Can an Finnish immigrant, under certain circumstances, be British?
Can an Finnish immigrant, under certain circumstances, be British?
If he conforms to the culture. You can be British but for obvious reasons can never be English.
>Can an Finnish immigrant, under certain circumstances, be British?
It's the other way round. Brits, too, can be Finland.
Yes, but only send your women. We'll blanda the Mongol out of them.
No. Your children might be able to become British, if you have a child with a native.
Why would you want to?
Just seems retarded to me.
British yes, but never English, Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish.
Mongolians are quintessentially British.
No come to America instead white man
Not really no. I would also say no to Swedes.
Come to the north Finbro. York is a beautiful old Viking settlement, we actually celebrate the fact that you guys came over raping and pillaging. South is full of niggers and scum. Not to say southerners are bad, its just that they all live up here now. Don't fall for the London is great meme, its a putrid shithole.
too many swedes in our country. Probably will all be here in 5 years. Fuck sweden
Also, all of the bongs being fags are mongrels or dole pushers. Pic related.
>we actually celebrate the fact that you guys came over raping and pillaging
Cuck. In the south we celebrate Alfred the Great defeating them.
Fuck off, York is my city cunt. Go to Hull or something
finns weren't vikangs though
He's a northerner be patient with him.
Only if he's dark and Muslim.
I'm Finland (Helsinki) in like 2 weeks or something, what is there to do? Is it a liberal cess pit like other European capitals?
Bruv Helsinki is filled with Somalis and nu-male cucks.
Try Turku. Or Tampere.
Yes lad, many euros immigrants around my area, all integrated no bother some even have more of an accent than me now, nords always welcome!
My advice is the further north and west you go the better
>all integrated no bother
You've obviously never seen the south coast where all the poles are
I'll modify my statement to exclude romanians, but poles up north are usually well liked, fit in and integrate well
>northerners are slavs confirmed
>poles up north are usually well liked, fit in and integrate well
I can put up with them but its by no means ideal. At least they are usually similar in culture etc.
>integrate well
I'm sure they do considering you get them in small numbers.