
Oh democrats.
You’ve fucked up now.
You’ve selected me to participate in your shitty biased poll because my social media data has me listed as a democrat.
You’ve chosen to manipulate your sample size so that you can post your fake news lies in the New York Times about how Trump’s approval ratings are below 1%.

But you know where you went wrong?
Yep. Your poll is in Sup Forums‘s hands now.

Get the fuck in here.

Sup Forums can get fucked. I voted for Obama and Hillary and I am not on the side of racists full of blind stupid hatred. We will have our day again and hopefully all the conservashits will us the favor of dying off and let real progress occur.


Side of racists full of blind hatred? You mean the left, especially black people?



Whites are 100x more hateful and evil than black people in my experience. There is a reason why black people call us 'white devils'.. a good reason.

How to not get fucked with
1.Dont fuck with me
2. Go Away


ITT more deplorable devils than ever.. enjoy Hell.

Examples please, even if that is true saying that we are the racists is wrong, Sup Forumsfights so that every race has a ethnostate while the left fights against whites for no good reason, says it's to combat racism but they hate whites as much as Hitler hated jews, I don't doubt they would actually put whites in ovens.


The answer is not to separate all of us, but to join all races and ethnicities together into one. If we are separate we will just fight more wars. We need to all come together to be one. Your clinging on to the past is an understandable weakness (based on fear) but you need to overcome your paranoia to let real progress start.

How yummy are those (You)s
Are they tasty

Wow you're pretty badass m8

not here for yous but to spread a message of openness and tolerance and not the extreme levels of blind stupid hatred that infest this site.

Then back to r/eddit with you.

this thread is a shill trying to add to the DNC E-mail roster for later spam purposes
and as if it even needs saying you're all idiots for participating
maybe consider try the tide pods
I hear they taste like snozberries

That's why you make a fake email dumbass

If you honest to god believe that the democrats would pay money for someone to post this shit then don’t use your email you fucking autist

It's not about the past, not even fear, it's about cultural differences, take the Middle East as a example, gays are stonned to death or pushed from rooftops and women are propriety, you can have a lot of wives and they don't seem to have much problem with pedophilia, all of these things are hated here on the west, do you really think it's a good idea to just bring them in without any kind of adaptation?

I think you might actually be retarded

gas yourself kikebots

Ok you got me.. I was kind of just shitposting to stir up shit, but your intelligent argument forced my hand. I do agree with you.. you have won.

this will be a fun thing

(You)s are fucking scrumptious aren’t they

If only it worked like this with leftists.


I took the survey! Did you?

Gee whilikers!


Also this was found in one of the democrats emails...what does it mean Sup Forums?

Holy fuck this is an insanely biased poll

The actual dresser is pink and white, the lighting just makes it look teal and gray.

That's a dresser retard

Wow, who would have fucking guessed?