Black fragility is very real
Black fragility is very real
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thank you for my daily dose of aggravation.
Those are some Kim Jong-level approval ratings
Has anyone tweeted about the black panther being shit? Have you gotten any salt?
hahahaha if i was black, i'd be pissed that kikes constantly try to pander to me in this way. its not that they actually care about blacks, they honestly believe they're so dumb that if they give a shitty movie a perfect rating, blacks will shell out all their hard earned shekels on the spot, no questions asked
>they honestly believe they're so dumb
But.. they are?
You aren't black though and your projection is really pathetic.
I am a huge cinema guy, and i like tv-shows....its not uncommon to find this.
Literally Paddington and Lady Bird both broke the 100% tomato meter record. both filled with white people.
all this shit posting really gets clearly have no idea on what you are speaking of.........cracker
that guy that escaped NoKo a couple months back had raw corn kernals in his stomach and parasites that the south koreans thought went extinct.
Riddled with bullet holes and he lived.
Imagine being so starved that you ate raw corn though..
>using twitter
>tweeting about capeshit movie
fucking soyboys
>Calling blacks fragile when wh*tes are having literal meltdowns over a single super hero movie staring a black person
The sad thing is if a show like Black Lightning probably would be better if they rearranged it to be Static instead. Yes the cartoon Static Shock was different but they made the character have a fitting place in DC whereas I doubt anyone even knows who the fuck Black Lightning is.
It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Ayo check out this better thread.
>hard earned
Why can't they make superhero movies like the Luke Cage series? This one was actually good because it showed the widespread crime and dumb niggetry in Harlem, and that niggers should focus on education rather than slanging dope and shooting each other
not all black movies are fortunate
Huh, one guy voted rotten though, or did they remove that now?
Is it white fragility if I throw a got every time I see a white woman holding hands with a nigger?
He said 'IF I was black', you absolute Achmed.
It was a hypothetical situation, of course he'd probably think differently if he was Black for purely genetic reasons alone.
File this one under no shit. Black people are so mentally weak it's pitiful. Call a white person a cracker and a black person a nigger and see which one shrugs their shoulders and gets on with their day and which one wants to burn their own neighborhood to the ground
But he is not though and give the land back to Aboriginals before you call anybody anything. you absolute waste.
Get the fuck out of Viking land you pathetic subhuman. I'm killing a couple niggers tonight, whats your address?
The world will be a much better place when shitskins are finally genocided out of existence.
>Give land back
We already have you ignoramus
But if you think we'd abandon the cities and institutions we built to 2% of the population with an IQ, at best, in the high 60s to low 70s, you're simply delusional.
>But he ain't!
Yeah, shame Whites into never trying to see things from Blacks' point of view. I'm sure that's what you want, right?
I wish Fire and Fury was a movie so I could see the RT score for it
>Black fragility is very real
I guarantee you that most of this salt and/or butthurt is coming from assblasted, virtue-signalling, SJW fellow white people.
I like this term, Black Fragility.
It describes them very well. But with an avg IQ of 80, how could one expect them to be anything but emotional retards?
LOL what the fuck is black lighting? get lit
That picture is retarded. The skeptic community chooses the uneducated retards to be their official spokesmen. The people with PhDs never get any traction and nobody ever listens to them.
Stop projecting white traits onto others
>UPDATE: It has come to our attention that Black Panther’s RottenTomatoes page has since been sabotaged by a reviewer troll seeking to derail the movie’s historic rating. We have reached out to RottenTomatoes about the attack but they have yet to respond. Given RottenTomatoes’ stance on hate speech and their awareness of Black Panther’s vulnerability to it, we are confident we can resolve the matter.
>– Trump’s America Spoils Black Panther’s 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score — Bleeding Cool
>– Just One Critic Derails Perfect Black Panther Score on Rotten Tomatoes — MovieWeb
>a reviewer troll seeking to derail the movie’s historic rating
the delusion is real
Party's over, come to imdb.
Wait thats only based on 34k reviewers? Thats it? Thats all the amount of people they have? Huh. Seems like such a fuss over nothing; really.
Does this kind of shit make people want to see the movie?
>Imagine being so starved that you ate raw corn though..
raw corn isn't terrible, i don't like it simply because the temperature but the taste isn't bad
Just by the stance.. knew right away the guy was fucked.
>only allowing positive reviews
>make the people who liked it out to be cuckolds
10/10 review
Top tier tokens for the Jews.
that cant be real in a review???
Blacks literally are that dumb
Why would RT allow ratings for Black Lightning when only 2 episodes are out?
I don't get it you guys don't like diversity in movies so we make ours all poc, then you get mad it's not white enough? Hmm maybe you ever consider that's how we feel when we watch Lilly white movies? It's hypocritical. You don't want us in your movies so we make our own
>huge cinema guy
For u
If that's the case you may be more interested in Ryan Faulk's earlier content.
The girl featured does have tertiary education, however it is only in botany.
While you may dismiss race realism on these grounds, do bear in mind that Ryan Faulk has contacted professionals, and Jean Francois Gariepy has tertiary education in relevant fields.
Don't forget "Get Out". I watched that movie expecting it to be decent. Honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
My dude, the problem isn't that the movie has black people.
The problem is that rotten tomatoes is falsifying ratings.
It's not, but its fucking brilliant.
LETS GO #MakeWakandaReal
>Black Panther at 98%
Here we go lads
I didn't know raw corn was bad
Got to love how we have kind of excepted that blacks as a race are so childish that it's ok for society to patronize the whole race like a kid's macaroni art. Keep it you black man, you was all kings and you are most definitely our equals.
Denmark? Whaaaa!!!??? I didn't know kikes lived in Denmark. Learn something everyday here, don't we.
Black Lightning is pretty much like that as well except a subtle undertone that police are part of the the problem, and the one daughter is a lesbian. Last episode had a community of black church goers march in to the streets to condemn violence by the gangs.
Lads, Disney is exploiting honest black folks. Disney NEEDS to give something, heck, A LOT back to the black community.
I liked the old Bronze Age black lighting comic. Too bad his show sucks
If you were black you'd be like every other nigger and have no concept of pandering.
>who could eat RAW CORN
city retards for you folks
There's plenty. Sadly.
don't know why i enjoy black lightning more than arrow. I hope it's more darker or gore like daredevil/first season of arrow.
I think the average Sup Forumstard would be more happy if 10% of movies were dark as coal, and the other 70 to 80% or so were lily-White.
That being said, this thread is about dishonesty and pandering, not about the existence of movies with Black casts per se.
During WW2 most Danish Jews were smuggled out of Denmark and into Sweden. I'm not sure how many returned after the war.
I'm wondering how much more I can take before I kill over
it was an ok film, saw it for free
this can not be real
I thought it was fucking hilarious
>liberals literally saying black is IN
shit was fucking hysterical
if you were black you wouldnt be able to understand that theyre pandering to you.
I know you're larping as a nigger, but nobody cares about the existence of black movies. They've existed forever. The irritating/laughable thing is these faggot retards treating the childish basketball race with mittens so they don't look racist. Not to mention the forced blackening of white history.
I like how the nig clapped right before he got stomped.
RT scores TV shows too. I heard the Colbert cartoon about Trump is shit so I wonder how RT will handle that. Even anti-Trump critics are calling it unoriginal.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true
dats rite whitey, bow down we wuz kangs, its tyme to pay us, micky
Looks like you triggered a anti nk bot
Didnt pay the jew
The review wasn't even that bad. It was a 3/5, average.
Of.this is true the respect to.this guy
Nobody cares that it's all black. That's fine. It's the "without whites Africa would be..." mentality, mixed with the fake hype and pretty much the illegality of any negative reviews whatsoever.
And just FYI...
>so we make ours all poc
"We make" = pic related.
Funny how jews change their names, it's almost as if they're hiding something.
Page isn't showing anymore, it looks like it crashed.
It's very good raw. In Africa, you see people walking around with raw corn, eating it like a corn-dog. Why does it even have to be steaming hot? It's not like a potato that needs the starch to be converted.
Blacks: Ayoooooo we fucks you up in da hood homeboy. slang rock and kill niggaz n sheit
Blacks: Pls don't say our movie be bad *tear*
Look you white guy LARPing as a black guy.
We don't mind movies where you have different people for different things. For example I loved Beverly Hills Cop with Eddie Murphy. I loved Blade. I loved Training Day. Those were all good movies and those were not "diversity" pandering movies.
Having black comedies is great. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is shoehorning in a woman or black person where one didn't belong. For example imagine a movie about King Richard the Lion Hearted with Lil Wayne playing King Richard. Does that make any sense? Or a movie about Roman Legionaries with women playing the part of a centurion?
It is diversity for diversity sake that we dislike. When I want to see a movie about Samurai I don't want to see Snoop Dogg strutting around with a Katana.
If I see a movie about Indian fighting in the west having black soldiers isn't diversity for diversity sake because the Buffalo Soldiers existed. Black cowboys existed. Having the black cowboys in a cantina with whites DID NOT EXIST at that time period. So you have to either suspend belief or just ignore the reality of that time period.
t. Soren Shekelsen
Why so fragile niggers? I though you had huge dicks and us white bois couldnt even compete?
but then it turns out you are such weak pathetic little pussies that you cry your eyes out and start shitting your pants if the ratings for your mediocre blacksploitation film drop from 100% to 99%?
Your not gonna do well in the upcoming race war if you faggots are this weak and sensitive. As for me? this is where Im at *Pic related*
That's because they force black caracters in. I dont have anything bad to say about good written black caracters
>Why so fragile niggers?
That's 95% of nigger culture. That's why gang wars get started over getting sneakers stepped on and shit. They chimp out over anything at the drop of a hat
Wasn't shit, but wasn't kino.
You literally cannot negatively vote the black panther movie on RT. The 5% that did, did so because they managed to. Imagine how terrible the score COULD be.
>literally cannot negatively vote the black panther movie on RT.
Why not
They automatically think any negative review is part of an alt-right smear campaign.
Whats gonna happen to them when you see young white military age men from Generation Z-yklon doing this?
Most of the frontline combat soldiers of our military are white males. When minorities go it most of them do reach echelon pogue shit because they are lazy and cowardly. And these fucking retards think they will win a military conflict with whites?
Its gonna be like the eastern front where germans were outnumbered 100 to 1 by the soviets in pitched battle and still broke them into a route and sent them running for their fucking lives. It took a second front opening up and OTHER WHITE MILITARY DIVISIONS fighting against them to roll them back up.
Only retards see this sort of thing and go "boy I want to watch this movie now"
I guess the marketing to fucking retards works, but probably only on account of them being fucking retards.
Huh. I can't positively rate it either. My bad.
skip to 1min 15s and let it play. the fake jews are being 'shoah' lol.
>All RT scores of black leads are artificially too hig-
Ah. Well nothing new