Antifa Promoting Violence

Antifa is allowed to post this stuff publicly on Facebook but Conservatives are routinely banned for posting anything deemed offensive.

Other urls found in this thread:




Day of the rope when?

Those are some extremely kikey tactics right there.

I wish they'd put their money where their fucking mouths are so that we could finally put them down, for good.

Another right wing false flag. Yawn....

And yet the leftists complain that Sup Forums is a right wing safe space

Fuckin snakes. Bump


Most of the people posting in this group are typical left wing scum, like this Huffington Post bitch who tries to dox people at rallies.

Report to the local police idk they're giant pussies remember their "Revolution" from Nov 4th

post more if they got 'em OP, we could use that info too. for science.


I think even wheelschan Sup Forums is less of a safespace than /leftypol/

>post anything mildly critical
>banned for "Sup Forums falseflagging"

The author of these basks in his smugness while typing them up after reading the Anarchist's Cookbook for the dozenth time but if they start using these tactics it wouldn't be long before angry citizens start shooting them.


Dude who was a well known second degree Proud Boy accidentally overdosed a couple days ago.

This page celebrated to no end. They were reported relentlessly... buuut all their vile shit is still up.

Yet we get thrown in fb jail for next to nothing.

Rly makes me think

>died a degenerate

my shock has thusly been imagined


Still, it goes to show you how low these cunts can go... and they'll get away with it.

A buddy messaged the page, here are the results.

Digits and Trump will throw them in Guantanamo,




this tactic will never work.
they want us dead?
bash their fucking skulls, bolshevik pieces of shit.

The public fb link is still up. Y'all should look and see if any libshit of note 'likes' this and/or 'likes' the page.
They're onboard with this shit, and can be called out.

this guy claims he was responsible for the Charlotseville death

Go to the fb page, scroll down just a tad, the link is still up.

We need to flood these fuckers.

time to go lappo on this motherfucker

The page in question:

i would like to march in the streets and get into a massive brawl with a load of antifaggots.

Giving these faggots attention is what thy want you newfaggots. Keep munching the bait. Ignore them just like their parents did... you are making them look like victims. I agree they are cucks and total pussies, but that nigger will be on the list for day of rope.

That's dumb. There's no winning that.

Either you get your ass kicked by a bunch of losers, or you kick their asses and they propagandize the hell out of it.


Jesus Christ, how terrifying.


>Just ignore them and they'll go away
Are you fucking retarded?

100% a woman. They fold under any argument that over reaches a range of sympathy. If you use logic they try to systematically shut you down. No joke, the venacular of these people are all the same.

Those are people I end up telling to kill themselves, because I know you can't save them when they are power hungry.

Damn, ha, you're probably right... that's exactly what it sounds like.

She'd probably would have loved nothing more than to have been rape-fucked by the dude, too.

>Leftists are literally so inept they need to be told not to light a fire indoors
You can't make this shit up

Whoops nevermind, they're advocating lighting people on fire

>Geen andere formaten van deze afbeelding gevonden.

Charming, right?

...and they can post that shit all day.

But they make this info available to everyone. So everyone knows their weapons, and everyone can make the same weapons.

I don't think any amount of anarchist cookbook stuff is going to save anybody from anything

Nah. The big fight in Berkeley where antifa was routed was a huge morale loss for them.

Try making a right-wing page and making the same type of posts.

wtf does an instrument have to do with anything? does he mean "wa la"?

How many layers of bait you on user?

you don't have to post the same thing. You can just read their stuff and learn.

I found the millwall brick to be more creative

I'm pretty sure those rural retards have already discovered "rocks" and "fire".
>Lightbulb full of glue
what the fuck
I guarantee that they'd suffer more casualties just making those than they'd inflict.


Follow her and archive when she hits 1488 followers.

Please be kidding and not as dumb as everyone thinks we are.

Jesus Christ leaf this isn't rocket science try to think for a minute and figure out the point I'm making here.

>Filling string instruments with cement because patriarchy

Jews are the enablers of this shit. Kill Jews.

We're reaching levels of bait that shouldn't even compable!

if a some non-binary faggot ever assaulted me with a soda can filled with cement, hed have at-least one more deep regret for the rest of his life

Remember Sup Forums don't shoot people in the face to defend yourself after some kid sprays you with a fire extinguisher hoping to blind you for life.

El creatura!

Goddamn Canada really is a meme

Liberalism is a disease cancer that affects the brain. It is caused by soy products, and fluoride. The Zombie like state of liberalism is the first stage which then moves into violent outburst and burning starbucks.

>I'm pretty sure those rural retards have already discovered "rocks" and "fire".

Pretty much this. I've never heard of this twitter before this thread but this is some anarchist cookbook tier garbage. Protip: many people in the anarchist community suspect the anarchist cookbook was created to injure anarchists.

"Fill a fire extinguisher with concentrated cayenne pepper or dangerous chemicals." Nigger are you serious? A bunch of art majors trying to pressurize cylinders with whatever they find laying around their dad's garage with a warning label is the problem eliminating itself. Seriously don't get any ideas from this. Learn science and engineering. Learn the principle of keep it simple stupid. Buy a remote hole punch(called guns on /k/). Learn the laws regarding justifiable homicide in your area. When they come up to you with a fire extinguisher punch a hole in their brain. If the police don't understand why and you end up in court (the likelihood of this depends on where it happens) then show these tweets to the jury. These people are wiley coyote. Road runner runs because he's fast. You're a white male. We're good at shooting stuff. Keep it simple, stupid.

>filling lightbulbs with glue and throwing them at people

wat. How do you get the glue into the bulb in the first place? I think this page is probably run by the feds, probably a literal honeypot. These tips are all dumb as fuck.

>Facebook group LARPer fags with no job

Wow both Antinfa and the proud boys are fags! wow ! none of you read any books! Wow!

We ought to just showing up to these rallies wearing masks ourselves and being part of these people, but hang towards the back. When shit starts hitting the fan, pour out a container of flammable liquid on the ground and set it on fire. Let these faggots enjoy the chaos they so want.

Half the "recipies" is that book are designed to blow you up, unless you know what you're doing. It's like Uncle Fester's LSD recipie, where he swapped h2o for h2o2; might have been a typo, but the guy definitely knew his shit, and if you don't know your chemistry, you'll end up as a fine pink mist.

every time a some cunt says this by way of rebuttal I want to crack her across the jaw.

You pierce the metal part and relieve the vacuum. It's completely possible to fill a lightbulb with a fluid. It's dumb as hell as lightbulbs are as thin as possible.

> I think this page is probably run by the feds, probably a literal honeypot

Like I said this is anarchist cookbook tier. iirc the anarchist cookbook has some idea about filling one with gasoline and screwing it in and letting the target turn on the light switch. I mean it's a solid idea if the target is incapable of
escaping or extinguishing the fire created by the cup of gasoline you can fit in a light bulb and you can guarantee the target is the only person to ever be in the building and turn on that switch.

At this point it is impossible to say they're not this stupid and this is definitely a government operation. These are the people with refugee welcome signs. They literally want to the white nations they live in with high standards of living in to African "nations". This is basically cut the electric, gas, water, and sewage lines to your own house tier. That's what America will be when they get what they want. How can you definitely rule out the possibility that this isn't genuine from them?

You could probably get this featured in the right-wing news media of you send it to the right people.

You mean white supremacists. Real Conservatives support antifa.

I read some of Uncle Fester's stuff and iirc he warns that he's altered some of the stuff for legal reasons. I'm not sure what legal reasons but whatever. The anarchist's cookbook is full of dumb shit with a rare actually useful thing dropped in every once in a while. A tennis ball full of strike anywhere match heads? Even if that works as planned whoop de doo. Thermite is a useful substance indeed but I learned to make it in high school chemistry. It's not really an offensive weapon though. It's more of a welding tool and maybe an interdiction weapon. I don't remember a recipe for RDX, nitroglycerin, or ANFO in the anarchist cookbook as opposed to Uncle Fester's book. Then again I haven't read it since I was in junior high.

>real conservatives support roving gangs of anarchist/communist thugs.

First off, fuck facebook.
>8 years without social media
Secondly, someones going to get shot.

Whoever runs this page is some kind of extra special, really want to fuck with them but I only have my personal account

Still waiting for a response

Lemme know if xer does, xir responds to most things in the same cunty fashion

you gadsen posters are all fucking whiney nerds


>butchering a big lebowski quote that badly

>I hafta buy these products, plz save me nanny goburnment

>fill light bulb full of glue, requiring you to carefully carry around a satchel of these things and praying they don't break on you. When you throw it best case scenario assuming the glue hasn't hardened is you get your target a little sticky with a few shards of glass stuck to their shirt

Who said the Left was a bunch of mouth breathing retarded faggots that can't even do premeditated violence right?

somethings not right about this. this seems like they're advertising their own material right here on Sup Forums

i saw the thread where an user posted about them taunting a dead proud boy but still something doesn't seem right.