Happening DOJ


i wish you fucking faggets would stop using 'happening' for everything other than a happening saged and kys

She knows the Mueller is coming.


Only a jew would go into a thread to tell everyone how much they don't like the thread.



I’ll believe something happens when it actually happens.

High ranking unelected bureaucratic people quitting their jobs every week is the definition of things happening retard
By summer the DOJ and FBI will be gutted of all traitors

its not the thread its the wordage used to make it seem like something is "happening"
you are also a fagget


Bump. These traitors will hang.

#1 gets fired. #2 steps down right before first memo #3 is out.
Totally not important what's happening at the FBI.
Please eat a tide pod faggot


She was a trump appointee fucknard.

"Why are you all questioning the FBI? Do you support terrorist?!?"

Nobody cares about your brown country mutt

its not a "H A P P E N I N G" retard go back to the donald

So was (((Roseinstein)))

Fuck head

>being that obvious a shill

Oh sorry I forgot you were in charge of the title of threads on pol

Ugh he’s gonna get that keyboard all sticky, this is why we have bathrooms

Pol is to busy posting in wmaf threads to pay any attention to this

nah they just filtered out gay "happening" threads since retards call everything a happening


>now Rachel Brand

So clever and sassy

Rosenstein's back up gone.

i know gif related your mind trying to understand

she's been at DoJ since George "mission accomplished" Bush's administration.

he's ok rite?

u mad homie ? ahahahha another deep state supplicant cunt bites the dust. all your "great men and women at the DOJ and FBI", you know, your resistance allies who couldnt even rig a fucking election where the electoral map heavily favors Dems, guess what? they're all resigning in disgrace dude, whats that all about?

Would it make any difference?

Thats like 1/100th of the list hahahah
Big name undersecretary at state left last week after 35 years
John Carlin
James Baker
Patrick kennedy
so many more
all the rats fleeing from congress

Brand was the first woman to serve as Associate Attorney General. She served as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy in the George W. Bush administration and was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Prior to becoming Associate Attorney General, Brand was an associate professor at Antonin Scalia Law School.

Yeah (((Bush))) lawyer who was #3 at the FBI who is currently under multiple investigations stepping down is nothing.

certainly not a "H A P P E N I N G"

Did she say why she resigned?

We'll can we get you to weigh in on what everyone else is supposed to be excited about, grand faggot leader of public opinion on pol? Will you grace us with your superior understanding and knowledge?

Is drumpf finally finished? Is it over?

not mad. fuken elated!

LOL Feminism fucked women up so badly they can't handle the heat... IN THE KITCHEN... BAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

Brand, an associate attorney general who was confirmed last May, has been a prominent Trump administration official working on the reauthorizing of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

They haven't said yet.

This was interesting though:

If the president did oust Rosenstein, Brand would have become responsible for overseeing the Russia investigation.



Women no not belong as judges or leaders, fuck, that, noise. They can't be trusted and will always be loyal to one dick

Why are they stepping down if the memos were a nothingburger?

Poor quality meme. The left is truly is lost.

My bad

City people voted for Hilary

This is a fascist move by drumpf to help him fire Rosenstein and then Muller

And only a faggot homo shitposter would call every dumb shit a happening. A mass shooting is a happening, some dumb cunt stepping down isn't



WTF is pol?

Hi MGTOW faggot

>woman voluntarily steps down because she is implicit with crimes being exposed
>a fascist move by drumpf

fuck off shill