What is the ultimate truth bout aliens?

What is the ultimate truth bout aliens?

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dicke penor &bolls

They have to go back.

They bow to the Bogdanoffs.


>Humans aren't advanced goyim, the potential that humans possess isn't that amazing. Those UFOs must be from a different world! It can't be our own creations!

Skinwalker ranch has kind of convinced me it's demons or entities from other realities we can't comprehend fully. Kind of like the Aztecs with the Spanish ship.

Aliens conquered Earth decades ago, all our leaders are Alien puppets.

>those numbers

Admirals Byrd & Hillenkoetter

They're actually us from the future.

They're humans from millions of years in the future travelling back in time to laugh at how primitive we were

>we can't comprehend fully
pfft quite literally a timeline where the jews won

blacks were them.

They do the work humans are too lazy to do.

The Jews can't win and time travel is unlikely given the rules of our imprisonment on this plane.


That occult synchronicity is a mother fucker

Here is your ultimate truth.

The speed-of-light barrier cannot be broken.

In fact all near-lightspeed long-distance space travel is unfathomably impractical both technologically and economically and from a pure incentive standpoint.

Space is so vast, you couldn't even pick a destination and have any reasonable expectation that there would be intelligent life at your destination.

Aliens most certainly exist, 100% truth. But we are separated by unfathomable time scales, distance scales, technological scales, and more such that we will NEVER meet.

>it is a chinese box
>and you're not going to be allowed to see, ok? So just, get that clear.
It was at first CIA cover for radio controlled aircraft secret development after world war when with paperclip we brought a bunch of nazi scientists over to help us reproduce and advance their radio controlled Fritz X bombs into surveillance aircraft and other flying machines. The public would flip out and could end up demanding a stop to research that they knew then would eventually lead to our global dominance, as we already knew air superiority was the key reason we were victorious during WW in the first place. So if it become public knowledge that our advancement was due to nazis who we demonized to the point that people viewed them as literal monsters then the only logical conclusion to leapfrog and get ahead of the truth was to blame literal space monsters, then the public could laugh it off as completely absurd and if the truth ever came out it wouldn't seem as bad or crazy as the absurd stories they had heard.


The ultimate truth about aliens is this:

> Intelligent Life on other planets in our universe exists
> We will never, ever come into contact with it

The universe is larger than a human mind is capable of truly understanding. We exist on a planet where everything has physical limits, as a result the concept of "infinite" is difficult for the brain to comprehend.

Matter cannot move faster than energy, therefor faster than light travel is not possible. The nearest stars with planets that could support life as we understand it would take hundreds of thousands of years to reach under perfect circumstances.

All UFOs are simply experimental government aircraft or standard solar activity. There is no government coverup, Area 51 is literally just a testing ground for new technology used by the Air Force.


What about inter dimensional opposed to to interstellar travel?
There’s still so much we don’t know, so even though you’re post is probably the unfortunate truth right now, it might not be for long.

they ain't real sorry

dont exist
we are the only ones in the universe since we are the children of god
gtfo cucks
no proof,no shit

we'll be sucked into the galactic core and recycled 100 times before our signal reaches even another galaxy


Sup Forums, is it time for one of these?

I think there is something in the bible about god mentioning that he has "other worlds", so even if christfags are right the bible doesn't invalidate the potential for aliens.

i'm a bit of an /x/fag so I believe

Not trying to shill multiculturalism or racemixing or anything, but would racial tensions disappear if spaceniggers invaded? Would blacks, whites, gooks, and spics work together?

>the ultimate truth
Lol what is this reddit drivel.
Let me put it to you like this kid, there are four options.
>intelligent life exists outside of earth but has yet to contact us
>aliens are here, they are incredible at blending in, but choose to play the role as passive onlooker
>same as number two, only they have evil intention
>they visited earth in some sense in the past, realised there is nothing to learn from us and that people are violent retards, then left off to see a based planet.
Personally I think 1 or 4 are the most likely, but the final conclusion I hope you draw is "who gives a fuck. there's no way to tell and anyone who says they know is full of shit unless they can provide evidence- which has literally only happened once and it was recorded by an air force pilot and released to the public with little that could actually be said other than 'the object moved like no known object on earth' "

Or something like that. Yes, Im ranting, but take it from someone who wasted a lot of time on the subject..

Also faggot


we will fuck them

Just downloaded it and sent it to the CIA. You're dead, pal.

Delet this

HUMAN property

I bet you think the Earth is flat too.

The only "aliens" that exist are beings from another dimension that is referred to as Heaven. They are the members of a failed insurrection and a resultant interdimensional war. They and their leader the morning star are confined to the vicinity of the Earth. The Elite are aware of their existence and serve them in exchange for wealth, political power and indulgence of what ever twisted desires they may have.


t. bill cosby

Would your really dip your dick in pic related?

you still have zero proof
but I have proof that we are the only sentient beings who dominate this planet


Completely denied and ridiculed everything about ufos until i actually saw one. Then when I tried to tell my peers I found it futile. There is no way to convince a person of something so fantastic is real unless they can see one themselves.