Karakai Jouzu no (formerly) Takagi-san

First chapter for this spinoff is out.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Your name is weird!
>It's not "Nishikata"!
>Even though dad is "Nishikata"!

>My family name used to be "Takagi"
>but after I got married to your dad,
>I became "Nishikata".
>Names can change!?
>Don't like it?

Well that fucking settles that.

Art looks weird. Who the artist?

>AHAHA! Takagi is so weird!
>Mom's Nishikata! Takagi doesn't suit you!
>Who knows? Chi-chan might become an Onigawara-san.

NTRfags BTFO once again.

truly this is a fantastic time to be alive

>Chii is...
>Gonna marry dad.
>So I'll still be Nishikata!
>You need to learn how to write "NIshikata"
>So it's time to study!

Great, now she bullies the kid.

>It's not so bad
>having to change your name.

wait, what the FUCK

This what the hell, the art is retarded.

Oh great, as soon as we put the final nail in the NTRfag coffin, here come the incestfags.

It's pure.

Different artist

Just keep both last names, what's the issue here.

>Because that means someone values you so much
>That they are giving you something as precious as their own name.
>I guess so!
>But still, let's study so you can write at least.
>You flipped that letter and you put one more line than you needed to on that "Ka".

Daughters are for teasing, baka.

What if this is actually a prequel and Takagi and Nishikata are related.

>She still can't write.
>It's gotta be a coincidence...


>daughters reaction

oyakodon when

Having two last names is annoying as fuck.


Artist is Inaba Matsufumi.

Honestly a bit disappointing on the teasing part. She didn't really tease the kid at all, just had her study in retaliation for saying her previous name is weird. Art isn't so good and the mangaka doesn't seem to be nearly as good a storyteller as Souichirou or the Three Stooges spinoff's mangaka, but still, at least we still get a glimpse into their family life.




All these conclusions from one chapter, you need to take some downers kid.

>the one manga that would benefit from NTR doesn't have it
Fuck this gay Earth

It is now.

Welcome to the party, pal.

NTRfag go and stay go.

If Nishikata lost his face, does this mean he became a faceless NTR man?

What did you expect, anyway.

NTR is the worst fetish, even over inflation and ryona

i don't get it

Wait, so.... after all that teasing with the guy never actually realizing his feelings or winning, they end up getting married, but they completely skip over how their relationship develops?
Is this the biggest troll in manga history?

This is a spin off.

No. Every thread about this manga I will be in and continue to make infallible arguments about why Takagi is a terrible person. Every thread about this manga I will be in and state the objective fact that she doesn't deserve Nishikata and that he should grow some stones and take out someone else. There's nothing you faggots can do to stop me.

you realise the manga is still ongoing right?

The kid wrote "Takagi"
She already knows how to write and is tormenting her mother.

>she doesn't deserve Nishikata
They're best friends.

She's cute i love bell peppers girl

Then why does he go out of his way to avoid her in some chapters?

>Takagi is a terrible person and doesn't deserve Nishikata
>so I'll push for NTR

Because he's a middle school boy.

Hang in there NTR BROS!

Remember Nishikata is a common name in Japan. Pic related is actually the dad

I want TAKAGI to get NTRd. Didn't you read my diatribe?
What does that have to with this?

Mind = Blown

>What does that have to with this?
He obviously harbors feelings for her, and she for him. It's no wonder he has no idea how to confront her sometimes especially since she likes to tease him.

Now that the anime has been announced, I'm plenty excited

Sorry, read she instead of he.
That just makes you even more of a faggot, though.

>Tease vs Tease

What have we done?

Translated version: imgur.com/a/93Cc4

I do think someone's already working on the next few chapters.

Pic is of original handwriting. The 'coincidence' might be a little easier to get this way, in case you miss it.

He shouldn't have to. She keeps teasing him even though he has said multiple times for her to stop.

That's how he manages to win.

>he has said multiple times for her to stop.
It's not even that serious, though. Harmless teasing.

Abe's breeding program is coming along nicely

>He shouldn't have to. She keeps teasing him even though he has said multiple times for her to stop.
Are you autistic? Not even as an insult here

He does hundreds of push-ups a day beucase of it. That's not harmless. His arms must be jelly at this point.

It's manga user, maybe try to not take things so literally.

>He does hundreds of push-ups a day beucase of it. That's not harmless. His arms must be jelly at this point.
He chooses to do push-ups whenever he gets teased. It's not like Takagi's bullying him or forcing him to do it

What the fuck kind of argument is that? Just because it's a manga I shouldn't take it seriously? It's presented to us as part of the story. You can't just wave off arguments with your stupid fallacies.
Proving just how much it hurts him to get teased.

NTRfags literally can't recover.

>part of the story.
Do you honestly believe there's an overarching plot in Takagi-san? C'mon user, it's a simple gag manga.

>how much it hurts him to get teased.
You're REALLY projecting here now. Nishikata will be fine, don't impose your personal issues onto him.

>overarching plot
Just because there isn't doesn't mean we weren't show that he does the push-ups. And just because it's a gag manga doesn't mean you can just dismiss all criticisms of the plot.

>Proving just how much it hurts him to get teased.
I'm sorry some mean girls bullied you in middle school user

Now you're just making up shit.

Not an argument.

He's not trying to argue with you, user. He's humiliating you.

He still hasn't made any legitimate points. No mean girls bullied me in middle school. And he hasn't proven me wrong. None of you fuckers have, in this thread, or others before.

He made her a 12 year old mother didn't he

>Proving just how much it hurts him to get teased.
The chapter where he decided to start doing push ups literally ends with him deciding to keep doing push ups because he likes Takagi-san, autisto.

I'm not though, I don't know why you're so obsessed with Nishikata's feelings.

They were just so mean! And they weren't even cute, just a group of fucking black girls. I didn't deserve it.

It's like they got smaller as the series went on.

Thanks for making this trip so I can filter you.

The art just got cuter and rounder.

Why do you Sup Forumserming insist on coming to Sup Forums?

>I want to see him happy
He's happy literally every time he's with Takagi. Obviously happy enough to get married to her.

The highlighted one is written "Nishikata" にしかた if you read left to right, but if you mirror it, it looks like "Takagi" たかぎ because it's so messy (or intentional).

>That Guy Who Hates Takagi


Whos Onigawara? Did I miss something?

>different artist
So it's not canon. NTR can still happen.

The kid carries the teasing in her blood.

>Nishikata is a common name in Japan
No it isn't.

>NTR can still happen
Except this is a spinoff of the timeskip chapter that IS canon, and proves they're married in the future.

>I like Nishi, I want to see him happy. Something he hasn't been very much, if at all in this manga.
I'll ask you again. Do you have autism. Because only autist could read this manga and come to the conclusion he's not happy. Do you think he chooses to walk home with Takagi because he hates himself or something? Do you think all those times he obviously likes her it's actually him feeling pain?

>Have you considered that the future chapters are just one giant tease and that they don't end up together?
This entire manga is based around Takagi and Nishikata, I really don't understand the mindset of NTRfags at all. If you truly believe there's going to be some sort of surprise ending you're delusional.

I like this shitposter, he's nice enough to use a trip.

I want more 3 friends SoL

He wants to successfully tease her because he likes her. Seriously, is this concept completely foreign to you?

Translated version posted explains with delicious TL Notes.

>I have no face and yet I scream

Sup Forumserming are not know for their ability to have coherent thoughts

For fuck sake, stop feeding the shitty troll and just report him for the poorly thought shitposts

The mangaka's teasing him.

>The times he wants to stay with her, is to get her back and tease her.
(You), faggot. Here he admits he wanted to go home with her instead of hanging out with his friends and when he realizes what he said he gets flustered and tries to claim he just wanted to get back at her