Design wise:

Design wise:
>Sagiri > Kirino
Personality wise
>Sagiri = Kirino
I guess Eromanga Sensei is better than Oreimo. Plus the side characters in Eromanga is better. In Oreimo only Ayase is good.

How can Sagiri's design be better if she is a loli?

Sagiri is way cuter too. No wonder they hired one guy to exclusively animate her.

You just answered your own question

Also sexier than Kirino

S2 when?

>eromanga is better than oreimo
No it's not, stop forcing this meme. this show is not memorable at all in comparison, prove me wrong otherwise.

Both are pretty generic. You could argue that Oreimo had a stronger "message" I guess. But Oreimo had worse characters

1.Oreimo is finished
2.Oreimo made an impact thanks to the ending, that's it're retarded

EMS is basically a gag story, if you take it serious you already proved your stupidity. Comparing it to Oreimo is just laughable.


Comparison to Oreimo is inevitable though.
Also Oreimo is a gag itself

Perfect butt.

Does MC want to ravage his imouto?

Of course he does. I mean, just look at that delicious butt holy shit.

The only good thing in this show was the cute characters, everything else is shit.
>annoying MC
>bland story with no depth
>ridiculous backstory at the 11th episode

Seems like anime nowadays just need brute force (cute girls and good art) to make success, or maybe I reached the point that anime is getting too boring for me.

Kirino is bitchier and has a worse hairstyle

This show was boring as fuck and had no real focus, unlike Oreimo. How do you retards settle for so much less when Oreimo ended only a few years ago?

>Seems like anime nowadays just need brute force (cute girls and good art) to make success
It's been like this for many years now

Why didn't it reach OreImo's success?

It's pretty boring compared to oreimo

The real question is why doesn't it have better doujins?

Also Oreimo doujins are pretty bland too.

Sex with Megumi.

To be fair she's one of the oldest looking lolis i've seen in anime. I'm not saying looks changes a number i'm just saying she's less creepy to look at.

I didn't watch Oreimo. I think the show is cute. The loli moments are creepy but the simple story and Sagiri just being adorable is enjoyable to watch. I also am a sucker for hikkikomori stories.

>there are people who didn't watch Oreimo but watched Eromanga

Oreimo is reaching the age where the percentage of people who've never seen it is going to rapidly jump up, user-kun. It's like how there's a ton of good shows from 2006 or 2007 that are fading into obscurity, and 2010 isn't that much younger than those two years at this point.

>Oreimo aired a decade ago

Anyone else think Sagiri's personality is awful?
Her design is great but everything else is a no-go. Selfish, prone to angry and passive-aggressive outbursts, doesn't want to talk things out. Her hikokomori/shut-in side is poorly written. She doesn't want to leave her room not because she's scared of people or shy (what kind of shy person shows themselves on stream in front of thousands of people) but because she's lazy and wants a free ride throughout life and doesn't care who she inconveniences. Her brother enables her to be that way. It was barely funny with Umaru because it was done in a tongue-in-cheek, over-the-top way, so here done in a more serious tone it's extremely grating. She doesn't even show any appreciation towards him which also makes it worse.

I admit I felt pretty bad for her in the first episode where they give us both their backstories, and then she just ruins it by getting offended at MC calling her family and telling him to leave. He was trying to get along in his own way and she shut him down and tells him to leave for no reason. She just comes off as extremely selfish and entitled. That's why I'm so baffled that people like this girl outside of porn and doujins. I think it's crazy that this is considered the type of girl that otaku idealize. She's cute and all but in no way likable. And not because of character flaws or whatever, but because the writer sucks balls at writing captivating or relatable characters.

A lot of anime make the character a cute, young girl so they don't have to do the hard part of writing to make the audience sympathize with the character through their words and actions, and with Sagiri this is very, very obvious. She's probably one of the cutest characters this season, design-wise. Just add in a few blushes, side glances and fidgeting, and you have a character who in instantly likable to 95% of the otaku audience no matter how entitled they are. No need to deal with that pesky writing stuff.

>Oreimo girl
OP is a faggot.

>kaichou slut
>better than Kanako
Double faggot!

>Oreimo girl
? I never said that unless you meant Ayase or Sagiri

Eromanga sensei is shit. 90 percent filler and the rest is incest bait since he won't get away with Oreimo again. At least Oreimo wasn't so forced and had memorable side characters.

Kirino>Sagiri in every aspect. Ayase best girl.

The impact is what makes it more memorable than Eromanga Sensei will be.

Eromanga hasn't even ended yet right? How will it end?

It's easy to prove you wrong: THEY DID NOT TRY TO SHOEHORN A SEQUEL. If it was so "great" then they wouldn't have given up on a potential cash cow.

But other than the better designs, characters, etc. I guess for now Oreimo has more hentai drawn of it...

What are you even saying with that, Oreimo sold really well and a sequel is basically impossible thanks to the Tokyo Bill.

If it was a cash cow, they could have found a way. Just like getting around the censors.

FYI: "selling well" doesn't mean it's of nanoha/gundam/etc. franchise status. IF it had, there would be more toys focused on it, or sound stages, or....

>forced user
>forced post

Your entire point is just stupid.

>oreimo characters
Hell no.
It's just the ending that made it memorable for a few degenerates coupled with that delicious Hiro Kanzaki art style.
The girls hardly strayed from overused archetypes, to say that they didn't at all is hardly exaggeration. Utterly forgettable.

>Ayase is good
>I never said that
stay on your meds, autist

Too bad all Oreimo doujins are trash and have shit art.

Oreimo had a forced ending :^)

>admit they're both in love with each other
>are each the reason they're so passionate about writing and drawing
>literally nothing happens
There's more to the story than this right?

cross your fingers

Are there any other words which make you immediately dismiss a criticism of something Sup Forums?

Eromanga is far from over dumbfuck.

I felt like I was being cockteased the entire time waiting for an actual romantic moment between them. I don't want to see them fuck but I was hoping the entire time for a kiss or even them holding each other and I get the fucking headpat meme for my troubles.

These are legit depending on the context, autist.

indeed, not even a hug like at least normal siblings, and the MC being a dense son of a bitch is the pretext

>cute characters
lots of other anime do it better, ranging from mildly better to day-and-night improvements

This isn't Tsuki where the main couple kisses before they even start talking to each other normally. They have plenty of talking and internal monologues to do before trying any romance, deal with it.

Well it's not over. Maybe we'll get a better ending than Oreimo.

Yeah, the loli who literally drools over getting to see panties and manipulates older girls pose in bikinis for her needs to take it slow with big brother. Ok.

Yeah, that one. She's also a shut-in who lost her parents twice and sees herself as a parasite to her brother, whom she loves as family and as a man at the same time.
There'll be no kissing before they sort themselves out because they can be surprisingly relatable to real people in some regards, what a shocker.

Sagiri is pretty a realstic character. I mean she isn't some generic heroine.

I'm no lolicon but I'd rather fuck Sagiri than Kirino.

Riight. I'm not telling anyone so don't worry.

It's only seven years old, you fucking god damn idiot.

It's no sequel, but it's obviously a "successor to Oreimo"

Kirino is the best designed anime character of all time. This much has been proven.

Personality wise Kirino is better in the sense that she evolved as a character throughout the series.

At the very least it was a lot more enjoyable then OreImo despite having the MC be voiced yet again by repeat Aniplex offender Matsuoka. The drama is very subdued and its more focused on the fun and building the characters up as well as having the relationship be more focused on their trust for each other rather then whatever OreImo was.
Also Sagiri is a reaction image goldmine.

>Design wise:
>>Sagiri > Kirino
>Personality wise
>>Sagiri = Kirino

Wrong on both counts

Both correct.

Proven how?

>Personality wise Kirino is better in the sense that she evolved as a character throughout the series.
And Sagiri hasn't? Also the series isn't even close to being over.

Shit taste is a proven fact.

Imouto wants D.
Nii-chan wants the Sagiri.
Why haven't they fugged?

They're broken inside.

OreImo at least feels like there was some passion and effort put into it and has good character designs. Eromanga Sensei is somehow both totally lazy (in writing and characterization) and tryhard (in character designs).

>inb4 i'm an elitist for caring about anything besides cute girls even though most anime offers cute girls these days

Nah, you're just very biased.

No shit. That's what an opinion is.

Yes. A biased opinion.

Good design =/= masturbation aid
Kirino is still better though.

>Sagiri = Kirino
Kirino may be primo masturbation fuel, but no way her personality is as good as Sagiri's, not that sagiri's was great to begin with.

>Tokyo Bill meme again
Nobody in Japan is even enforcing it since everyone knows they just did it so the burgers would go home to burgerland and bitch and scream there instead.

They just did it for the Olympics and will only enforce it then.. Even burgers don't care.

If Burgers cared they would have them at gunpoint or get their government to actually enforce it.

Nobody has the balls to risk a very expensive lawsuit over the bill, it can't be a meme if it works.

Sagiri is best tbqh

I'll try watching this again. I adapted to Kirino's bitchiness and she got way better, so the same probably happens with Sagiri.

Guess why NBR and coursins are a thing, moron.

What i hated about sagiri was that she didnt leave her fucking room.
Sagiri wearing her uniform at school fucking when?

Plz tell me she leaves her fucking room and goes to school




Oji-san enkou arc when?