It's time.
It's time
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Enjoy some muscle shota.
Why is he so perfect?
>venus for pocari sweat
What's next, Jupiter for WcDonald's?
Anyone have the full poster of this?
I'm so disapointed Apocrypha is shit, I wanted to watch it for pic related.
I wish he was more morally good so I could root for him.
Still, he's still cute hot so whatever.
>finally watch and catch up with BnHA
>still don't understand this boy's appeal
Why does everyone like him so much? Because he's commonly shipped with Deku?
Because he's hot.
That and girls like the asshole personality.
You fool, just read the mango.
>can't root for morally grey or black people
Seriously? You must be missing out on a lot of good boys user.
Nope not at all. There's enough pure boys out there.
That said Apoc's characters are all terrible anyway but a genuine good guy Shirou would have been nice.
momo a qt
What are the patrician BHA ships?
KirishimaxBakugo and BakugoxKirishima, TodorokixDeku(xIida), DekuxBakugo.
Is there a boy you can't stand to read doujins of because it feels wrong, like watching your son having sex?
I need more white and black desu
>That said Apoc's characters are all terrible anyway
I like Mordred.
Apoc really is bad, though. I'm kinda glad it's so short on good characters because that means I don't have to give any shits about it.
I can't stand her but at least he's better than the majority of the other female Sabers.
Hey there cutie
(your manga is shit, I'm waiting for a continuation to the anime adaptation)
I like Kirishima/Bakugou
I felt pretty similarly at first but she grew on me. I think it's mostly because of FGO though, not Apoc.
SideM PV:
>3 /ai/doru-shit next season
Can't wait for fall
they won't continue it
Not enjoying Kurapika's O MY UNLIMITED POWERS?
>That said Apoc's characters are all terrible anyway
What, does Karna's character get shit on in Apoc?
For a moment I thought that was Count D
Shigaraki/Faceless mob
I see, from the London stage I liked Jekyll and Andersen more.
Not particularly I guess, but he just goes along with what he's told most of the time.
I'm still not a big fan of him because I have issues with how the Nasuverse has handled him and Arjuna.
S-shut up
I thought that was Hisoka, so he too? Oh well, I never liked that guy, he reminds me of Armong.
I tried reading the manga after the hunter association election but I just couldn't, the art is so awful and the composition is so cramped and full of text I'd rather be reading a book, at least those are made to be read and easy on the eyes.
I miss the rugby boys
I don't know about shit on, but he's bland as fuck in Apoc and I constantly forget he's even in the cast. CCC is where Karna shines.
I never thought the Boruto boys would grow on me so much. Too bad they'll take a backseat to the cuckhold story of the year next week.
Araragi is mai husbando
>watching nurutu
Get out
Mitsuki is a cute kind of creepy.
Boruto is good for him, it'll help him shake off Orochimaru's weirdness.
Inojin though, damn. Sassy and cute.
Fuck why is he shirtless here?
Context please?
This isn't the movie that was just released right?
Post the webm. You know the one.
Boruto sure is lucky, he's literally raising his own waifu.
Too bad his wedding with Sarada was already decided by Hizashi.
I just hope Mizuki won't snap and go full DARKNESS when that happens.
He's fighting Kissshot, and if you notice he's had an arm ripped off.
Yes, Kizu 3
Is this the same file you used?
That reminds me, why was he randomly shirtless for like the first 10 mins?
Yeah, read the instructions.
Also you need to have watched the first two kizu films first at minimum to understand what's going on.
Vampires don't need clothing I guess?
Second quote meant for
He seems to be a bit too simple and straight forward to go sasuke level edgy.
All Sannin like teams had that guy who went evil and deserted at some point though. And bad things always come in threes.
Moreover Naruto's writing was never exactly good. So even if the anime team's writes Mitsuki and Boruto well, Kishimoto might have other plans and a grand scheme of things he already decided on. Ew, I shiver just thinking about it.
Well, I for one am looking for edgelord Denki.
Why are they focusing on the shit couple instead of Settie?
Gotcha. Btw does part 1 have shirtless Araragi?
Because we can't have nice things.
>edgelord Denki
Oh god please no. Don't even think it
Wait, this has homo? I thought it was shojoshit.
Rape bf a shit.
Not serious, it was a hypothetical out of humor.
Buy yeah, Boruto already brought Mitsuki home to meet the folks. Guess you could say it's getting serious.
I assume it's because they're adapting both stories and My Hero is the spin-off.
I'm not usually into bara but man, this guy is just so best. I hope he gets a flashback or something.
No wait he's shirtless there, I meant to ask whether he's shirtless in the second?
Not to mention that Naruto entrusted his son to him. It can't get more serious than that.
It's literally BL
Seriously? I never heard about it before.
You know every BL title?
Well, let's watch them grow and hope that Mitsuki dosn't break Boruto's heart.
I'm legit surprised this thread isn't flooded with astolfofags.
I thought this thread hated traps.
I'm too busy fapping to him right now to post.
We don't need that shit here too.
The fatefags are still having a tismfest over him.
>all this art
>almost all ass
>almost none that focuses on stockings
I thought I did, the stuff that matters anyways.
>draw a girl, give it a female VA, call it a boy
Couldn't care less. And it doesn't help that Astolfo hijacking the plot along with Sieg is one of the worst things about Apoc.
too late, they are already flooding in like flies on shit.
Traps are a straight man's fetish. They're not different from girls to me.
6 hours
Traps do literally nothing for me, give me real men
>you will never have such open minded, not gay normal bros
Word my friend. Though I have a feeling it's gonna be the other way around.
I need to know, does Nekketsu hen have shirtless Araragi?
Probably, being a big mouthed dumbass does run in the family.
Traps are great but I'm not about to touch Fate just for one.
>I like traps but no homo
No, they're a bisexual's fetish. Superficially similar to women, but still boys. Most of the time it's just shota with a crossdressing or humiliation fetish.
I also like them, but wouldn't post about them in this thread. It leads to too much shitposting from the backseat mods.
It seems BxL is doing well
Is this Araragi fanart?
How does one go about ficking a tantou
By folding it over 1000 times.
>Most of the time it's just shota with a crossdressing or humiliation fetish
user, I think you just opened my mind up to brand new possibilities.
M-maybe traps aren't so bad after all.
Do you think there are in-universe doujins of them?
Why are series about two cute boys that adventure together so hard to find?
I'm literally watching this shit series for him.
Shota looks good, but i had my filled of shitty mobage with their shitty gacha
>Naruto shitty bait
Kill yourself.
I had hopes that my husbando will show up often, but it seems not.
How do you all feel about the handsome priests doing cool things show so far?
Didn't watch the second episode, the editting is even worse than Apocrypha and I get second hand embarassment from watching them take their job so seriously.