Well designed Villains who you can sympathize with

AHHH.. the thrill of the battle

Other urls found in this thread:


Pic unrelated?

pick related nigga, what was the last anime/manga you read with

a) a badass old dude as a villain
b) someone who didnt rely on dumb powerups or macguffins or plot holes

Fuck off moe fag.
OP posted a genuinely interesting villain, if only because he's a fucking old dude that kicks arse


Yeah but you guys cant actually sympathize with him, i mean its fun to pretend on the internet but the chances that you are some gang banger African warlord that exchanges blood diamonds for internet connection so you can discus anime is like 0%

i just realized

gaijin: demi human fits sato perfectly as a description



If you've played a vidya game, chances are you can pretty much empathize with Satos point of view

>gaijin: demi human
>demi human
More than you think. His mother was Chinese.

mispelled sub there brah

Only if you are an idiot who cant tell reality and fiction apart.

>good taste
>on my Sup Forums
Fuck off loser

Fair enough, I fucking love Sato but he isnt someone I sympathise with even if I can understand his point of view. Hes just a pure badass and a frightening character.

Honestly my favourite part of Ajin is the fact that theyre all sociopaths. Sato, Kei, they all just dont give a fuck about others and its awesome. Such a great break from typical MUH FRIENDSHIP Tropes

this right here, what a breath of fresh air to have some logical characters in a manga, it's satisfying as fuk

literally nothing Sato says is wrong, he ditches being something corny like a revolutionary, or civil rights activist and lives as an immortal would - trying to find someone or something to challenge him and give his existence meaning

Sato is a mass murderer plain and simple, even when he was a mortal he poped his gun in the middle of an enemy camp because he wanted to kill and get killed and he didn't care about anyone of his comrades at all. He even murders himself so his reincarnated hand clone can kill some other people, if you actually believe he is doing it for his "ajin brothers" you are a bigger fool then everyone in the entire manga because you have access to his thoughts and backstory yet still believe he is a sympathetic character.

Even if we pretend you are not some dumb 16 y/o who gets bullied and draws shadow the hedgehog fanfics, you CANT even FEEL sympathy for sato because he is doing everything he wanted to do and is happy doing it. And once he dies that will be fine with him too, if he dies today that wouldn't even bother him. What are you feeling sympathy for exactly? That his life is going perfectly and by divine providence he gets to live out his crazy murder fantasy?


Is this the new "characters who are literally you"?

>Sato is a mass murderer plain and simple, even when he was a mortal he poped his gun in the middle of an enemy camp because he wanted to kill and get killed and he didn't care about anyone of his comrades at all. He even murders himself so his reincarnated hand clone can kill some other people, if you actually believe he is doing it for his "ajin brothers

nigger i just said he doesn't care about being a revollutionary or civil rights activist, can't you read? At this point I'm convinced you are literally soapboxing a nonexistent argument

>you CANT even FEEL sympathy for sato because he is doing everything he wanted to do and is happy doing it. And once he dies that will be fine with him too, if he dies today that wouldn't even bother him. What are you feeling sympathy for exactly? That his life is going perfectly and by divine providence he gets to live out his crazy murder fantasy?

Sympathy for the fact that he is actually LIVING out what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism into movies, games and cartoons, a real life fuckin GTA action hero.

Because this is the most realistic outcome of a immortality than some bullshit feel good superhero story


>Sympathy for the fact that he is actually LIVING out what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism into movies, games and cartoons, a real life fuckin GTA action hero.
you really need to get out more and maybe stop being trash for a change

>Sympathy for the fact that he is actually LIVING out what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism into movies, games and cartoons, a real life fuckin GTA action hero.
>what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism
This is a clusterfuck of a sentence, please rephrase so I can understand whether you're being supremely edgy, or just confusing watching violence with wanting to do it.

nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
literally (You)


>you really need to get out more and maybe stop being trash for a change
>This is a clusterfuck of a sentence, please rephrase so I can understand whether you're being supremely edgy, or just confusing watching violence with wanting to do it.

You guys are fucking pussies, if you were immortal, or had a more capable life growing up, you'd be out there acting out your fantasies instead of being a 2nd hand roleplayer behind video games, rpgs and anime.

The point is that Sato is a well designed character exactly because he behaves like how successful and intelligent people in the real world do, much like most of the characters in the show, rather than emotional faggots like you who are the idiots who go into cinemas to watch their most recent self-inserting SUPAHERO movie where the good guy doesn't hurt a fly, gets the girl and nonviolently pacifies all the baddies

The fact you cannot see a beautiful design and recognize it AND empathize with it for an utter inversion of a genre trope tells me everything I need to know about the exact type of people who get irritated by the fact that something accurate to reality is in fact, offending their delicate sensibilities that real life isnt a pg-13 cartoon

>if you were immortal, or had a more capable life growing up, you'd be out there acting out your fantasies instead of being a 2nd hand roleplayer behind video games, rpgs and anime.
I don't play videogames to fantasize about killing people and I can very well make a difference between fiction and reality. Since they obviously have very different mechanics, implications and consequences.
It's not just that fiction doesn't hold the same value as reality, it's also totally different from it, and you have severe mental deficiencies for not acknowledging this simple fact. I won't tell you to kys, you don't even deserve that kind of attention.

>Sympathy for the fact that he is actually LIVING out what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism into movies, games and cartoons, a real life fuckin GTA action hero.
> if you were immortal, or had a more capable life growing up, you'd be out there acting out your fantasies instead of being a 2nd hand roleplayer behind video games, rpgs and anime
> he behaves like how successful and intelligent people in the real world do
> emotional faggots like you who are the idiots who go into cinemas to watch their most recent self-inserting SUPAHERO movie where the good guy doesn't hurt a fly, gets the girl and nonviolently pacifies all the baddies
Jesus Christ, I don't have a fedora big enough for this shit. Not everyone's sitting around wishing they could kill people without getting arrested, you underaged nutter.

>muh fiction and reality are demarcated

No they fucking aren't, lmao, maybe you should refer to the Illiad, Mahabharata, the Norse sagas, etcetera etcetera. ""Fiction"" derives itself from reality and vice versa, they both have a massive influence on each other and how peoples perceptions are shaped and in turn, shape. The fact that you think in black and whites just proves how much of an autist you are, in fact, a vast majority of fiction has a greater influence on reality than the vast majority of people living who simply exist to consume and have a negligible influence on the trajectory of life.

You really are out of your depth in this discussion.

Most people incapable of wish-fulfilment retreat into fiction due to failure, and the fact there are no prizes for 2nd place in real life

>empathize with it for an utter inversion of a genre trope
That's not how empathy works. I'm not sure you even know what empathy means, actually.

>being successful means you wish to kill people and redo GTA in real life

>No they fucking aren't, lmao
Seek help.

He just wanted to know if it was OK to be different.

Fiction influences reality, and vice versa. That's obvious, and you missed my point which is ironical since you went on with
>You really are out of your depth in this discussion.

My point is that enacting these things in games or reading about them is not the same as doing them for real. Not the same inputs, nor the same outputs. It's a totally different deal, and only a pathetic manchild (ie you) wouldn't realize that.

You unintelligible runts are really slow if you think empathizing with sato means I, as a non-immortal, want to go on killing sprees for the "lulz".

The point is the character, given his background and condition, is believable AND true to real life, making it easy to empathize with for an accurate construction of what someone who would do such actions would behave like, hence, being able to not having to suspend disbelief (like so much fiction requires) in order to continue consuming the narrative.

It helps that the character too has a firm grasp on how the real world operates given his attitude towards "rights" and his laughable rejection of a civil rights Ajin movement or anything of that sort.

When you don't have to worry about death, that removes a significant impetus for behaving anything like a normal human. And it removes a significant part of what makes things exciting (i.e fear of death) for a normal human.

If you've ever ridden a motorcycle, you'll realize that the first week of riding is your best and everything after simply doesn't compare, and eventually becomes routine


LOL, dude, finish english school first before trying to argue with me okay. Holy fuck

>My point is that enacting these things in games or reading about them is not the same as doing them for real. Not the same inputs, nor the same outputs.

Nigga, that's my fucking point, you , a person consuming fiction will never have nor understand the attitude or impetus or mindset of people who accomplish it in real life because you are incapable of doing anything in the fiction to mirror it. Not everyone in the world is like you and some manage to wrestle their reality and life into having experiences that seem like fiction to others. Make sense? Just because it is in the realm of impossibility for you, singular, doesn't mean its the case for those with more drive, passion, or ability.

Don't move the goalposts.
>he is actually LIVING out what ALL OF US pretend we wish we could do with our escapism into movies, games and cartoons, a real life fuckin GTA action hero.

Can't believe someone unironically wrote that shit, but it's Sup Forums after all.

>You unintelligible runts are really slow if you think empathizing with sato means I, as a non-immortal, want to go on killing sprees for the "lulz".

Again, I'm not sure you really understand what "empathize" means. Also, you literally just said that everyone wanted to do it, as pointed out.

Fuck off to wherever you came from already, cancer.

> finish english school first before trying to argue with me okay
Ironical is a word, you fucking dumbass.

Heres a hint buddy, fiction doesn't materialize out of the aether, real life itself is stranger than fiction and authors of everything plagiarize and derive their fiction from staple storytelling paths that conform to events in real life, human psychology or prior fictional works that too are rooted in reality as a framework for storytelling.,

Go read this


Your post doesn't make sense, so I'll assume you either didn't understand mine and/or are just too dumb to keep up with this discussion. Guess I'm done entertaining your fantasies.

> fiction doesn't materialize out of the aether,
The other dude already fucking told you that this had nothing to do with fiction being different from reality.

And that's beside the original point, for the second time in a row. Even a dog can learn. I bet a dog would post better too.

>surrendering like a pathetic otaku

I expected nothing more from you, don't worry

>still fails to address the fact that entetainment is escapism for failures and people without a sembelance of ability to succeed and turn their dreams into reality in the real world


>Ironical is a word, you fucking dumbass.

It's not a fucking noun LMAO, you can't even distinguish between adjectives and nouns, just stop, you are embarrassing yourself

>the fact that entetainment is escapism for failures and people without a sembelance of ability to succeed and turn their dreams into reality in the real world
I guess we know what went wrong with this user and his terrible thread. It was projection all along.

>The other dude already fucking told you that this had nothing to do with fiction being different from reality.

This is literally your argument for the entire post

WAAH an immortal person is mean and nasty and killing people :((( why can't he be sanitized like my pg-13 heroes which are laughably childish depictions of reality, contrasted with a sociopathic mastermind who is much more likely to be an accurate depiction of a successful "immortal" versus a sanitized, feel good, Disney family movie superhero.

No, it's the exactly the point especially given the fact you brought up your entire ""ITS FICTION WHY CAN'T YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE :(((" when it's about the fucking fiction in question being accurate to reality

he looks like that ntr dude

You're embarrassing yourself with your terrible strawmen and the whole all caps smiley pack included.

I don't know what went wrong with your brain or humanity, but I don't think anyone here can do anything to fix you. Seek professional help, that's the best advice this imageboard can give you.

jesus christ this man is like the epitaph of pure evil. Just look at this thread. everywhere he is posted people just lose their shit.

Yup, thought as much, literal intellectual midgets who neither have the capacity or thought for original argument outside of

>like, murder and killing is totally, like, evil man, even in fiction man

Fuck,it's cringey as fuck to discuss anything with limp wristed faggots like yourself, I'd tell you to neck yourself but you probably faint at hitting your foot on a table, men today are fucking pathetic.

It's not sociopathic to want "battle" or conflic,t sounds like you are a fukin pussy who got bullied in primary school and toilet dunked.

War is to men what maternity is to women, please don't have sons for gods sake

yeah, no.

Yeah, yeah.

>trying to act alpha on Sup Forums
look man, your previous posts depicted you as anything but normal. Please see a psychologist.
Not samefag, but you need some help.

Mental note: This is the new Sup Forums shitstorm bait thread

Jesus Christ I can't stop cringing. Being able to protect yourself is important and fighting in war for something you find important is also good, but actively seeking out confrontation and fighting and enjoying it is just degeneracy.

You, I really like you we need more autists like you here to make my day.

Now see, its not the most realistic outcome, not that there won't be people like that for example or you, however fulfilling wishes can be different depending on the individual.

I wouldn't go around showing it off because for example I wouldn't get satisfaction from fighting itself but something more material or maybe even aquiring authority or somethig else entirely. Going Rambo would instead get in the way of that.

He's not using that power smartly from my point of view because there are countless other ways to use it and live out the dream. Though I guess he won't be getting satisfaction out of anything else. He wants to fullfill his autistic dream which is fine but not exactly the most realistic outcome even though its definitely possible.

While I do agree with OP on how great a villain Satō is, OP's fixation on him is much more fascinating. I thought his original post was just him trying to bait but his following posts are way too elaborate for that. Remember his post is originally "AHHH.. the thrill of the battle." That will be important later.
Here OP claims that Satō's love for video games is similar to an average person's love for it. His statement is a very large generalization but it shows how he believes his beliefs are shared with many others. If it was just that shooting people in video games is fun than that's something almost everyone could relate. OP however takes it a step further and thinks that if there was no repercussions that shooting people in real life would be great. This is shown in his next post:
OP doesn't understand what emphasize means. You can certainty understand why Satō does acts of terrorism in Ajin based on the type of character he is. Relating to it is another story. Another thing to point out is that OP said that Satō needs this to give his life meaning. Since OP claims he relates to Satō this begs the question: If OP could get away with killing a bunch of strangers, would he do it?
To OP, the most realistic thing to do if you're immortal is to become a real life fuckin GTA action hero. GTA is fun because you can do the things you would never want to do in real life without actually hurting anyone real. That's why saying video games make you violent is dumb, nobody in the right frame of mind would get inspired by video games and fantasize about shooting up cities. When your mother didn't approve of your games it's because she though you would turn out like OP.

Good thread.

Didn't he stuff a couple immortals in steel drums and bury them. I mean god damn

Ajin can still die of old age and just because you can't be killed doesn't mean you can't be overpowered and restrained. So what would most likely happen is you get caught trying to live out your retarded fantasies and get encased in a huge block of cement for 80 years until you die.

Actively trying to seek perfectly avoidable conflict because you think it will derive some sort of meaning in your life is pretty darn stupid.

OP now insults everyone based on their taste in cinema. What's ironic is that the films he claims we watch are unrealistic and are just self-inserting trash. This is ironic because his previous statement was him talking about how if we were immortal we would be acting out our fantasies similar to how we do in our self-inserting trash. This means that it's not that OP values more violent movies due to just their realistic approach, even if OP had the ability to walk in and stop a bank robbery he wouldn't. OP would gladly go in and blow all of their heads off. It's not that violence is the most realistic outcome, it's the outcome OP wants the most.
Fiction does influence the way people think and act. Gaining new world view's can make you much more empathetic and understanding of ideas you would have never come across on your own. That's why books are one of humanity's greatest invention. OP interprets that influence as performing an action. If you read about a man building a bridge than you too had built a bridge. With OP's logic this extends to games, you enjoyed killing things that aren't actually alive, therefore you must enjoy killing people who are alive. What makes murder unacceptable for most people isn't the personal repercussions such as jail or retaliation. It's coming to terms you just robbed an innocent person of their life. That's why killing a rapist and some guy in the grocery store has different effects on the psyche. You can justify one killing but understand why you shouldn't do another. By the way you're only suppose to use double quotation marks if you're quoting within a quote, not if you really wanted to prove your point.

you're doing god's work user

Now OP claims that it is due to his high intelligence we cannot comprehend his posts. Satō is made believable not because he lives the fantasy of the everyman. It is because we see his psychology unraveled with each chapter and we begin to understand what kind of person Satō really is. Satō's personality isn't due to his immortality, though it definitely did skew it into a slightly different frame. Satō enjoyed killing even as a child, he was having fun killing before he even learned he was an Ajin. His immortality wasn't what made him like this, rather it was more like a pleasant surprise to him. Satō can now do much greater things not due to some sudden lack of consciousness, he literally could not before becoming immortal. Satō never feared any consequence, he did whatever he wanted to do till his perceived end.
Remember his OP's original post? It was "AHHH.. the thrill of the battle." OP is now talking about that people who read about achievements can never understand it on the same level as those who actually perform them. This seems like it counter his previous argument about fiction influencing life but can still make sense if you just assume that he means taking action will have much greater influence on you. OP's fixation on Satō is paired with his assumed superiority that he possess the same drive and passion Satō does. Therefore it is not that he's crazy, it's just that other posters in this thread lack the conviction to make their dreams a reality. This adds more evidence to the fact that OP values violent skirmishes in real life. He perceives his desire to destroy as something that sets him apart from average people. He however refuses to acknowledge that his thinking process is much more dangerous compared to others. That is why he deludes himself like this.
OP takes this man's intelligent decision on no longer conversing with him as a sign of weakness.
also laffo

Good stuff

OP rejects traditional media's approach on how immortality should be handled believing it to be childish. Once again, OP is under the delusion that his world view is a much more realistic idea.
This type of thinking is similar to Adam Lanza's "philosophical ramblings." It's also disgusting to see how many normalfags in real life actually believe this garbage. OP and Lanza's argument is that current culture must be abolished to how it makes people want to lash out in violence by containing their desire for conflict. The primitive society that OP values so much has a much higher homicide rate than any modern war, that alone creates an argument for why current society should be preserved.
Adam Lanza's example of this was the event of a chimp being fed up with acting civilized like us and attacking a women because it could go back to the jungle. The violent reaction of the chimp was what Lanza felt was a reaction to the new culture the chimp was indoctrinated in. The real reason wasn't that, it was because the chimp was on Xanax which makes animals aggressive.
There are other people who share OP's belief. Famous people like Eric Harris or Adam Lanza both carried the same beliefs as OP. And OP if you ever read this I want you to know that this foolish idea that conflict is the ultimate goal of all mankind isn't going to give the glorious death you desire. It will lead you to killing children who can't fight back. And you better give every person in this thread a shout-out when you do.

Forgot image. I want to keep posting cute anime girls to taunt OP. Also anyone who posts: "AHHH.. the thrill of the battle" should never be taken seriously.

>muh uri
Ackerautists are never well designed.

>Also anyone who posts: "AHHH.. the thrill of the battle" should never be taken seriously.
Yeah I know Jesus Christ, when i first saw that I figured he was messing around and just posting something sato would say. But looking at that post now knowing he is 100 percent serious is fucking unbelievable, i seriously want to know who is behind these posts.

Any weaklings here? I want to kick your asses.

>exactly because he behaves like how successful and intelligent people in the real world do
Hey Elliot


came here to say this
washizu truly a best


Make Ajin Great Again

>sympathize with a mass murderer
ok lol

Their endevor was incredibly noble.
In b4 cattle replies.


All the great heroes were mass murderers.

>Komugi are you still there?


>It's not Sup Forums shit because I sympathize with this side of the political spectrum!

tfw Hamdo was genuinely care about the future of humanity and the only way he can achieve that was to unite all the warring tribes into one banner but along the way he loses his mind he fails to get Lala Ru on her side.

He's amazingly well designed, and I can sympathize with him since I'm also a scientist (I have to kill mice at worst, though).

>This thread


Some one deleted my reaction image? What the fuck is wrong with the janitors on Sup Forums?

One of the greatest anime villains of all time actually. He is like 20th Century Imperialist Japan personified, right down to being undone by nuclear warfare. He's tragic because he was doomed to be destructive from birth. His very existence was something that needed to be snuffed out even if he was doing what he felt was necessary for the survival of his people.

Good stuff. Maybe Sup Forums isn't so edgy after all.

I don't think I ever saw OP being btfo like that

I know it's a pretty obvious one but I haven't seen it posted yet so I'll do it. If goven the chance i think pretty much all of us would sacrifice people we know for power, prestige, and wealth. And it's understandable that he raped casca after gaining power to feel in control after having everything previously taken from him.

Best lawfull evil villain.

>right down to being undone by nuclear warfare
damn lol

He's a indestructible sociopath. He regenerates and utilizes his special Ajin abilities in painful ways to defeat defenses. The only good thing I can say is he appears to still be subject to aging effects. Which means his evil will go away someday.

Best Dad.

None of them because I'm not an edgelord who embraces self-destructive behavior.

He raped caska so he would have a way into the real world


>If goven the chance i think pretty much all of us would sacrifice people we know for power, prestige, and wealth.
Well yeah, i mean, if you're a psychopath.


Either bait or psycho

Best recent villains
Not really a willain, as he doesn't really do anything "bad" in the end. I really like him as a character though, especially the few times when he actually acts as a "villain" to remind the StuCo that he's still Kumagawa.