Memes aside, how accurate is it?
Memes aside, how accurate is it?
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They'll give you a
Well the owner of the company came out and said he likes to add 1% Ashkenazi Jew or African to people's results just to screw with them.
only mutts care about dna ancestry
I can confirm. I am "93% Northern Euro, 7% Jew" according to 23andme
Regardless, 1% doesn't sound that bad
Well if it's over 1% then it's real.
Its only fake if its
It's heavily dependent on which did they pick as reference populations.
Accurate enough
I believe you have a functioning computer. Look it up faggot
>Claim something
>Provide no proofs
Not very.
I always assumed that the jews doctored the results.
I doubt that very much
enough to fuck (with) your brain
I got 1% nigger and my family is White South African, racist as fuck, before we moved to Australia.
I did it and cam back 0% african and
They did.
Anything that's around 1% and under they add "just to mess with white supremacists". The whole thing is ran by some faggotry/SJW/jew circle jerk
Subtract one from all your numbers, then remove any that are now
I'm going to do at some point in the future. Is it more accurate??
This is fucking hilarious . You can't handle even . 1 percent of another race?
It's probably as accurate as it can get.
What a bunch of turd whiners.
it is not, a wild guess doe
I think a Croat might want to double check for Serbian or Turkish.
No accurate at all. I got 40% scandinavian, 35% Finnish and rest british even though i have no known swedish or british blood in my family.
It looks like the only thing it can really do is reveal infidelities in your family tree.
Plus they literally admit to fudging the numbers to either confirm what costumers want to see or to fuck with racists. (but they really mean white people)
as far as I can remember tests for ~40K snps and 23andme tests for ~60K snps. I would recommend doing 23andme because there are companies and programs that you can run 23andme data through to find out health related info but not data.
siblings got different results, enough said. only a retarded mongrelican would fall for this. I expected more from a Polish HUMAN
> giving your DNA to a Google subsidiary
only takes 1 drop
My results indicated that I have 3.1% native American Ancestry.
Am I allowed in the ethnostate?
Checking myself. I will create a new race, in the image of their maker. And as a true god, all other amerimutts must be destroyed.
the database they put your dumb ass in is very accurate.
why do you think the morman's push
>believed I was half italian my whole life
>take test
>6% snownigger
I descend from some austrohungarian noblemen and a slovenian farmer. I'm a yuromutt myself
IMO, who cares. Even if 23andme is run by that YouTube kikesses brother, the Jew doesn't realize they will be destroyed one way or another.
You can have kids and that
so this is how actual croats were made
Fuck, I meant her sister.
Yes yes I know snopes.
>the claim was sourced from one anonymous worker and published on a humor site; even the worker indicated purported meddling was unusual.
>The source first discussed the unnamed company’s “tweak[ing]” of results on rare occasions, typically to make up for mathematical shortfalls or in cases where a customer might be deeply disappointed by the absence of a particular heritage, per Cracked:
Has anyone done genetic studies through multiple companies? Were the results different?
It's a fraud
I didn't get any ashkenazi in me. I did get the
I can't even grasp the dimention of chess your playing Bergstein but your playing chess nonetheless.
The default view everyone shows with the different countries is only 50% accurate. If you raise the confidence level to 90% you get this. There's no 100% level, so even at it's most accurate 10% is going to be wrong on average.
Wrong, only people who are scared to find out the results are afraid of DNA ancestry.
Can we 23&Meme THIS shit????
They're pretty much accurate to within a continent.
92.something Finnish
The rest Scandinavian
.01 Japanese lol
This is what I got. I'm pale as fuck (ginger) and got a perfect beak, not a hint of monkey or curve to it.
And if it says you're a Jew or a nigger, you probably are, but I'd still get retested at a different service.
They cant take into account the movement of European genes back into Africa. ... we sent slaves back after the civil war. Also Arab slave trade mixed some white genes around.
They claimed to have added the 1% based on last names and geography
.6% for me. But im skeptical of sampling methods.
Basically that just means that one of your ancestors fucked a North African six or so generations ago. Das rite Jamal.
The first thing to know about all these services is they don't give you historical information. The entire analysis is based on the now. They geography they give you is based on where your genes are found RIGHT NOW, not on where your ancestors are from.
The second thing to know is all these services use algorithms to analyze your genes against a known dataset. This has two implications. One is that different services give you different results. The analysis is by no means objective. The other is that demographics that use these services more (mostly white people, Americans) are more represented in the data and have more accurate results than demographics that don't really use these services (ie arabs). This skews accuracy between demographics, geographic regions, etc.
Don't they also use self-reporting?
kill the muzzie
>They'll give you a
Only way you can be sure is if you retest.
In between the time you send off the saliva sample and the time you get your results, they ask you a bunch of questions. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I wish I didn't answer any of them. I get the feeling that the results are biased on my answers and not what an actual test would show. I didn't really care about ancestry, only about disease susceptibility, which is great if you have a handful of rare diseases but lacking in everything else.
If you didn't do the test then you are probably a quadroon.
Nah son. One of your 12 closest relatives was a Jew. Into the oven you go.
Giving your DNA to the google Jew.
>anonymous source
Isn't the #1 rule of fake news, is that it's always fake news when it comes from an "ANONYMOUS" source.
use ancestry instead
Fucking bullshit, man.
"according to sources familiar with x" is the new "anonymous" (a.k.a total bullshit)
wow you're a fucking mutt lol
Fucking nigger
23andme or ancestrydna?
Do both, confirmation bias yourself to the one that fits what you wanted more.
don't do (((23andme))). There is a third option, i forgot the name. do that + ancestry
I had 23andMe and Ancestry DNA done.
Ignore the
>got a perfect beak, not a hint of monkey or curve to it.
>1% sand nigger
oh user
It's the most accurate to you know your origin
0, y% - 1% is noise levels
Now thats real fucking lowiq
Not just white people. I remember one ad on YouTube they did where this black guy was claiming how he's like 100% African. And then he was something like 10% European.
show flag
Just did some research.
That site claims that there are at least three better tests.
Apparently, FamilyTree DNA is the best one, with being second
Because of this I refuse to take the test, I'm not paying for someone to give me false information.
For me it's because ((they)) sell your genetic profile to advertising vendors.
No they won't. My Italian father did it and got 0% african. Putting 1% african for any southern european is a gimme, and yet he didn't have it. Just admit the fact that TONNES of people have a sliver or african dna markers is free if you import your 23andMe data.
Actually you don't necessarily get all of your "ethnic" genes split down the middle from your parents like that. I've seen full siblings get similar results but with different percentages.