Tfw no qt anti-trump mex to hate ride my dick

>tfw no qt anti-trump mex to hate ride my dick

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la creatura

Niggers are smart.


shes cute as fuck
that skintone + haircolor + braids is my weakness.

La puta detrĂ¡s de la pared...

el diabla...del oeste

girl in thumbnail is clearly like 15

im a beaner and that bitch looks like a monkey. either her ancestors didnt get raped enough or too much by the wrong race/species

Yeah. Also lowered crime rate because her brothers, uncles, and parents aren't around either.

Um..excuse me goy, but she is now 16. Thank you very much.


Enojado monstruo de la oscuridad...

Who makes these gay fucking threads?

>>either her ancestors didnt get raped enough or too much by the wrong race/species
>Being proud his ancestors got literally cucked, his women taken as little more than cum dumpsters, and his people completely dominated in every sense of the word
based Latin America

You have the weirdest fetishes my friend.

duende oscuro

God her buritto must stink

I do, sweetie. Now post some political debate videos please.

what nation/race hasnt you inbred mongoloid?

Lad she looks 12 or something

>why don't you like donald trump?
wow, that question will surely spark a very thought-provoking and intelligent debate

I hope you know she isnt a mexishit but a pajeetes

I'd fuck her and run, she is pretty but you know she will turn into a fat burrito in a few years.

>Lad she looks 12 or something

That's just how california mexicans look like.

There's no need to be upset, Paco. You're clearly the proudest cuck in the shed

they are both mixed race mutts so it makes sense but the one in my pic and OP one is clearly Indian

>OP wants to race mix. Video is all mixed race people. La cretura

Well, I can't tell you for certain as I don't know her personally, but what I can tell you is that I would cum in every hole of her body. Pajee women too.

I'm just a living meme, I can't help it.

All of the poc looked dirty.
That girls looks like she stinks and I guarentee if you fuck her (or any girl with that complexion) that the pussy is dirty brown and produces white pussy juice.


That's because you're a faggot, op.

10/10 would throw away my white genes to have mutt babies with her

EPIC trolling! XD

this board is shit now thanks to you retards like (you)

>n-no y-you
better luck next time, champ

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Cool story, bro. Thanks for the bump.

Would mix race with her; fuck anyone who wouldnt

Enjoy your stench and STDs

Statistics say otherwise stay mad kid

>but he banned muslims

but the banned countries have 7% of global muslim population

How do they say otherwise? All the cities on your map are blue.

Kek what the fuck

Right on.

>Enjoy your stench
I would personally clean her
>and STDs
Statistically less likely to get as male

>when you know you won't ever get to gently ravage her anus with your penis

Deport that useless whore.

That nose piercing.

>That Ramones tee

Boliva is the weirdest fucking place on earth


Her nose is reminicient of that creature in Alice In Wonderland.

pfft, runt detected


>american flag

>literally muh dik

Sup Forums really needs more drawfags, we used to have tons of them but most were scared off due to plebbitors.

"People" like you is why I'm planning to emigrate, user.

Every time I see an absolute qt 3.14 non-white gril I imagine what our children would look like it immediately kills my boner. Can I be the only one?

Come to the Midwest/Northwest, we might split away from this shithole soon enough if the immigration polices don't change. At least the whites here hate spics and niggers with a passion.

I hope you have a wonderful life in your new country.

There's no need for kids, just sex it and exit.

I think it's the paternal instinct that starts to kick in.

The Mapuche race didn't, unconquered bastards.

>Cities are only in blue areas!

Jfc glad I gave up "debating" leftards after the election. These conversations are always so cringe and serve absolutely no purpose.

ella es mi criatura, vete a la mierda.


Jasmine is a Latina, I know her personally.

That isnt a remotely cute latina you low standard beta fuck

>I know her personally.
Go on...

Show me a 10/10.

>the bitch behind the wall

These threads just prove how desperate the average user here is, pretty sad.

That bitch is so dumb. Saying that getting a loan from his own father for a million dollars is not ok. Yes, make sure you can only get loans from the government or the centralized banks or loan sharks. This retard doesn't realize that without loans, ONLY the rich would be able to start businesses or own homes.

I wasn't anti immigration until I saw this... I'm starting to realize how retarded these people are even when they are supposedly "educated". Fuck it, send them all back, including the dreamers.

Play videogames

I dumped mine yesterday. Misgenation is wrong. Your genes are your most precious asset. Treat them accordingly.


When I'm trying to explain something to you, and there is no way for me to get it through you, either because you geniuenly cannot understand my point for whatever reason, or because you're flat out fighting agaisnt be despite being well aware of all the information and yet just rejecting it to subtitude your own narrative; We have a war.

This is war. I am here. You are there, I am an unstoppable force, you are an irremovable object, something's got to go.

your charts say the same thing

Racially Ambiguous Thot

that one malaysian dude. wherever he is hope it is on fire

She wants to get pounded by the Trump supporters, you can just see it in her eyes.

>dyied hair
She looks like a lady who sells avocados in La Central De Abastos from Mexico City
I bet she stinks like Taquis and fucking tacos de cabeza.

Oh look another slider. Sage

Her nose looks like this

>>tfw no qt anti-trump mex to hate ride my dick

That's what she wants, user.
Remember this?

Pajeet girls are better than mexicans imo.


Trust me, you dont wanna fuck a mexican chick


That's a cute Seibah

>Always do opposite of what Jews want you to do***


oh shit i remember that. cuck bf had to drag her out the door lmfao

>im a beaner
Sure you are Cletus

The one thing I'll give Liberals is that yes, they are retarded, but they don't make 14 year old kids their spokemen. You'll see some libshit kid get interviewed on the news sometimes but you dont have actual elected officials and grown ass adults saying that those kids are the future.
Jonathan Krohn and Caiden Cowger are our version of these kids but for some reason conservatives actually want these kids speaking for them.