Meanwhile, on cave/pol/

Man from long nose tribe come to cave and tell to stop make children to save forest.
But now not enough hunters to kill animal.
So long nose man say ooga booga tribe need to live in cave to help hunt.
Grog think something wrong. Grog see long nose man rubbing hands often.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Literally Germany

Grog should not have hunted long nose tribe
Mutt no hunt long nose, Mutt only hunt ape.

Grog not of fear, Booga tribe will give us meat for our old days.

Much Long-Nose man tell Grog Long-Nose tribe die lots, need many furs to honor dead ancestors. But me see Long-Nose tribe still many big, and not see many big dead Long-Nose. Grog confused

Is me or water tastes funny?

Me heard 6 long nose man die in holobunga. But 6 a lot.
No fire burn 6 bodies in 1 hour.
Holobunga math not add up.


Ape lead Mutt tribe for 8 years.

And people say Germans aren't funny.

>be me
>be prehistoric ground hog
>down by local watering hole, when suddenly...
>Wtf was that ?
>see two legged ape stumble through bushes
>she squats and begins to take piss into the water
>Fucking Hominid cunts, I think to myself
>I think NO, im going to tell this cunt to stop pissing in my watering hole !
>scurry over to her
>start to bark my unintelligible mammal sounds
>she turns to look at me
>she smiles
>she pulls a piece of wood with sharpened stone at one end from behind her...


Mutt tribe mostly ape anyway, is only fitting.

Longnose said orangeface took 2 bite. Everyone else 1 bite.

Let men decide now
Cheddar man white? Can live with tribe?

I wish you would all stop saying "ayy lmao" every time I try to teach you to make bronze.

Deh Unknown tribe dug soil. Dey found birch bark wit’ Zero Point Energy. ZERO POINT ENERGY AYY LMAO. IN DA SOIL!

Wow, is this what passes for "humor" in this cringy racist website? No wonder you guys will die virgins.

This was great.

Man from long nose tribe say we need more children.
Grog say what about trees?
Man from long nose tribe say children OK, if they mixed up and brown skin.
Man from long nose tribe say the female like ooga booga mating better.
Grog do not know about this plan.

Now most children mixed.
No men want hunt.
No men want make.
Long nose tribe man say women stronger than man.
But only stronger than white man, not stronger than ooga booga.
Long nose man say women should make all thoughts about tribe.
Women say no food and no cave is white man fault.
But not his fault, he not white.
But he say listen to him for he is white 2 moons ago.
Grog confused.


HOLY SHIT! Us oogas in ameribooga have big hairy monsters! Bigger than euroboogas hairy monsters, me swear! Me think Euroboogas have it easy.

me tinks it bad
*smacks gray tribe on head with bone"
*gets set on fire*

Why do Cheddar man have so much poo in the face, poo face is good for hunting furgiver because of smell. But to much poo like Cheddar man smell to stronk. Only one poo, not more.

Go watch “autocorrect errors” or listen to laughter track, fucking normie.

The red man had no problem hunting bear, pigdog

AAHHHHHHHHN NIP ruin it with animie pic


Why u all not smart like us aborigines?we already invent stick that come back afterthrow

>abo no understand finger painting



>we already invent stick that come back afterthrow
magic det shaman tell kids to get sleep
enjoy magik sky leopard
*tips rocks*

abo know dream time, u dont kno it



unga bunga pass dat some


Me go to place of eating. Strange ape man name pog give food shape like triangle. I like the triangle food. Me think something bad is happening in underground of eat place.

Old Zog hear Grug say bad things about long nose tribe.
Old Zog mad at Grug, say that long nose tribe is best friend. Old Zog kick Grug out of cave for being against long nose.

Rockpill me on fire? Is it real?

Me heard gruhgeet from poo tribe say poo tribe be the great bear tribe in 30 moons.

Me laugh at gruhgeet

Have you heard? Poo tribe has designated-shitting paths. Dey don't poo in hole yet

t. abo

We iz kangz

Me heard Long Musk make fire by self with rocks and not take burning stick after loud rainy skyfire.

Me not think possible.


Me think we should stop this, make darkie tribe uppity
>pic related

Hook nose tribe man come to my cave last moon.

Now all art men draw dots on cave and not hunt animal.

Me not sure is art.

Grug sees black panther skin tribe eat each other daily.

Grug thinks we should just ignore.

Me invent wheel
ooga booga tribe never invent wheel

Ant Tribe looking for another Day of Clubs.

damn harrison ford really let himself go

Leaf tribe bunch of faggots


>Boulder roll through cave
>Kill many from tribe
>Me think sand tribe push boulder
>Find out sand tribe man push boulder
>Me not surprised

Lmfao underrated

Was not true follower of sand tribe.
Sand tribe always peaceful.
boulder of peace is cultural gift.

Grogh and men go hunt big fur beast.
We kill big fur beast drag back to camp.
Grogh come back find long nose man talk to women.
Long nose man tell woman it not fair men hunt woman stay at cave.
Women upset with Grogh and men now.
Grogh not sure why. Hunting hard. Camp staying easy


Long nose man say 60 of long nose tribe killed in poison waterfall
60 big number
Me not believe

>Let be whyt tribe
>Let be whyt tribe
>Let be whyt tribe
>Let be whyt tribe
>Let be whyt tribe

Holy fuck this thread kek


Tribe leader Trumpongo had two scoop of snow. This make long nose mad

You tribe once great
Once listen to little face hair
Not listen to Hook nose lies
Now you let in sand tribe and booga tribe

ooogga booga, fukin leaf. Always du leaf.

Little face hair did no wrong

Ape tribe shake butt when dance
Ape tribe play music with chicken bone
Ooga no like

>Us from they light tribe make glowing heat
>Man from dark tribe grab glowing heat and run
>Man from dark tribe hurt hand
>Man from dark tribe now want II sheep and III shells

>Come to abo tribe cave
>Abo tribe cave mostly empty
>Only one stick
>No fire
>My tribe take cave
>Make cave great
>Abo tribe spend all time in dreamtime and not hunt
>Pink hair women from tribe tell to give meat to abo tribe
>Keep give abo tribe meat
>Abo tribe stay in dreamtime and never leave
>Pink hair woman not once


The frizzy haired woman from the Krogstien tribe says men should gaher berries and woman hunt mammoth.

But woman are getting killed easier, and men care less about small tasks like gathering berries.

Krog suggested that we may be built for different purposes. Ugstein woman said he was an "Uncultured neanderthal"

Man sex tribe say they want to be normal tribe
Man sex tribe doing gross things
Oooga think they want be kid sex tribe

No trust manman sex tribe. No should trust womanwoman sex tribe, even if make spear rise to sky. Ooga right. Bad tribes, only make trouble.

No gib to dark tribe. Dumb dark man just dumb, no know power and disrespect heat power.

>Put spear in grogette
>Make little man
>Teach little man make fire
>Teach little man hunt
>Me proud
>Little man listen to long nose shaman
>Little man come to me
>Little man say he want join rainbow tribe
>Me now never have Littlelittle men

Grog bring boar to homecave for eateat
Grog-miss say no boar as sandtribe come over for eateat
Grog mad but be friendly for grog-miss sake
Sand tribe arrive
Now grog and grog-miss have no cave
Popo tribe take grog away
Say boar was hate crime to sandtribe
Grog confused

Uug think hook nose tribe control fire smoke
fire smoke telling Uugs tribe boys to do other Uugs tribe boys in soft hole
Uug think hook nose tribe try to grab rule over Uug tribe through Uug tribe boys making holes in each other
Uug don't know what to do about hook nose tribe, hook nose tribe gave Uug many rock to smash together and let Uug watch them make smoke from big fire too, Uug also want to put hole in woman of hook nose tribe with big milk things

Sympathy for Grogman. Long nose man of bad tribe. Teaches bad life to littlelittle grog and grogette. Need to rock himself.

Long nose man came and said 6 tribe member died on holobunga.
6 men? That too much, he say for this our tribe has to let in 20 dark as night skin tribe people or another holobubga will happen

This is translated verbatim from German.

Man sex tribe want party for man sex
Man sex tribe dirty
Ooga tribe throw rocks at man sex tribe

I'm sorry to say that this our fault. Some of our test subjects enjoyed probing a little too much.

Me think nohair sky tribe working with long nose tribe.

Me find who leave derogatory message on communal message wall, me clobber. You no know about Bork man-spear. Only Bork shaman know, you no worry, you no leave message.

Slant-eyed tribe bants best bants, ugh
Good find half-yellow
Ayyy lmao big-eyed tribe mad
Oooga booga ape tribe not man-tribe
Maybe hooknosed tribe hand in this? Also like eating skin off shaft

They enjoyed probing the most. They also spent the most time around small felines and contracted a fungal brain infection from their feces.

Me no see problem with take wife from slant eye tribe. All pale tribe love hook nose men. Me no love hook nose men. Me want wife who no like hook nose. Pale tribe is lost.

Not. Not do this. Give little grogs horrible slant eyes, no tribekin.
Little grog might go be an predator if do.

>our tribe strong
>our tribe take over dark tribe
>longnose tribe says this bad
>longnose tribe say our tribe has not enough berry pickers
>says we need dark tribe to come help us pick berry
>put longnose tribe into smoke - chambers
>longnose tribe bother us no more

Big nose tribe take my big stick, no good for hunt they say, only need small stick they say.

top fucking kek

Me be tribekin with new tribe who like me more

>this fireball on things never went
Hooknosed tribe leading almost-mutt-tribe. Must stop

>be in beady eyed tribe
>live near cave where leave breast milk and it turn hard and tasty
>dark skin man show up one day him weird him have funny face
>hook nose tribe tell us him must stay we to pale
>him steal food and hunting stick say it our fault he have none
>him try to rape wife
>me kill him, dump him in smelly cave
>me no like hook nose tribe we leave
>beware of dark skin tribe friends, hook nose too

How mutt tribe get so strong?

My life is a black abyss and i contemplate suicide daily. The only reason i havent killed myself yet is because of posts like these.

Thank you user. may the foreskin eating Volcano demon bless you.

Tribe blood of ancestors.
Ancestors no happy with you. Not do.

Don't do it user :(

Me little grog have two times ancestor

Don't rock. Must fight til long dream