Are NEETs just lazy fucks ?

Are they the laziest fuckers out there ?
Why do they hate work and normal life ?

mental illness
t. neet


3 year NEET here, can confirm

stop sniffing butts

She isn't white and hair grows on her taint and in other unfathomable places.

I trade stocks so I can be as lazy as I want.

That asiatic berber mix bitch has a really punchable looking nose



>embraces capitalism

Being a neet is redpilled. Have fun slaving away while paying for Tyrones children.

Being a NEET is an American/refugee thing. I’ve never actually met a non retarded European who was a NEET.

God, spics really age like milk.

why would i work when the government is importing thousands of shitskins to work for me.

I'm just munching off from it. I go short.

>Are they the laziest fuckers out there?
No we're just not willing to work if there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
>Why do they hate work and normal life?
It's soul-sucking.

Who is a special boy? You are!

oh angie varona, i can't believe such hot woman is actually a lawyer

because i have 400 months to live

She's an actual lawyer ? Fuck

Actually quite an achievement considering she has been famous/roastie since 14.

Liberal with severe ADHD, childhood PDD-NOS diagnosis (meaning I fit some of the criteria for Asperger's, but not others, so they wanted to stick me with something even though they didn't know what was going on), and a history of depression here.

I despise you lazy fucks. I hated the people who told me I was nothing as a kid, and that's always pushed me forward, through self-doubt. I've worked in multiple countries, and I'm almost done with a master's program at a top university. I still get horrible anxiety, but I know failure isn't an option so I push through; zen meditation is also helping with that.

I would love for them to stick all you alt right NEET faggots in factories to do whatever mindless work can't yet be automated; that or just massacre all of you. You're a waste.

>throughout almost all of human history people didn't have "jobs"

> now it's weird

things didn't work out one way or another anxiety couldn't handle social situations

with all the time in the world I've figured out ways to live by doing absolutely nothing
I lived with my parents until 25 but when bitcoin took off I bought my own house

As most of /pol knows the government is fucked it's too hard to appease roasties only for them to steal half your stuff, tyrones kids, kike bankers, false flags and other conspiracies

It's just better to chill, read, hike, and with all the extra time you get to develop in your own way vs what society requires you to do to maintain itself

>throughout almost all of human history people worked in the field 12 hours a day.

Please don’t consider your degeneracy as normal behaviour.

Because the game is rigged. The only winning move is not to play.

She isn't

The truth is that a majority of humans, actually animals too are just naturally lazy, or what some people call, "efficient".

you see, all these concerns about money, career, status, etc. are somewhat abstract and disconnected from our animal instinct. An animal that is fed, warm, and safe will find little reason to move other than finding a mate. And even then, if the process of finding a mate is to laborious they will revert back to their den.

The frontal lobe is so recently developed that although it may distinguish us as human, the other parts of our brain are much more ingrained and ancient in determining our patterns of behavior. To override this instinct and set your own abstract programs (i.e. a program like, "work at something unrelated now for later capability (paper survival tickets=money) of procuring the necessities of survival") requires a great deal of self-awareness and habit changing action to firmly imprint yourself with the change.

This is evolution at work but it is by no means easy, and so many revert to the default, being comfortable is "success" in the eyes of an animal.

Many an animal would sacrifice a great deal just for the insurance of not being hunted that day and enough food in the cupboard to last the night.

you have "won" in the terms set by your lizard brain and so stretch your legs and go back to sleep

We don't need to live like that anymore.

Times are changing wether you like it or not.

>work to get something
>do no work and get the same thing
hmm i wonder why

Yeah we have jobs now, so get out of your moms basement and do something useful, you fat cunt.

I’d like to blow a load on those fun bags