>Rand Paul on Republicans Being Hypocrites on Spending
Rand Paul on Republicans Being Hypocrites on Spending
Will gladly vote for him in 2024
Imagine being involved in politics in 2018 and believing that words have power. This fucking idiot actually thinks if he explains what the problem is, the problem will get solved.
I stand with Rand.
This guys a manlet lol
Post your pic
GOP and Dems are two sides of the same coin; it's a one party system with stragglers on either "side"
Why? It's not gonna change the fact that he's a manlet.
Imagine being stupid enough to keep voting in the people who do this over, and over, then complaining how bad they are.
He was merely telling the truth. I know that means nothing to some.
It's almost as if deficits literally don't matter, and everyone that pretends they matter is just trying to score political points.
And he wears frat shorts
What he stated was correct, they are spending money they do not have. There is no longer money, but debt, and sooner than later that will equal a total collapse. Actually we are there, but it has not caught up yet.
>implying they don't
This was a beautiful speech. All anons should indulge.
Well they don't unfortunately in the modern age here. Most just wanna sit back munching on their 20K calories while they watch their 2000 channels of brain damage.
Depends on whether Trump can achieve the desired economic growth with tax cuts.
Unfortunately this... Like Ron Paul, the climate is too extreme for simply a reasonable man with a reasonable explanation. All these problems we face are being undertaken with explicit intent on harm with extreme force - their only counter-argument is, "Yea, what the fuck you going to do about it?"
The truth is we are at war and have been for our entire lives.
Elightenment approachs
That's not how money works. The banking system and the FED create money out of nothing, as in they type it into a computer screen.
Nothing has to be "paid back" at all, it's just numbers. The national debt doesn't matter. Nothing is going to collapse because of the "national debt". In reality the only debt that does matter is private debt, as in debt consumers have, and that *will* crash the economy. But private debt can be wiped out with the strike of a key.
I stand with Rand
He will win in 2024
Non-whites don't care about pieces of paper with words scribbled on them
No it doesn't. What most people still buy into is that there is a solution to the debt. I tell you this, even if we reversed, and had a projected $1 trillion surplus coming in, they would spend it, and not pay on debt. In fact they would spend it to the point of a deficit again, regardless of which party was in power. This is because we are ruled by a single progressive party, that cares more about turning us into an open border, one world nation, and not an individual one.
He’s right
A surplus would mean the government is taking more money out of the economy than it is putting into the economy
How would the government taking money *out* of the economy help it? The economy needs more money aka stimulus and by deficit spending the government is creating more money to be put into the economy.
Low taxes and higher government spending are a good policy during a recession.
So when the rest of the world says they no longer accept this numbers? What there is no collapse? You are delusional.
What do you think happened to the £Sterling when it was no longer the world reserve, and GB. The same will happen to the US Dollar when other nations drop it as the reserve, and it will happen sooner, than later.
No it would mean that more money is coming in is all, from the improvement in the economy. I mean that is what the Grand Trumpeter plan is promising.
>the rest of the world says they no longer accept this numbers?
The rest of the world doesn't matter compared to domestic production. As long as domestic production in your country continues then your gdp will increase and your currency will stabilize. And the only thing that keeps an economy going in times of crisis is stimulus.
Of course during a "boom period" you don't need government stimulus at all. In fact during a boom period you actually want to raise taxes.
>What do you think happened to the £Sterling
Great Britain lost it's position as world Empire because it sold it's Empire in order to bribe the US into entering two world wars on its side. It was a very stupid mistake. But that had nothing to do with printing money.
A government surplus means more money is being sucked in by the government out of the economy.
No it does not under the current tax plan. Trump claims there will be a surplus because of the economy being so good, and off setting the cuts. All I am saying is that if it happened a surplus would be spent to where it becomes a deficit again, because we have children running this nation.
Also yes the world does matter if it does not accept our currency. It also means they do not trade with us. Welcome to a Zimbabwe economy.
> under the current tax plan
So far the deficit is increasing which is good, it's just not increasing enough imo
Obviously taxes should be cut but the highest percentage of tax cuts should be for working class and the middle class.
>there will be a surplus because of the economy being so good
hopefully he's wrong
>becomes a deficit again
I would hope so.
> if it does not accept our currency
As long as our economy produces quality goods/services, foreigners will buy them.
>they do not trade with us
Actually a currency that is inflating makes countries want to trade with you. That's one reason China is always inflating the value of the Yuan.
>Zimbabwe economy
The main problem with ZImbabwe's economy was that it kicked out all the productive whites leaving only lazy Africans to "work".
I miss a more libertarian Sup Forums
He's right
3rd world shitholes don't need US meme money that goes back to US meme contractors doing the project anyway
GB didn't sell its empire, it just walked away from it. All that blood, all that scheming, and then it didn't even resist when the shitskins got restless. It's even more scummy than that though. Wwii at some level, was only to prevent Germany from challenging British power. 50,000,000 dead later, won the war, and then walked away.
As a side note, the British Empire was at its greatest extent in 1939, not in the 1700's, or 1800's as some might presume.
Someone should edit this so that a merchant flashes on the screen.