Do you regret voting for him? I do.
Do you regret voting for him? I do
I would vote him 10 times.
Nice flag Mohammed. Go fuck yourself and sage while you’re at it.
I know this is bait and of course sage, but I don't regret it and I never will, can't wait to help him win a second time. Fuck you didn't know crosses could vote in the US
I never voted for Bernie
So much so that I've gone all the way to the other side of the meter and will vote Trump in 2020.
niggers tongue my anus
You didn't vote for him.
fucking svenposting
I regret being not living in the middle of nowhere,
Didn't vote for him but i regret it
fourth post best post
LMAO piggy drummpf. Oinky smelly pinky porky plumfy drumfp. Piggy poopy baby blumfpy? Goo goo ga ga oinky poinky plumpy drpmfy.
No regrets
oink oink
I've started wearing my MAGA hat in public in Seattle because fuck the haters they have nothing on my god emperor
I bet you regret your sex change, too
It was a no-win situation. He was better choice than Hillary.
>Do you regret voting for him? I do.
Yes, I voted for Trump too but boy oh boy I sure do regret it now.
I THINK I would vote trump again. I really hate the retared left insanity. But what the hell did you expect we are forced into a two party candidate system. My god I think we would be at war with a super power if helleriy got in other then the poop throwing monkeys that where shoes made by children crying victim hood,
I voted for Hillary and I don't really regret it.
yea yea.
I regret not voting for him.
I live in a (((blue state))) so it wouldn't have mattered. Should have voted for him anyway.
It's was her turn
I'm going to california and will vote for him 500,000,000 times.
Yea your proud to never have to face the repercussions of your actions like that guy that smears poop all over the bathroom.
>grants you 20 IQ points
This is a trap contract, please reform it by adding 'an additional' before '20 IQ' points
No, because I voted against him.
Ted is alright but seems a bit thin skinned. I'd have voted for Rand if I was a US citizen.
> I do
> Muslim interference in election confirmed
Thanks, smart porker!
The other choice was Hillary, there is nothing he could ever realisticly do to make me "regret voting for him".
The other choice was Hillary, there is nothing he could ever realistically do to make me "regret voting for him".
to hang from a rope yes it was.
Yes. Two years in and no wall. Gas prices haven't gone down. Economy is doing well but that isn't helping me because house prices are going up.
Yes, and I'll do it again.
>the other choice
>you only had two choices
You're a buffoon. Public funding is awarded based on percentage of the vote. Third parties exist as spoilers to the major parties. Their job is to syphon votes off the main-party candidates when the main parties do not properly pander to the third parties' interests. If you dislike the major parties' candidates, express that by voting for a third party that supports your beliefs. In the next election cycle, because of your vote, your third party will have more money with-which to advertise. As a result, your third party's issues will be better catered to by the major party candidates hoping to win your vote. You provide exposure for third party issues, when you vote for third parties--that's the purpose of them. The green party spoiled for Republicans in Bush 2, both times, because democrats failed to pander sufficiently to environmental issues. Democrats got much more serious about environmental issues, as a result. That's what a third party is for. Pick that one supporting your views, then vote for it.
I've gone from $13/hr to $17.28/hr in the past 9 months, I'm having a blast
Thanks, smart porker!
should update to include jordan peterson
Sup Forums should always be anti-establishment. Fucking sad people still support this shit
Don't be so quick to throw around the term buffoon. By the time Nov. 8th came around there were only two people who were going to win. Its that simple. The will of the voting majority ultimately decides and swings any fair election. In years past when the major parties' choices where frankly similar and disappointing a third party vote could be, as you alluded to, a long game vote for the future.
Hillary was the absolute worst, most dangerous candidate to be US president on the planet. Any eligible choice would have been superior to allowing her to become president. It just so happened that Trump was phenomenal so it made the choice that much easier.
What do you do?
does this sand nigger really think we're too stupid to see that swedish flag
>claims to be a former trump voter
>cuck flag
They can only vote dem though, of course sage.
Nope, not at all
The radical left and the DNC caused me to vote Republican for the first time in my life, and it felt gooooooood
will definitely get my vote in 2020
I work for cvs telling pharmacists how to get their printers working again, among other such broken equipment and system issues
What kind of household did you grow up in? Left leaning or right leaning?
Obviously a rich tv businessman isn't going to make a good president.
I'm still glad he got in instead of Hillary. My God, that woman is a menace.
Even more pissed that Americans are too stupid to realize they have more than two choices. Gary Johnson was a solid "get things done at home and do it responsibly" candidate.
My people deserve what they get.
Right leaning, both my parents at one point we're card carrying republicans, who later became disappointed in the party and remain independent to this day, still conservative though
You didn’t vote for anyone, sage. Not today, ISIS.
What was it that drove you towards the Democrat party? Was it an act of rebellion from your parents or did you sympathize more with their platform?
I regret every time I participated in any Democracy act
Trump was just the final blow
>voted for trump mainly for the lulz
>surprised he won the presidency
>mfw i also bet on him to win and made $5000
But I didn’t vote for hillary
I regretted voting for Obama 1 year in. I bet none of you 18 year old socialists even remembers cash for clunkers.
Me too man, I don't know what I was thinking.
>He was better choice than Hillary.
No. I wish I voted for her, Hillary's America would be fuckin' sweet man!
In my foolishness of youth I thought they were the party that cared about people, as I got older that kept getting ingrained, until I met a customer when I was bartending, who looked like Dr. Wiley without the mustache, and he was a conservative, we had good conversations about the state of the country and why things were the way they were, but I disagreed with him and he with me, before I left the job he said to me "when you're young you're a liberal, but the older you get the more conservative you will be", he was alluding to questioning why things were the way they were
This was the first "redpill" I got and it snowballed after Aria whatever her name was who got somebody fired at a conference for a "forking dongles" joke, and continues to build to this day
share blue... Your promising bacon but I smell pig shit propaganda.
>"when you're young you're a liberal, but the older you get the more conservative you will be"
My dad was the same way, he would call me 'his little Republican' despite me having leftist views in some areas. I used to be staunchly anti-cop until I looked at the information and just how many officers there are in this country. Along with the media just looking for a story I realized that life without the cops would be a nightmare compared to the collateral abuse that occurs.
Then he laughed when I said I was voting for Turmp but one election later he is staunchly pro-Trump
Thanks, smart porker!
Do you regret posting this shit again and again and again?
>some gook slut told me that I and millions of other men could racemix with her if I voted for Trump so I did
Thanks, smart porker!
>Not a single "not gonna lie" post
Honestly, if it wasn't for him I probably would have found out on my own, it probably would have just taken longer, and I was staunchly anti-cop as well until I met some and hung out with them, I still smoked weed but I had a better understanding of who the cops are and they're just doing they're jobs
Do you regret letting migrants in again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...
damn he looks good as a pig