Help a nigga out

We need to throw our weight behind this.
Stupid capeshit movie is being shilled as if it's the second coming of Jesus.
Sign the petition so HollyJews are pressured to hand over gibs to the blacks they exploit.

Other urls found in this thread:

beautiful. signing it immediately.

if they ignore this, disney will be made to look like liars and black panther will be proven to be nothing more than blaxploitation movie, its that or cave and hand over 25% of their profits, its win win for everyone except the mouse.

bump for justice


>movie depicts powerful self-reliant black society
>blacks come out of the movie already depending on other people's money
kek they will never learn

Bumping for shekels

This is a very good idea and we should all get behind it.

Why stop at 25%?

Siging this. We need to spread this like wildfire, get more of the media reporting this.


This isn't a Sup Forums initiative. It was started by blacks and huffpo of all places run the article.
We still need to get behind it.


>sjws and niggers hyped up
>rotten tomatoes gives it a 100% unprecedented
>sjws and niggeres project profits at 2Billion
>real profits probably less than 200 million
>that's why Marvel did its research and spent nothing on the CGI
>Marvel didn't count on this nigger uprising
>forced to hand over more money than it made with them movie
>they'll keep making these movies anyway because fuck white people

>rotten tomatoes gives it a 100% unprecedented
A lone critic from Ireland rated it fairly, complained about the lack of fight scenes in a capeshitter.
Still Drumpff and the Russians fault

another worthy cause in desperate need of our support.

>>blacks come out of the movie already depending on other people's money
>kek they will never learn
Good one shill. This is an establishment shill move by establishment shills who did not want and resent the production of this movie.

>It was started by blacks
No it wasn't. Shill.

just look up the people behind it, its already being spread by huffpo and black online media sites like blavity and essence. the fuck is your problem retard?

You forgot to call him a shill....oh wait.

50%. Should be 50%, and all cast should donate too.

>Jude Terror

The memes are real life

It was a great movie and hopefully Marvel will breakbread

>just look up the people behind it
Same tricks. Shill




>has to take place in a fictional city, as part of a fictional country, with a fictional culture

>Meanwhile the Avengers takes place in...........
>New York.

I can't stop thinking about IQ distribution Sup Forums.
What the fuck am i to do?

I'm proud of you Sup Forums.

White boy be jelly of our Wakanda cities.

It would be racist not to.

How about instead of paying to see the movie, they just donate their money? Asking Marvel to donate is just creating a middleman.

>for the first time, woman and people of color aren't limited to token or supporting roles

Is this nigga fo real?

I can't tell if you're a shill, a retard, or some new bot that is having issues with scripts. Either way, get fucked.


Sign this one as well.

My sides

Lol this is such a good idea

Why the fuck we should...
...I get it. Signed. And by the way, 25% is too little, atleast 40% while we're at it.

Selma never happened you dumb fuck
Ava DuVernay definitely never submitted an Oscar nominee cut AFTER THE DEADLINE LIKE POTTERY
>it's not real
>it was all a dream
>these are the first africans

the welfare state is why niggers are so fucked up now though

This could go viral if it were spammed on black twitter.

This is genius. Make them cough up the shekels

yes this one is real good as well.

Did I did good?
Who took my fucking name here?

>it's a movie that knows what's up
I hope he gets on the rape bus with a bunch of Wakandians.








>Disney makes movie for blacks
>blacks want reparations
They're like retarded kikes.

I would Mr.Nigger but I'm dead you see.

Signed this one as well.

Have a bump.


He's probably too young to know that movie user

>The five black people that can afford it go to see it
>No white people go
>Does awful in China because "muh based asians"
I'm hoping this movie does awful

Thats a terrific idea, it keeps the Kangs in the court, as it were. All those little Africans exposed to Black Panther and Wakanda in Africa, won't ever want to invade Europe for gibs, if they think they can turn into KANGS on their own.

I dont have a Twitter account, but could someone, or multiple people, spam this on Black Twitter?

This needs to go viral.


bump for justice

>blacks are about to learn what hollywood accounting is

holy fuck

Actually...........this makes total sense.
Going to sign.
Based nigga.

ov vey



Name an MCU movie that has a person of colour or woman as the main character?


>Does awful in China
Every single black panther advert in China has him masked up, not even kidding

>sure goy ill give you a cut of the profits
>oy vey looks like we failed to turn a profit. Our revenue was only 20x the budget. Sorry goy


lol. lets meme this for luls.


>ann coulter
not surprised. although, doesn't she date niggers though? guess its a hate love thing with her?

>Name an MCU movie that has a person of colour or woman as the main character?
KYS nigger
>inb4 whiteboi
I'm black

>February 17, 2018
>Beijing, China
>Dis moorie rook cool I see it
>why there is nigra


Leave this place you shills

Blade was pretty cool movie, dunno if it's all thanks to Wesley Snipes or because it was made more than ten years ago

fuck yeah it was cool

I gotta wonder/Ask is there a real downside to signing this, will this come back to us in the arse??

>dunno if it's all thanks to Wesley Snipes or because it was made more than ten years ago

The production values at the time were pretty good, and Snipes was a good hero, he wasn't all 'WE WUZ VAMPS AND SHIET"

eternal gibs

Never interfere when the enemy is making a mistake.

Let the niggers nig, if they see that whites have a finger at it they'll absolve the whites from guilt and make it a "nazi frog ploy"

Na even if they get the cash, theyll run and spend it instantly on jewellery

bread plz

*absolve the blacks
that's just what the kikes want, they want the whites to be at fault



He's my favorite villain of all time in Demolition man.
Back when every movie wasn't jammed with identity politics bullshit

Just because it's a marvel hero doesn't make it part of the MCU. Or is Toby Maguires Spider-Man also MCU? Though you are right to point out this movie still hasn't made a woman a main character any more than The Avengers or GotG.

Kek now this is great. Lol stupid kikes

Good movie,

I could watch Demolition Man over and over, and I never once thought about it being a "white man vs black man" beyond the fact that one was white and the other lack.

That's because the future world in that movie kinda looks like Soyboys wet dream.
Wesley and Stallone are literally the only CHADS left in this world and are so amusing to watch

What's funny is this exact movie, with this scene of a black guy slaughtering a room full of white people, would absolutely piss this board off to no end if it were made today

agree, this is hiIarious


Chinks can't be that dumb to fall for that.

got the Iink bro?

Beware the crypto kangaroo. It is full of lies and seman

The media campaign and push from critics is all you need to know. This shit is going to flop hard.

Signed we to need gib mo money fo them programs.

Its not Marvel its Disney... Good luck with that.

Summed up by the character Edgar Friendly: "I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".

My god. Sup Forums memes are becoming sentient
Shut the heck up, shill. Prepare to die.
Also, checked
