Why do (((they))) want to keep psychedelics illegal?
Why do (((they))) want to keep psychedelics illegal?
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Because it shifts your perception of reality and makes you realize that there is much more beyond your senses and the elements that tie you to the material world.
Take the bogpill mon ami
they don't want you to know, if you eat psilocybin and read the bible start to finish, you get magical powers.
so you won't end up like this
Because it'll make the population immune to division and excessive materialism.
Psychedelics treat major depressive disorder and PTSD more effectively and cheaper than pharmaceuticals which treat only symptoms and require you to continue buying them every month for life. If psychedelics were legal the drug industry would have to get competitive, so they use government power to eliminate the competition.
Because you can f*cking die from overdose you degenerates.
Quentin, plz
Nobody's stopping you from huffing jenkem Tyrone
Nearly impossible. You'd have to eat your body weight in psychedlics to die. But you can easily die of overdose of legal pharmaceuticals.
Cause they can be dangerous as fuck with wrong people
Please. I'm sure the drug industry has its reasons to not make them legal, but Nixon wanting to shutdown the counterculture is what started it.
>drug laws don't exist!
Bulgarian education
Because once all drugs all legalized all liberals will die of overdose and Jews can't trick the rest of us
psychedelics for the most part are non toxic to the point of being almost impossible to OD on, not to mention wanting the government to be your mommy is a position only a true cuckhold would take. Quit being a baby and hating freedom.
Depression is a meme. Just run a 10k.
>It's just the maaaan trying to keep us down, maaaan
Because a society of non-functioning citizens isn't a society.
fucking faggots
They hate when you have fun outside the cage.
>only liberals do drugs
I'm sure liberals use psychadelics far more than conservatives, but they are not the only ones doing drugs.
All leaps of human advancement are a result of altered states of consciousness. Why do you hate freedom? You must be a communist.
>I don't do psychedelics because Big Brother will yell at me.
But if they're so mind-opening and grant super powers, why not?
this plus checked
DMT turned me super far right
if only you understood what you're saying
every conservative i know either does alcohol, tobacco, coffee, adderall, pain killers, or cannabis. Notice how the least toxic drug in the list is the illegal one? Stop hating freedom, stop lying to yourself.
That´s not being enlightened thats only being high, true enlightenment its actually terrifying, is actual enlighttenment is just be feel good bullshit then the world would be full of enlightened people.
I don't know why you're trying to defend someone else's argument with a strawman
because 90% of people are way too fucking stupid to handle their shit
I've messed with them a little. At first it was fun and interesting, then I went down a very bad path. It was actually after getting higher than I ever had been in my life with weed where I realized it was time to put the drugs down. I've taken in a lot from them, don't need or want to see any more. I feel like my reality has shifted. There are for sure a lot of things about reality we do not know or understand. If you want to go that deep, go ahead. I'm staying here for now.
>true enlightenment its actually terrifying
This should be understood by more people.
terrifying may be the wrong word. overwhelming would be a better choice of word, but does not nearly come close.
>t. took 3mg LSD
There are a lot of psychedelic research chemicals that are still legal
>666 in the backround
this is why you dont do fucking physcedelics.
Because it invites evil spirits to take hold on your psych, and rot your soul from within.
>tfw you miss doing shrooms and LSD
nah man
that's enlightenment experience
and the guy on the video has been there several times
you can get it at meditation retreats too
enlightenment itself is not terrifying
loosing your ego you were clinging to your whole life is
the reason people are not running around enlightemend is because it's impossible to communicate and it takes thousands of hours
the channel logo is also the "boy lover" pedophillia symbol
basically this
(((they))) want the population to embrace satanism which is material over spirit, hence their upside-down pentagram, indicating spirit at the bottom
they're gonna wanna shut down anything that indicates that the material world isn't the only world
Why do they want to keep guns illegal?
Why do they want to steal our money through taxation?
Why do they want to treat like babies who cant responsibly use mind altering substances?
Why do they subsidize irresponsible and stupid decisions of wall street bankers and investors?
Why do they subsidize irresponsible marriage decisions from women?
Why do they subsidize single motherhood?
Government just wants to get more resources and power, its not the least bit interested in the actual wellbeing of its citizens.
Exactly, if you go into a trip expecting it to be a fun experience, you are a fucking retard. Nothing recreational about psychedelics.
Their safety profile isnt as well known as classical psychedelics. I will rather violate the law and get myself actual lsd or shrooms or dmt than buy some RC from the internet.
Overdose on psychedelics?
satanism is not the correct term.
yea I knew it wouldn't be
Judaism is the worship of the material world and that's why money is their god.
scratch beneath the surface of Judaism and you find Satanism
Not satanism. You don't know the definitions of the words you're using.
Psychedelics have the ability to cause revolutions.
satanism has like 20 different defintions you could work with depending on where you're coming from
shit's not set in stone
Jesus is the morning star, the bringer of light.
Lucifer is the morning star, the bringer of light.
Kek is the morning star, the bringer of light.
Jews worship YHWH or MOLOCH.
that's cool mate
the besta pizza triangle thing? color me suprised
What did the serpent use to trick adam and eve?
retards think they are finding out hidden knowledge and that they are "enlightened" but true enlightenment comes from suffering, not from getting high on some drug that is almost certainly cut with other drugs for cheaper manufacturing.
their brains are rotting, and souls with it.
that guy is on satan, not drugs
Yeah but the problem with it is that your perception was never anchored to reality, so shifting it doesn't shit reality itself
You're just seeing it differently, which in some cases could cause problems with yourself and those closest to you
But hey, if it's a personal imperative, let no law deter you from your own choice.
As for why it's still illegal, it's because psychoactive drugs are often dangerous and people really don't think before taking them. Intrusive thoughts especially can spiral out of control, but not everyone experiences it the same
nah man, thats just the new age enlightened bullshit, at most that guy only had a "good trip", if you want actually find the closest you could find of and enlightened individual check this guy, he gets it (all his videos are actually pretty worth it and quite enlightened).
holy shit me too. DMT killed my sense of liberalism. I'm not sure if Republicans realize this but they should be in favor of its legalization
A weak reality, that will succumb to the will of others
But that's beside the point, legalizing these kind of drugs means regulating them, heavily so. You'd have to spend thousands of dollars on medical examinations to get a piece of paper that lets you buy a set amount of drug a week/month for an exorbitant price as everyone gets a piece of this enormous cake. You end up paying 50€ for 15€ worth of drugs, with the black market that existed prior to this facade slowly drifting away back to heavy duty, highly addictive drugs from which they get higher margins. It's a game you cannot win as a consumer and a customer of either system
You are. But why are you?
The ideal solution is to just make everything straight up legal with no regulations, but thats just my libertarian dreams. We all know that they wont come true and that no government would pass such laws
No. You are. JIDF scum.
Never done DMT but LSD definitely made me more right wing for some reason.
Because all of maya is an illusion.
>implying the drug your taking is the drug you wanted.
Literally almost all drugs are cut now-a-days.
Cut with cheap shit, god knows what it does to the biochemistry in your brain.
Most of my friends that take these drugs (i took them too but put the phone down) are looser or crypto-satanist
look, I've been following his channel for good 3 years
so I hope that you don't mind me choosing my judgement over your first impression
because I unironically don't think there is someone who is worse at first impressions than him
his channel logo is literally pedophilia symbol
but I think if you actually went through his content you would change his mind
I still kind of hate him thought
my favorite enlightened "eceleb" goes to is shinzen young
and thanks for that channel
How did you get a hold of that stuff?
They don't want too many slaves checking out of the rat race.
And from a pure legalization no-strings-attached style, you are immediately splashed into a hellscape of cheap ass bullshit flooding the newfound market, akin to people bagging a bunch of oregano and selling it as kush, because it's completely legal to do so at this point in time. And now the guy that's been selling out the good stuff to select clientele can now just raise the price to the roof because, what, you're gonna buy from the knock-off market? don't be stupid my man, I got the good stuff and you know it.
and then, way off in the distant land of three standard deviations off the most probable timeline, there's people giving out free poison or straight up people that don't know how to synthesize shit putting everything in a blender and selling it as-is with absolutely no quality control, for dirt cheap price
If you know a good dealer, one that consumes too, you can get the good stuff, not cheap. The second best option is making your own, and that's gonna take more than a couple of fucking youtube videos and some pastebin instructions, and considerable time and space.
So can shears.
So can sticks.
So can human bodies.
So can cars.
So can literally fucking any object or substance.
because parents don't want it being easily accessible(more so than it is now) to their children still in school and under the age of 18?
I don't know just a wild guess.
drugs are degenerate, (((they))) want legalize every conceivable degeneracy but there are (just) enough people with common sense left to prevent it from happening.
Activating third eye and the Brown Eye is not always a good idea!
>arguing definitions over meaning
Absolutely Talmudic
Yes it is. Satanism literally means materialism.
Used to do quite a few. Stay away, they'll fuck your brain up.
Just smoke some grass if you need something.
drugs are so good man. I mean, like, this one time, I smoked weed... and was fighting demons for a year and a half until I got on antipsychotics, which made them all disappear and made me stop believing they were some evil frequency-beings that were trying to get me to kill people but, like, the pharmaceutical company just wants my money bro so I should never have taken those antipsychotics and just succumbed to my urge to kill which only happened after, and immediately after, smoking weed.
fuckign government conspiracies ree.
the universe is a computer simulation
monks can levitate but no one has seen it because they're too humble to do it in front of everybody
the rainbow body is totally real and prophets have turned into light at the moment of death
440hz was invented by hitler, 432hz is the frequency of the universe and if you don't listen to 432hz music you're letting the evil establishment turn you against love
but if you go psychotic from psychedelics, like, you just have a weak mind man.
"they're not for everybody" or something. who are they not for? I don't fucking know, and neither do the people who they aren't for before they take them and end up psychotic.
DMT makes you think you spoke to aliens, but we all know that's what really happened and that aliens are real.
We create the universe with our thoughts, because biocentrism (which is that theory) is totally the be-all-end-all of philosophy
The intelligence community has coined the term psychadelic to mean a mind-expanding substance as opposed to what it really is (a schizomimetic). Psychotic livestock sounds easier to control than sober idiots.
Moloch is a deity of Saturn and Saturn is Satan
Extractions online.
Reed canary grass.
Saturn is not satan. Kys.
It is but ok bud ;)
>smoking something with CAUSTIC SODA inside it and other non consumables you find under your sink
De fuck is wrong with you
You're getting the effect from the N,N-Dimethyltryptamine molecule and you'd generally wanna smoke something that is 99% pure desu
You know you're wrong though. Satan means adversary in hebrew and in Sanskrit Satan means truth.
Jews have inverted the true meaning of things to avert people from looking into it. That's why they made everyone think they're satanists.
Holographic Disclosure
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The Unmasking
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Psychedelics are the ultimate redpill and make it difficult to keep the goyim enslaved
except they are banned
and the people you hear about trying to unban them are, a lot of the times, researchers who take them themselves
Liberals use depressants like marijuana, heroine etc
Conservatives use stimulants like meth, adderal etc
it's an excuse so (((they))) can throw more people into prison, then instead of having to pay honest free-market prices for labor, they can just extort it out of prisoners for practically free.
Fun fact, 95% of the firefighting done in California this year was done by prisoners for 80 cents an hour.
Lmao, they've basically enslaved people for wanting to experience something different
Fuck off 3mg
The type of drugs is different though. Psychedelics aren't degenerate nor are they party drugs.
They expand your perception of reality beyond what you have known before. More of an educational trip.
It doesn't matter to (((them))) why they throw you into prison, all that matters is there's a physical substance to catch you with and prove your "guilt."
Alcohol would be illegal today if people didn't burn down the country every time they try to criminalize it.
Actual psychedelics are some of the safest substances available - Psilocybin and LSD, especially when taken as a micro dose regiment. If you fucked up your brain, you were doing the wrong drugs.
no, really. 3000µg
I want to do shrooms again. Changed everything. I saw the souls of trees and plants, water was absolutely beautiful, and felt connected to nature again. I don't care if it was an illusion, I was able to immerse myself in it in a way I cannot while sober.
get amazonians
>Why do (((they))) want to keep psychedelics illegal?
they don't. they want to keep them for themselves.
There isn't any drug that makes you a better person or to connect with God, manmade or natural. Anyone who argues in defense of drugs, especially psychedelics, is always some fucking idiot with brains so fried that he writes strange incoherent sentences about perception or spirituality because he's so far gone that at this stage, he's absolutely certain that we're the ones that fried our brains and not him.
If you were not born smart or without any talents or abilities, you drew the short straw. Make the best of your life and die quietly when the end comes, just don't fry your goddamn brains and then become an insufferable fucking degenerate.