ITT: characters pure of heart and worthy enough to wield Thor's hammer
ITT: characters pure of heart and worthy enough to wield Thor's hammer
skeletor, because he doesn't have a heart.
>ITT: characters pure of heart and worthy enough to wield Thor's hammer
is the same shit of Flying Nimbus of DBZ, so KOKU wins
I think she counts as pure of heart, she dindu nuffin wrong
At the end, probably
ok we get the joke
here OP
Honestly, Goku actually would make sense because it also prides being a warrior.
i don't think so, he's way too caught up on casca and bent of killing Griffith that i don't think he's worthy of anything.
He isnt even worth of his own authors attention.
The guy would totally deserve all the power that comes with it too
Akane from Psycho Pass
I dont have the strength of will to agree with this as much as i want to.
Mumen Thor
Bearer of the one punch force
King of tornados nonexistent ass
She already uses electricity.
Everyone until some asshole tells them gods are shit and they only make things worse. Then, they become unworthy
Pic related and Madara Uchiha
All he needs is blonde hair and you won't notice a difference.
the first Ultimate Hope
>Everyone until some asshole tells them anime is shit and it was a mistake. Then, they become myazaki
>Madara Uchiha
At least try if you are going to bait.
The question you should be asking is
>Is the hammer is worthy of Griffith?
Every Harem MCs is pure of heart. Why do you think they never fuck any of the wenches that come their way?
This guy, or Mumen Rider.
>Fermento: God of Rape Thunder
It already belonged to Gilgamesh to begin with.
Now kiss.
It's not rape when you want it.
>pure of that
>Most Worthy
he was too pure for this world
dumb whore
The qualities you need are a sense of justice and willingness to kill a motherfucker if you have to. You need to be willing to be a symbol.
Are you saying she wanted it?
What is more pure than geometry?
You take that back. I will have you know that i own a nixietube clock that allows me to travel at quantum speeds to fuck your mother, you inbred mouthbreathing loser, take it back, love her, she is absolute purity, tootooroo
she always wanted it.
I can think of two universes as well as a just and perfect god OF JUSTICE who would disagree with you.
Yui now fuck off back to/co/
He didn't have Oberstein publicly executed for nuking that planet, so no.
Oberstein launched those nukes? Really now? You're delusional and/or drunk again, brandy drinking FPA scum.
Came to post him
Purest boy and best JUSTICE
Not that he needs it
yeah but he'd just give it to someone else and break it while fighting them.
This nigga
yomi ;_;
He's an absolute pussyass bitchboi
I mean, he needed a pure heart for super saiyan mode
Too pure
Kircheis and Yang would, Reinhard no
No one cares about you Jagi, go be already dead again somewhere else.
I feel ashamed for not having posted THE MAN yet
he did what was necessary, not what was wanted. That part was fucked up though. Still I say Jagi or Souther is behind this post.
Would never use it though thanks to autism
It's a hammer. He could use it to forge swords and then make shitty copies of them that are better than the original.
This cute goddess, obviously.
But he will have to wait three years to pick it up, and it will kill him after he uses it.
Do they call him Guts because he had his guts shifted around?
He has large guts, obviously.
You guys know that the hammer doesn't care anymore . It allowed Supreme Leader Herr Rogers Life it. and he's a nazi now
Pinky could definitely do it.
The saint on the right, not the spastic on the left.
Is it honestly about being pure of heart? Because im sure spiderman and cp america are more worthy of that shit then thor if thats the situation. I thought it was about being "thor enough"
He is your cap and your going to like it
Has Kaneki died yet?
It's more having the heart of a warrior than being pure of heart and even then spiderman wouldn't fit. He's done some shit like making packs with the devil to save may.
Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man.
To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may.
If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have your duty by yourself and by your country. Hold up your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of’.
Doesn’t matter what the press says. Doesn’t matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn’t matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.
This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences.
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world – No you move.”
He is not my captain.
But someone already wields it
It goes without saying, but
>One More Day
You know damn well that when the great Marvel purge begins, that storyline is going to be rendered non-canon.
now you only need some tingling