I am half swedish and half middle eastern do I count as a mutt?
I am half swedish and half middle eastern do I count as a mutt?
You'd be considered 100% ,white in America.
You are a true viKANG.
Swede and Middle Eastern are meaningless terms when it comes to genetics. What are you trying to say?
Not really, Americans can spot a shitskin pretty easily. Just not if they're slavic.
If he was half Persian or Levantine you'd be right. The American layman doesn't consider Arapes White, just DC
>they've started interbreeding already
Half man, half ape.
There is no escape.
Kill yourself
haha kys mutt
If "already" was 18 years ago, then sure.
I'm not shitskin though I am blonde and white for some reason.
>middle eastern
Every time
you can't be a mutt unless you have american citizenship
middle eastern is arab. There is no other noteworthy race inhabiting that part of the earth, except for the jews which are distinct.
Shouldn't you be drinking and thinking about suicide in the darkness that is your life right now
Ok who the fuck is the swede, mum or dad?
Hi zibanejad
Do you wipe your ass with your left hand? Iraq is basically poo-tier.
you're the poo tier walking around reeking of shit with your crusted assholes soiling your clothes
pic related
get with the times stinky
nutt rapist baby
You're not white!
In fact...
Let me tell you about which european countries are white....
I am actually pretty damn white and people are usually surprised when I tell them that I am of middle eastern origin.
You are a freak of nature, please shoot yourself in the head, so I won't have to when I'm genociding your entire race, along with any halfbreeds.
Damn, so halfbreeds are freaks of nature but inbreds aren't? Okay.
do you have brown eyes, brown hair and white skin? (srs question, no troll)
what are your haplogrups