Daiz has killed nyaa and now he has killed the bootleg nyaa too

Daiz has killed nyaa and now he has killed the bootleg nyaa too.

Other urls found in this thread:


Good, get fucked poorfags


what the FUCK

Does batoto run super slowly for anyone else? I'm good for like the first two dozen pages or so, but after that it takes like 30+ seconds to load each page.

It's not a bootleg, it's the Official Cartel Approved™ Replacement

which one?

Anime is dying again

Mangarock on android fails to load some chapters of manga. Somethings going down

>I dont have money for subcription

Get a load of this faggot, find a job you bum

works on my end, buddy.

Doesn't this shit go down multiple times a week?


No problems here

Is still up. And it has proven better than the other mirrors, at leas for what i am looking for.

The one run but a monk and a tranny.
Meanwhile, pantsu is alright. Everyone migrate to pantsu. nyaa.pantsu.cat/

Should have used pantsu

Nyaa.si better than pantsu for me.

Put on your trip, Daiz

Can we talk about this?
Looks suspect as fuck.

I didn't try to grab any torrents or anything but both Nyaa's front pages loaded just fine.

Pantsu looks cuter. What is better? Seems like it has the same functionality and from what I hear, less traffic.

Good goi.

What nyaa is that supposed to be?

Fuck off, Herkz.


Please no one here fall for this though. Downloading the client requires inputting credit card info and it is clearly, to me, an attempt to profit off of everyone's confusion on what new nyaa to pick.

Well, darn, I totally missed that one. I thought I had the full set. But from this scam it seems I didn't miss much.


I know Sup Forums is awful but this is embarrassing and also illegal.

Just stop.


The above poster lacks subtlety.

You can tell this is just one guy really bad at baiting. Here's your (you), you attention seeking whore.

Completely agree.

Rick and Morty is my favorite anime btw ;)

Upvote if you agree.

Stop giving away your (You)s so easily

Wait, which is the cartel one again so I won't use it?
Pantsu or si?

Maybe he's a (You)slut?

We all lost our (You) virginities a long time ago. There is no point in protecting what we don't have any longer.


The idea of (You)s being a precious thing that you don't want to be a slut with is amusing to me.

You better be honored that I'm giving you one by the way. Take responsibility.


si is cartel
pantsu just scrapes everything without care for 'stop releasing for series we said we were going to do but didn't' drama

Can I have a (You). I'm seeking that dopeamine rush and I haven't had one today.

bad double bait, F- for effort.


Is pantsu still a garbage 502 hole that's down half the time with 5 duplicates per epsiode so you can't use an rss and no seeder/leecher/downloads data?

But pantsu is fine? nyaa.si is fine too.

What's nyaa?

It's a mystery.

It sure is summer.

Nigger I've been using RSS ever since it supported it, what are you doing wrong?

Why does pantsu have some of the HS releases, and dont have others?

All jokes aside, it DOES feel pretty good to make a post that gives (You) an immense amount of (You)s.
Like, seriously, it's like fucking crack.

I think my last big (You)fest was Christmas 2015, in a r/a/dio thread. All those (You)s and reposts after were great.

It's spelled "dopamine." I wouldn't respond to someone that can't spell properly.

You like having your RSS download the same epsiode 5 times? Because that's what having duplicates does.

I haven't downloaded any duplicates these last two seasons.

Because nobody uploaded them.

Is happening again,everything in one place

Stop posting girls with ? around them


Okay now post them again

Torrentfags BTFO

Ask moot.

Try cleaning your registry.

Nothing is down, go back to your malware infested kissanime though.

ice cold

What is this cartel nonsense I keep hearing

>I pay for subscriptions to companies that don't even make the content instead of buying directly from the people who make it.

It's not about having money, it is about how you spend it.


I can't find it. I don't think it exists.

What is nyaa.si?

Horriblesubs and daiz are out to get ya.
Herkz will write mean things on twitter.
Fakku will take your porn away.

It's a dumb Sup Forums meme.

Search "regedit.exe". It's basically an assortment of junk that programs secretly installed on your computer to spy on you. Delete it all.

>Obvious ESL website maker things his english will trick people into downloading his skimming software.

The Nyaa team gave it away, but im glad i kept reading. Anyone caught out by this deserves it.


download registry cleaner, CCleaner is best from my experience, let it do the work

What the fuck.
Explain this dumb Sup Forums meme then

It's just a ton of dumb drama for literally no reason.
Use pantsu or .si it doesn't really matter.

The more (You)s I get, the less it makes me want to reply. If a comment of mine explodes I will just ignore it because half the people that reply are not worth the conversation with.

Does Daiz even roam Sup Forums anymore? I use to see him post in these type of threads and get a bunch of replies when he posts in them, but it seems harder to summon him these days.

I just don't understand why either website can get the old interface back, I hate this new one. It's so ugly.

Back when it was still possible to delete old posts, I would remove mine whenever I started getting too many replies.

Ignore the Sup Forums did this and that fags.
They just want easy (you)s

New interface was open source, old interface has most likely been lost now.

i am confuse

he was here when nyaa was officially down.

Lurk more.

It's not hard to summon him at all. You used to type Hi10p and that was it, but now all you have to do is diss Fakku and he comes eventually.

The cartel run the show, and for good reason:

Japanese society as a whole respects positions of power and corporate structure, and as such any "cartel" looks far more favorable than that of of a weak, unorganized ownership struggling with even the basics of site functionality. Especially when given the choice between gaijin of power, or gaijin that nobody respects and knows.

Once word got out that actual competent people were behind fansubbing, Japanese naturally preferred supporting such "cartel" over the alternative. In fact, the "cartel" is respected and renowned throughout Japanese online culture so much so that various groups and individuals are viewed favourably and respected despite being gaijin. For example, unlike on Sup Forums, Herkz is actually treated with respect and viewed as honorary Japanese. He's commonly referred to as "くそったれ", which directly translates to "One of Us".

>old interface has most likely been lost now.

You are a true hero, user.

LMAO the one run by the cartel actually died


kek, I bet the nyaa generals on Sup Forums are full of this shit.

I keep seeing crops from Poptepipic that are slightly off with the white border. I would fix them but I feel like the off ones have spread out too much that it wouldn't change anything.

Stop replying to yourself.

I don't think this will help my system. In fact, I happen to not have any such problems, as I run a superior OS, and not a toy OS like Windows.

I don't know who you think I am but I just got to this thread.

It's because nu-Sup Forums doesn't save reaction images anymore, they just grab them off imgur or some shit.

He posted on /h/ during Anime Expo week.

>there are people browsing Sup Forums right now who aren't on AB
Explain yourselves.

So the japs are supporting a really structured group of fansubbers? I am not sure if I like that...

Cleaning registry is a meme. You don't really need too.