Syria General /sg/ - My Father The Potter Edition


>SOUTHFRONT Feb 9 (Downed R. Pilot)

>Latest interviews with Assad
>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>Idlib Feb 4
>NE Hama Feb4
>Afrin Feb 1
>Yemen Jan 31
>E Ghouta Jan 29

Sochi FaQs

Devs Feb 9
>Hama: ISIS bumrush out of Hama pocket"Scores of ISIS militants slaughtered".Tiger forces have moved in capturing Ibn Wardan Qastel. are close to securing the pocket
>Dez: SAA and tribal militias hit by US airstrike while operating against ISIS cells in area N. of Dez. Dozens of casualties
>Damascus: For the 2nd time in two months suspected Israeli strike targeted the Jamraya Research Center, prob. site of an Iranian base
>SE Idlib: HTS attack Northern Abu Adduhur airbase they're driven back
>Idlib: Russ. bombing of Idlib is returning to normal levels. W. media is still screeching about 3 hospitals
>E Ghouta:The SAA is fighting to secure the armoured vehicle base; Over 70 “civilians” killed due to SyAF bombing
>Afrin: YPG recaptured Sheikh Khoruz from OliveBranch; clashes ongoing at Haj Bilal; both sides accuse the other of gassing the FSA
>Daraa: Shelling on al Gharbiyah, also Daraa city
>FSA arrested the commander of one of their brigades in the Daraa for participating in Sochi talks
>Erdogan: Contact with the Assad gov. is out of the question for now
>85,000 ppl have fled to Aden to escape escalating conflict in Yemeni cities of Taiz and Hodeidah


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G-d bless Israel and Kurdistan, the true heros of the Middle East.

Zionism will conquer all Arab countries.

Why cant putinboos just accept that the US won the space race?

Wow shills are early.... who wouldve thunk

virgin bread?

>needs to hire a private company to win a space race against no one

Well this seems like a pleasant bread.
>/latenightcomfyhours/ :DDDDDDDD


what will you do with them once they are yours?

>DeirEzZor: SDF expelled pro-Assad-forces from at-Tabiyah

/sg/ BTFO. Syria's oil now belongs to the Kurds.

then he's gonna name some token thing they have to sacrifice that the average media consumer doesn't know is useless.


Kick all the arabs out. Then breed even faster than now, get the population up, become a superpower and control the world.

Remember that in 70 years Israel multiplied by more than 10 times in population. Now we have almost 7 million Jews here, which is enough to take control of more land.

Have a good day lad

sounds like a plan. where do you start once you're done with the west bank and east jerusalem?

Palestinians are going to overpopulate you by 2050

Enjoy getting browned


Kick them where though?

you know where

West bank and east jerusalem are already ours. The arab noise there is just noise that gives us legitimacy to take even more land. And the arabs who live there are doing all the jobs that Jews here don't want to do. Most of the Jewish settlements were built by arab construction workers believe it or not.

Now I think it's time to take some of Syria and Lebanon a bit later after it destabilizes. I predict we'll manipulate Hezbollah to shoot rockets at us from Syria, which will give us an excuse to invade.


Who could have seen that one coming?

>I predict we'll manipulate Hezbollah to shoot rockets at us from Syria, which will give us an excuse to invade.
Ok good luck!

Palestinians are part of the plan. Without them making the arabs chimp out, we'd have no legitimacy to expand in order to "protect ourself".

And they do all the dirty jobs that no one here wants to do, then go back to their cities. They don't live in Jewish areas.

Based Trump kicking sand nigger ass

Build the Third Temple and move to Sweden.

And how do you respond to the accusation that the IDF soldiers are too cowardly to face Hezbollah soldiers?


>after it destabilizes
>this is jewish phase 1
but yea that's what I think too. you should take all druze land (unless you want to save it for casus belli). after that it's too far in the future to predict. what do you think the russians mean by getting military ships in Lebanese harbors (I think they're in preliminary talks)? and what do you think of Mohammad bin Salman? Can you do it without him?

I really wouldn't mind having more jews.

It's great. It shows that Arabs are base animals who care about their egos. We don't care about ego, but facts on the ground. Which is why we always manipulate the Arabs so easily


t. non-muslim arab

>but facts on the ground

You do realize that the planetary genocide of the jewish parasite race will come in your lifetime, right? How does it feel?

See, sandnigger logic doesn't work on us that already have sandnigger genes in us.

häng dig

>failed at invading a country smaller than Israel twice
>hurr we iz gon invade a country cuz we cant help da Rebels properly


I think I spooked him

Will you stay in Palestine if they let you after the war?

Even shills have limits


>muh cherrypicked exmaples
>doesn't understand what is asymmetrical warfare
then again, you're a dumb shitskin so it checks out. Meanwhile arabs keep killing themselves, so it's all good. Lokking forward for lebanon collapsing in the next decade

>me no understand gorilla warfare will happen in next desert land
>me think Nose people can do moar than flying bird attacks
>grug angry at sand people

>Meanwhile arabs keep killing themselves, so it's all good.

I'd prefer they didn't kill themselves and had stable countries to stay in instead of coming North...

delet this anti semitic hate speech

You must be a Putinbro reverse troll to be so stupid. KYS. If you really are a burger by location you are a nigger by intellect. Your post is stupid even by Sup Forums standards. Go shit in Sup Forums. This is the only thread where I get to read quality shills (most of the time). You are noise, and that's worse than evil. Your post is more retarded than Israeliposts.


same poster here. Me too, but that's what arabs do, they simply can't control themselves, just look around all over the middle east
Nope, next conflict will be two side bombing the hell out of eachother, only this time the other side is lebanon itself. See you in /lg/, shitskin


>same poster here. Me too, but that's what arabs do, they simply can't control themselves, just look around all over the middle east

blaming arab genes for the events of the past years in the Middle East is brainlet logic of epic proportions

>next conflict will be two side bombing the hell out of eachother, only this time the other side is lebanon itself.

If you look the places like Oman that are not getting bombed or under US puppet dictators they are doing well

>become a superpower and control the world

You must not be literate in English. Your only power is your manipulations of Burger Evangelicals. Everyone else detests the Jew and my fellow Burgers are getting the hint however slowly.

Yidsrael lacks all the necessities to be a superpower and geography ensures that won't happen. Meanwhile the Arabs are breeding.

Jewish Zimbabwe is your future, and you worked hard to deserve it. The degenerate cultures you foster will take (further) root among you. Your Orthodox don't fight, they let your cucks die for Tel Aviv.

Please nuke Tehran, Makkah, Riyadh and all your neighbors on the way out, including Kurds. I've had the pleasure of travelling all over the ME and conclude everyone east of Greece (and most Greeks) are multiethnic retarded rapebaby NeoJews who exist to kill each other. Their narcissism of small differences reinforces this.

Too bad Moscow and Washington can't get together and format the region. The only reason we don't is old, embedded and remarkably stupid Cold War rivalry. I'd like to see the US and Russian armored divisions shake hands over the ruins of Tel Aviv. That we have to take sides among you turdmunchers is great for you but don't confuse it with affection.

Night Everyone!

It was fun

No, it's the realization that sub-iq people can't form stable societies, and their countries will eventually descent into wars and conflicts, same as africa btw
Having shitload of oil helps

night bulgario

>SAA takes ISIS enclave in Hama that shouldn't even exist
>Fleeing ISIS fighters now invading Idlibistan because it's the only way out
>SAA will just take these ISIS gains back anyway

Cringe af

There’s good reasons why we aren’t compatable with the Russians. Their government is soviet tier and constantly antagonize us.

Has this been confirmed? Is it just a big meme?

Blaming sandnig "culture" and superstition for the results of that culture and superstition is perfectly logical. All they have in reply is wewuz. Someone was, long ago, but that's firmly in the past.

Who is the real Muslim, Shia or Sunni? Which sect?


Old Cold Warrior here. Stalinism is pretty dead. The current antagonism is mutual and driven not by ideology but greed. We are competing oligarchies, which could be the grounds for adult cooperation. We need not swap spit in the shower in the wee hours of the morning to do business. We do business with the far more evolved, rational Chinese. We do business with the very rational Vietnamese despite blasting the place flat. There's no inherent reason we cannot do business with Russia.

As long as we fight, the Jew and the Jihadi win because otherwise they could not play our competition to their benefit. The Jew has weapons because of Cold War Part I. So do its competitors on either side. Today's wars are legacy wars (mostly). This need not be permanent. Not long ago Chinese, Russian and US troops fought each other by proxy in Southeast Asia. Now all is chill excepting Norkland being Norkish, and everyone makes money. The US pays port calls to Viet Nam. China trades with Nam as do we. Less death, more money, more peace.

What’s the more accurate version of the ISIS Idlinistan gang? Pic related or hohol maps

so... what is happening in at-Tabiyah?

Either US is engineering a situation to go balls deep or SDF is chimping out in desperation because of the mauling they are getting in Afrin.

I wouldn't think the SDF would have the manpower to start shit in DeZ while being BTFO in Afrin. Maybe some local arab groups chimping out out of boredom.

Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust in him.

>Either US is engineering a situation
and yea that could be, but they aren't following up with a media campaign afaik.

It's a big meme.


giant meme

How much do the arab SDF number anyway

With the Way the War is going with the YPG losing all will to care about being against Assad because of Afrin America will likely rely on the Arab SDF more

when they want to meme that they're not PKK the SDF will tell you that it's about 50/50.

>How much do the arab SDF number anyway

So less than 10k?
does NATO actually think that a 10K force would be strong enough to Counter Hezbollah and the Iraqi Hashd AND Iranian commanders? Especially 10K soldiers whom are nothing more but corrupt tribals and some low ranked ex FSA/ISIS guys whos superiors got eradicated by Hezbollah and the Hashd several times

Yes, Great Satan belives this.

>does NATO actually think that a 10K force would be strong enough to Counter Hezbollah and the Iraqi Hashd AND Iranian commanders?
They don't have to believe this, they need for the war to last as long as possible to make Sochi/Geneva peace process as lazy as possible.
No one in their right mind would think the result of the war can be any different than what RF, Iran and Turkey agree to.

>We don't care about ego

Besides if you mean the troops allegedly engaged in clashes against loyalists in Deir ez Zor area - these are the troops not with SDF, but rather ex-jihadis on US Department of something payroll, very much like at-Tanf mercs.

>ISIS walks across SAA lines to conveniently attack Assad's enemies without putting so much as a fight

So when it happens in SDF land it's a conspiracy with ISIS and the USA but when Assad does it it's perfectly fine?

Fresh maymay

Pls gib (you)s

They did try to push through, but got annihilated by SAA in the end, always try to find visual verification before saying bullshit, lad:
Pictures inside

They're dead anyway

Why have there been fake news stories that the US has left Al Tanf?
The average burger wouldn't even know they were there

Because Al tanf is shrouded in misinformation and CIA/pentagon niggatry

Donald J. TrumpVerified account
I will be meeting with Henry Kissinger at 1:45pm. Will be discussing North Korea, China and the Middle East.


kys Turks are not trustworthy and the Kurds don’t have those weapons

Trips of tardation, but nice rare flag.

Genius if true because none of the KIA matter. If Ergogan thought of this he has my respect.

This. Think like Kissinger.

This is good, he’s the best living mind on foreign policy.

Yeah true genius, look how good arming and supporting a jihadi group worked with talibans. Mutts dont learn

>tfw no Yemeni gains

Imagine being this retarded