Is anyone else incomprehensibly furious like me?
Dive into your anger like a Battle-Barge forging into the Warp, and articulate what you find.
What precisely is it that you're angry about? (Even if you just pick one or two of the many for now).
Is anyone else incomprehensibly furious like me?
Dive into your anger like a Battle-Barge forging into the Warp, and articulate what you find.
What precisely is it that you're angry about? (Even if you just pick one or two of the many for now).
Why don’t you start asshole
The American flag is a symbol of the blood sacrifice of better men than anybody alive today. I see red when pinkos step on the flag.
My family has a paternal tradition of seeing combat for that flag at least 4 generations back.
I've had enough of the far-left's ridiculous games and snake-like pervasiveness in every tier of society.
Their anti-white, anti-male, marxist-communist bullshit agenda, with its sick, twisted levels of hypocrisy towards supporting ethnic pride in """people of colour""" but denouncing it in anyone white is testing my composure.
I see it clearly - this movement takes advantage of broken women - women who've had terrible experiences with men growing up, from fathers to (many) partners, and it turns that psychic rage against the west, until they're nothing other than screaming banshee cunts doing everything in their nihilistic furious rage to tear down everything that's worth anything in this world.
I see these many gears turning in our society and all i can think is that these ravenous bitches and their soyboy thrall's need to be utterly and completely dominated in the most severe ways possible. They've set up a game on the proverbial family table of the Western world in which society is to be remade; they've created a game that re-categorises every race, the genders, every class, every tier of living into competing groups for dominance in the world, and then at the very
very end...
they've decided to set the caveat "oh yeah, but if you're white and a man, you aren't allowed to do your best, you have to be a little cuck boy and give up anything you worked for to someone brown or that has a cunt".
I see all this and i think... if we all just ignore that final caveat of the game they made...
If we all seriously, ruthlessly focus on improving ourselves, our bodily strength, our intellectual acuity, our capacity to articulate and our spirituality.
One day we'll reach out, ploughing through their every wall, crushing their every pathetic defence into dust.
And not one of them will be able to stop us.
I want to unleash every ounce of fury i have on these people.
I want to pour it like molten iron onto them and watch them scream.
B u m bp
The apathy of normies.
40-60-somethings are even worse.
They're fully blackpilled.
They've completely given up on the future; i've spoken to so many of them who actually think the world is going to end soon - that every effort is pointless and they laugh with a strained, real despair that they no longer have to worry because they'll be gone soon and it won't matter.
They've never faced real nihilism before and i see it swallowing them, as it nearly swallowed me.
>as it nearly swallowed me.
I know that feel user
I believe we're turning the tides though
I hope so.
The two of us wandered off and found the stray ember.
Let's hope enough of us get together with it to reignite the fire.
nah, feeling pretty chill tbqh
The "X files" from the 90th on motherfucking Discovery Channel
WTF IS THAT SHIT?! Where's my science?
Even Daily Planet is now completely retarded.
Ummmmm. That’s a whole lot of rage. Delicious.
Personally, I’m just raging at the propaganda and agenda to push an all black movie as the best movie of all time.
In the overall memetic war, it's a clever piece move - they've created a movie that panders to the delusions of apologetic whites and "we wuz-" low-IQ blacks in creating a (completely fictional) black ethnostate that's a technological utopia that the both of them can fantasise over.
Whilst ALSO stroking the ideology of the mid-to-far-right in that the politics of said movie basically align with their own completely.
It's check.
Not checkmate, but a good move.
It's also serviceable equally as propaganda for either side's agenda, therefore.
This. The way leftists hold minorities in perpetual victomhood makes me sick. They will throw the entire white race under the bus, just as long as it gives them a few social points on facebook. There is nothing I hate more in this world than liberals.
Remember to focus your anger. It makes you powerful.
That age group is always been like that.
Hotheads are usually the ones who freeze up faster
I'm not a hothead at all, this has been a slow and steady build, over years.
Go chill out and smoke a joint/have a drink. It’s friday faggot.
I'm on chapter 8 of 'revolt against the modern world'
And I have no idea what he's even talking about.. Am I a brainlet ??
Flag nationalism is a joke
I've been pretty fucking angry at not just the left, but the entire democratic party. They've completely smeared Trump's accomplishments and the media doesn't even report him accurately.
What I'm really infuriated about is the fact that Democrats might start sweeping elections, and the midterms, because the normies don't know the truth. The media just feeds them complete bullshit and they hear nothing else. If we start losing state governments, and control of the federal government, the Democrats are going to stop everything.
The idea is to listen to what everyone else says they take from the book and pick out the parts that fit into your current world view to parrot.
I'm getting tired of all the fearmongering that has taken place this week. People need to be optimistic. The Deep State is not even capable of crashing the economy at this point. Every attempt to destabilize the nation has been thwarted. There's nothing to be worried about.
I hate how the left have been targetting children. I used to not hate homosexuals, but being exposed to the obscene practices they insist on pushing on kids makes me want to stone every single one of those molesting faggots into a smashed fruit. This extends to the people saying that pedophilia isn't bad. "Parents" forcing their children to be queer are the absolute worst.
What's the DEAL with blacks?
Australia is a joke
I'm pretty angry about how MUH WAGE GAP has become national news in my country and the fucking entire narrative accepted by almost everyone is that it's because of sexism and chauvinist males who are deliberately holding women back 'because they can', not the obvious logical truth that women tend to pick different jobs. My own sister told me smugly 'things are going to get much harder for white males in 2018' and I believe her because this is going to try to be 'fixed' by law.
The number of people redpilled on this is SHOCKINGLY small, it seems to me like 0.01% of people would actually agree with me on this.
Pic related, a fat dumb femishit in our leftist party who spouted this shite on TV last night.
>things are going to get much harder for white males in 2018'
>I believe her because this is going to try to be 'fixed' by law.
They're creeping communism into our system.
Meritocracy is dead, and feminists are spearheading the communist lance.
I pray they ignite a dormant beast in the population, as has been freed in me, that will not stand for this bullshit, and will lash out and reassert dominance.
This is going to end in blood, not tears.
i feel you OP my town is swarmimg with chinks and it genuinely disgusts me on a primal level
All my college buddies are shallow people who can barely talk about anything more serious than football and i have noone to talk about politics with
The jews make me mad
>Meritocracy is dead
Ain't dead till I'm dead, baby.
“Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you.”
―C.G. Jung
My hatred is constantly making grind my teeth together in public. Every goddamn time something happens which is obv (((their))) fault, everytime someone slanders Christianity, its moral values, and favorize atheism/nihilism, everytime a literal communist starts promoting their soulless rhetoric, everytime someone talks about (((universal rights))), and everytime someone promotes the revolutionnary ideas of Egalite with Liberte and Fraternite (which are good by themselves as a pair, but not with Egalite mixed in), it makes me grind my teeth like crazy.
The worst, Sup Forums, is that I hide my power level to my family itself, except for my older brother. He's one of the only calming elements I have with Christ in my life that make me not go be an hero prematurely. I'm angry that I recognized one of the early post on Sup Forums today as right : the only way to escape is to make all of real life Sup Forums. I'm angry that the only outlet for my philosophical and theological cravings is not in the real world amongst mentors and thinkers but amongst anonymous shills and niggers on a taiwanese fishing technique forum.
I used to think I'd marry one day to a qt with not-fake-blond hair and blue eyes, that we'd have had children (at least four), and that I'd provide for them just as they would provide for me at home. I just wanted to be left alone
I can't even dream such a simple fucking thing without having to think about crushing debts, public education, and that maybe my own wife would not be as pure as I imagined her to be.
I just... I just wanted a normal life, and I know I can't have it, because I'm too much of a turboautist to accept underqualified goods. I don't want to leave my kids to public school where they'll be brainwashed against my own honestly working values because of muh enlightenment age and muh reparations, I don't want to leave even the possibility of me dying so that my family can inherit a debt that would literally make them live like white niggers...
White genocide is real and the people driving it own the banks, the politicians, the schools, and the media. They feel they are on a mission from God and that this genocide is righteous. I want to see all of them hang and I feel powerless.
Burh, where do I start. I hate myself, hate the people around me, hate who I'm becoming, therapists haven't figured this shit out how am I supposed to, drugs and pills to drive the depression out, not working, the idiots that fucking exist on this planet are fucking insane, can't even believe how stupid some people are. Politics are awful, everyone disagrees, it's a mess man, just a pure mess.