 and he was married in 2003? Is he Morman?
He married his high school punching bag
I bet he beat the shit out of Hope Hicks already
total Alpha banging Hope
some women love to get smacked around a lil
Just a ploy to elevate a jew to chief of staff. The only thing worse than kelly.
women-hating neets and rnc paid shills
he's currently 40
the job is kevin mccarthy's if he wants it
Everyone needs a few whippings during life
The public scrutiny would be nonexistent if it had been a weak man he hit
Also are we assuming the "woman" victim actually identifies as female?
What retard would go from House Majority Leader to the 3rd chief of staff in 12 months?
He should be fired for simply dating a fellow white house employee
p o w e r
>Trump has floated three John Kelly replacements: Tom Barrack, Kevin McCarthy, and Mick Mulvaney
he dated TWO white house staffers. he dumped his ex for hope hicks. hope and the ex are WH staffers
He can float anything he wants. He would have less power as chief of staff than as the #2 guy in the House of Representatives.
Nobody cares Brown subhuman
eh.... CoS, esp with this retard potus, is maybe the powerful gig in the world
If both are professionals and neither supervises the other, then there is no issue with dating in the work place. It's the place you spend the bulk of your time, especially if you are in politics. It only makes sense you would meet a romantic partner there.
Muh equality, kys
Have fun at your trial. You knwo full well if you hut a woman in this nation all she has do is call the cops and its an automatic restraining order
Why not talk to women and reason things out? Just because you are a man doesnt make you the leader
Hope no!