Is second season confirmed?
Yōjo Senki
Don't lie
I hope so
they pretty much have to after hyping daddy's girl and her revenge plot
are the doujins of this good?
any rape one?
Tanya is not for lewd!!
there is one where Tanya tortures a spy, then in return gets tortured herself, branded and turned into a quad amputee and has her eyes taken out (Viktoriya) too
and there's one where she gets gangbanged by her troops after wearing a bikini for a photo-shoot. Sadly the sex is about 1/4th of the doujin.
I liked this show a lot more than I thought I would, and I can't figure out why. The whole nazi loli thing is fucking nuts. Maybe it's just really well-executed.
I feel like it's some combination of WW1 fantasy mage wars with Axis powers wankery being a fun premise, plus the fact that they took the military aspect more seriously than I thought they would. The protags being on the German side in particular gives them a serious underdog edge to the point where even though Tanya is so overpowered and has knowledge about the future it still feels like they're fighting against incredible odds.
They're not Nazis you windowlicker
Not yet.
So, after Youjo Senki, what is the next step of NUT's master plan?
>tfw your official youjo senki merchandise arrived
How can you people even fap to Tanya porn doujinshi? thats a man! Its gay as fuck.
I bet you degenerates fap to traps and yaoi.
Hopefully never, it was utter shit. No story ever developed. There was no overarching narrative. It barely had recurring characters, let alone any that developed at all. This was a waste of time, which is also what it spent about 90% of most episodes doing; people sitting around in smoking rooms, rambling about the most banal and uninteresting garbage imaginable. Not even plot relevant fluff because there was no plot to speak of. Everything happened off screen and all the audience got was an endless parade of heads rambling aimlessly about how important it might've been without actually connecting to to goddamned anything, and the situation got redefined via hand-waving week to week regardless. A couple passable dog fights is about all that this has to offer.
You bought the best item, I presume?
I am a man of equality. as long it's 2d and feminine, I'd fuck it.
>as long it's 2d I'd fuck it.
How? you cant fuck 2D.
What is with that stuff around her eyes? Its really starting to stick a pipe in my crankshaft.
There's a line, even for me
how do you know? are you 2d?
Its basic physics. you, as a three dimensional entity, cant stick a penis into a two dimension entity.
you don't know, you just haven't fuck your waifu enough.
Youjo Senki's art style is weird, and not exactly in a good way.
After a few episodes she grew on me alot and I can now appreciate her for how cute she really is.
That's not how I named my file and not a 4c-hash either.