>age of consent in sweden: 15
>bang a 15 year old in the US: get called a pedophile and thrown in jail
Why are Americans so retarded?
>age of consent in sweden: 15
>bang a 15 year old in the US: get called a pedophile and thrown in jail
Why are Americans so retarded?
Because they don't allow 40 year old Mohammeds impregnating their daughters
>cognitive dissonance is painful
>can't admit that they were indoctrinated into 19th century feminist scam
>white knight to the death
why are swedes so degenerate?
This is literally all I think of when I see your flag now...
Just a few more years Mohammed, can't you wait just a little bit?
This is probably the one thing sweden gets right desu
16 in my state
No, we can't. Tame them hoes while they are young, or they will become turbo roasties,and then it's too late. you absolute beta bastard.
The reason why we used to bang girls when they were younger throughout history but not anymore is one part less laws and morals, but another part biologically related. You see as a species the time it takes for a human to develop into an adult has gotten longer and longer and keeps getting longer to this day.
Humans have the longest infancy stages of any animal, and this is attributed to our social and cognitive factors which are obviously more complex than that of other animals on Earth. So as society continues to evolve and grow, our ability to "catch up" with it must also grow and therefore this extends our developmental ages since we have to spend so much more time developing for the world.
That is why I believe people in the olden days fucked 9 year olds and no one batted an eye and why I believe these days it's more fucked if you do that. Maybe we as humans have an innate ability to tell when someone is adult enough?
Consent laws are objectively stupid. Like I understand you have to draw a line somewhere, but where they usually draw it is so arbitrary. Either at the onset of puberty or 18 is the most sensible because the former is when you become sexually capable and the latter is when you are seen to be an adult. It makes no sense that you can fuck a 16 year old and cum deep inside her tight teen pussy and it's fine, but if you do the same to a girl who is 15 years, 11 months, and 29 days old you will go to jail and have your life basically ruined.
>You see as a species the time it takes for a human to develop into an adult has gotten longer and longer and keeps getting longer to this day.
Pure fucking bullshit without a source. You don't have one, and articles that say the "teen age" should extend until 30 are also bullshit.
>banging girls that aren't your own age
Pretty retarded unless you're just looking for a hooker.
bait thread
Teens should be banging each other, not adults
Girls that are my age are already well worn out.
>That is why I believe
Do you know how to read you fucking idiot?
Do any of you cucks actually bang these young thots?
>Our 15 year old daughters are out banging Muhammad
>Swedebros unironically support this
No wonder our culture is fucked
How and why do Americans already have sex at 14? This shit just doesn’t happen where I’m from.
Gotta get those stds.
>bang 14 year old in Hawaii, no problem
>bang 14 year old in Sweden, go to jail
You're not supposed to kill them for getting aids afterwards Mohammed.
But you can fuck a 15 year old here, you just have to be married. Or were you talking about casual sex? In which case you belong in a gas chamber
This dont make any goddamn sense,girls this day become roasties in the age of 14 and lost their virginity at the age of 11
The only way to not let them become roasties is not supporting sex under the age of 18 or 16 for that matter
It's not evolution it's society infantilizing people. Eventually the "age of consent" will be 24. But by 40 women's wombs are shriveled up and most of her eggs gone forever. So that gives at best 16 years of breeding time which most "modern" women will want to spend on their career.
>Maybe we as humans have an innate ability to tell when someone is adult enough?
When they've had their first period that means they are ready to breed.
Migrants don't have these problems. They are still fucking and breeding as young as possible and as often as possible.
Why are Swedes pedos?
Just nuke sweden at this point idc if they’re considered aryan
You mean this zara larsson?
thats disguisting
Absolutely SWEDEN
(pic related).
It must be great being a Somali there. Pozzing all those young teens. So diverse!
Found the pedophile
fpbp, by the eternal leaf nonetheless
If a scandi married couple with that kind of age difference came to America, would their marriage be illegal?
In my state its 16 which coincides with when they can start driving so at least it lines up. There are places in the world where consent is at 14 and they could make the same argument against you
Because America and Canada doesn't want based somalians intentionally spreading HIV to kids, then getting 30 minutes in the timeout chair as a sentence.
that's the pop singer that hates all men right?
They give their daughters to Mohammad when they're young.
Why am i not surprised???
Why are Swedes such pedophiles?
> Why don't americans let millions of arabs enjoy the prime pussy of our their white teenage daughters, like the swedes do?
Because we were founded by based puritan ancestors who literally BURNED THOTS AT THE STAKE.
America was founded by the Christian ISIS.
Why do you give the mudslimes ideas?
But they allow 40 year old Tyrones to impregnate their daughters instead.