The show
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Stop whining.
Are you defending them, user?
If you are, I reccomend you read this;
This is a what the mind of an SJW looks like. They're sick.
>eddie bravo is the best guest
prove me wrong
Is there anything more pathetic than grown men crying about “SJWs”?
I HATE that Joe betrayed us. When he was having Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, etc. on his show he was BASED! He was fucking /ourguy/. He would make these nods to the alt-right like he was trying to finally wake people up. Things were going to start happening. Everything was going to be different. Girls that formerly shut me down would finally see me as the strong white man that I am and be totally into me. Then, this fucking degenerate drug abusing APE started making fun of us. He made fun of the protestors in Charlottesville and insulting Trump. At that point I realized he was just like all those fucking asshole jocks that used to make fun of my penis size and dump my books in the hallway. What a fucking scumbag.
i dunno, probably
Joey Diaz famalam
lame bait
>/leftpol/ false flagging
why is it always so pathetically obvious?
it's just passive aggressive shit saved in notepad. they don't even like Sup Forums
Is that like a politically incorrect board for left wingers.
Muh SJW hysteria is completely blown of proportion by the Fox News watching shit heads and their ilk
Le bump
Explain. What exactly is being blown out of proportion? What aspect of it?
don't you hate when you see a retarded thread in the catalog and you absolutely know it's going to get 100 replies
complaining about russian hackers
yup, they're the ones who made Porky. I go there to read the theory threads
>Everything wrong in my life is because I don't have white skin and we should push all white people out of society cuz dey got mo den i got
That's pretty pathetic if you ask me.
The entire Ontario public education programs are introducing mandatory SJW propaganda.
>pic related, mandatory readings for kids
My favorite is "The Boy In The Dress"
Being an SJW
fuck canada
canada is the new sweden
Joe does have left wing guests on sometimes, I liked Abby Martin's appearance
>doesn't like identity politics and SJWs
>talk about identity politics and SJWs all day
I hate this place.
Because it's not falseflagging, you pathetic retard. It's obviously a joke
"The Anointed" is so much more eloquent a term.
stop watching only the interviews with anti-sjw guests you retard
Grown men crying about "nazis"
SJWs crying about grown men
she's got big ol titties. terrible at lying though
>dude decartes invented science actually i read that somewhere, like what language did he speak
>I dunno man, sounds like a Nerd to me LAMO xxxdd
>So i got this thing that transforms the energy from plants into midi
>Yeah no but like DMT is everywhere, sometimes sheep it plants and get all stiff
>Like i think earthquakes are nuclear tests on other dimensions
>blown out of proportion
holy shit, have you ever even BEEN on the internet or social media or watched TV?
This guy is fucking annoying.
>tune it to the livestream
>man so like the girl is screaming and running away from Leatherface but then i realize like there's so many girls that are like running and screaming to get away from themselves man
Yea the reactionary alt right shit heads are more toxic than muh SJWs
>tfw mainstream media is your fucking echo chamber, re-iterating the same white male bashing over and over again, but you get triggered by a small podcast not kissing your ass
The delicious irony is that that whole culture of people who cry about how SJWs are manipulative & dishonest and live a culture of victimhood and want to censor those that they don't agree with, they do every single one of those things and are in essence SJWs themselves.
The only difference is what kind of haircut they have.
You are a fucking retard. SJWs have change legislation in various countries and vastly warped the mainstream norms.
pic related it's you, a 'centrist'
>tfw online media is your fucking echo chamber, re-iterating the same SJW bashing over and over again, but you get triggered by a small Sup Forums post not kissing your ass
does this ever work
>SJWs have change legislation in various countries and vastly warped the mainstream norms.
oh no
things are supposed to stay the same forever
mommy helpme, hide the video games
You chud pls, the right has lost their collective sanity
>T. Butt blasted Hillary supporter
Yeah, because Joe Rogan, or let's say oh so controversial Jordan Peterson are constantly trying to censor leftist positions... ohhh yeah so smart , so refined, really just two sides of the same coin. You worked it all out boy
Why cant /leftytrans/ make oc?
I need a video game like gta or hotline miami or something where you can murder people like the one in your pic. Why doesn't anyone make one?
Based joe
I wanna suck his chlamydia dick
>when the ass game on point
Drumpf shits vote agaisnt their own economic interests
Yeah mate and however you twist and turn it, your culture of 20456 alter-kin trinary genders, cuckolding and sharia law won't be the future. Doesn't even matter if the right or centrist side wins, you will lose if not to your political enemy then by self-destruction.
But nice to see how you can't argue a point and move the goal post instead, I guess logical consistency is nothing they teach in gender studies.
Yeah I'm starting to believe the SJWs have a really good point because of all the retarded overreaction to them.
Online media like buzzfeed, bbc news and kotaku? How delusional are you.
>people calling others retarded for sueing if you do not usie ther 23983 gender pronouns, smearing themselves with period in public and creating constructs like fart rape and touch rape are overreacting
Well, that's one way to look at it. : )
*yawn* >>using crazy people and pretending they are the norm
Get the fuck back to tumblr you mentally ill sissy
Honestly Joe is the type of person I want to be.
He's in shape, rich and is not a closed minded faggot. A good balance between right and left. Everyone hates sjw's but Sup Forums can also get so annyoing and dogmatic with their lost causes like white supremacy. The memes and poor sense of humor some of you guys have makes me dread even the idea having a conversation with some of you fags in real life. I'd much rather hang with joe
What board did this thread come from?
Joe "Open Borders" Rogan
...unlike the left who legislated everything to be rape as long as there is no explicit oral consent(ofc only from the woman's perspective) , even when the chick is making out with you and spreading her legs
>50% comedians no one has ever heard of
>30% MMA athletes no one cares about
>18% TED-tier speakers that contribute nothing
>2% interesting as fuck people
What the hell man, most pol memes are fucking gold...
the perfect description of JRE
What the fuck is wrong with you? Joe is far left. You think he's center/right because he takes a 'strong stance' no trannies and chemically castrating children? Wow that's some strong moral compass there, it must take some serious balls and fortitude to be against that..
Otherwise he's an open borders globalist meme
>"let all the Mexicans in"
>"the entire rest of the United States outside California/New York is flyover hick country"
>"but we need the stupid people to fight russia"
He's an insufferable lefty gatekeeper
Let me tell you about the Anunnaki
Pretty much, he's a neo-liberal that hunts (sometimes) and likes Lynyrd Skynyrd
That picture is funny.
But real talk, there are so many shitposters that spam the same shit over and over again. Like the Le 56% greentext that was never funny or that picture of the Jew with a big nose which is funny but I first saw it on Sup Forums 9 fucking years ago. I don't know how people don't get tired of reusing the same content over and over agian
Get real, he's not far left. Yeah his stance on Mexico is a bit ridiculous but he's openly critical of Islamic migrants moving into Europe and is against that
he can beat you up though
hes actually trying to read the scale but its still funny none the less.