Trump campaign chair in KY pleads guilty to sex trafficking of minors: 21 counts against 19 victims.
Trump campaign chair in KY pleads guilty to sex trafficking of minors: 21 counts against 19 victims.
Fake Jewish news
Who pays you to behave like this?
The official Kentucky government website?
Don't think that you'll ever get an anti-Trump, anti-GOP, or anti-conservative reaction here. Sup Forums is the most cucked place on the planet.
Trump is responsible for every peripheral nobody who ever served him, however briefly?
literally no one was blaming trump. go back to your safe space.
>the buck stops way, way down there, don't you dare let that buck anywhere near me
That was the implication though. "Hurr, Trump hires sex traffickers." Fucking jew. Your tricks don't work here.
Eat shit
I'm shocked that pg8 starts with RINOs just so it looks fair. SHOCKED I TELL YOU!
Now is this actually happening? Because I'm hard.
>implying he doesn't
What does the evidence say?
And Alex Jones is still making Q videos.
Good. Capture all the rats surrounding Trump and hang them.
that's so embarrassing.
We keep trying but McCain won't die. Somebody keeps letting him catch his breath and thenhe treads water for another 6 months.
Yup. I don't care what affiliation they have. Catch and hang these purveyors of decent society and hang them all.
Yes user, the powerful on both sides of the aisle are fucking and eating children. Voting for Trump was not some mental gymnastic of thinking Repubs arent doing that same shit as Dems. Thats why Trump beat every real politician that ran that year.
Do you care about pedophile politicians running child sex trafficking rings? Or only DEMOCRATIC pedophile politicians running child sex trafficking rings?
>Voting for Trump was not some mental gymnastic
Has anybody even seen him? Jews are probably putting him on life control just because of his position/influence. He's probably already dead, or at least zombified.
Hell, maybe they replaced his brain with AI Jew technolgy.
>tfw OP doesn't realize pizzagate is a psyop to make the right seem unhinged
maybe this will get the glue huffing liberals to investigate and dig deeper, but I doubt it
They keep baking more clones.
Do you actually want to play the game of "Whose side has more kiddie fiddlers?", because I don't think you really do.
tit for tat politics
tfw this is their hardest punch
>Trump campaign chair in KY
Am I to believe there were over 50 of these guys?
No, I’m saying call out ALL kiddie fiddlers on both sides. If you want to ignore the ones that agree with you that’s your prerogative
That’s what I wanna know. I would presume so.
Did I say I didn't care? Hang all pedophiles.
You're trying to put this one on Trump, but did Trump or the GOP or the FBI go all out to protect this guy? He did some work for the campaign as one of 50 state chairmen, 2 years ago, and you guys are trying to paint this as Trump's mess. Fuck off. It's so obvious what you're attempting.
GOP are as full of child molesting deep state shenanigans as the democrats. I have no doubt. Cuckservative kike serving pieces of shit pretending to conserve anything.
>mfw its real
No one that follows pizzagate thinks it was limited to just democrats. Its a tool to control and silence people in power that has been being used for centuries.
Oh, no, I'm fine with that.
... Of course, this doesn't necessarily sound like what its being presented as, and the only reason its a media headline is because its someone associated with Trump.
>His attorney, Margo Grubbs, initially made Nolan available for an interview in the courtroom before bailiffs stopped it.
>Grubbs said Nolan took responsibility for his actions. She made a cryptic reference to generational differences in how sex is viewed.
>"He took full personal responsibility for these acts that in his potential day and generation would not necessarily be considered to rise to the level of human trafficking," Grubbs said.
>What is the change? The power differential between men and women, she said. She hinted that there was more to the story but would not elaborate.
>"I'm saying the underlying facts as alleged by victims do not necessarily equate to what really happened, because we all know in life there are two sides to every story," Grubbs said. "The sad part of it is, often times the criminal defendant finds themselves at an insurmountable obstacle in order to prove complete innocence."
>Some of Nolan's pleas were Alford pleas, which means he doesn't admit to the behavior but believes there's overwhelming evidence to convict him. It means Nolan can appeal some of the charges.
If the dude is actually a scumbag, good riddance; but if this is just some kind of political ploy, well...
>Under the plea agreement, Nolan will serve 20 years in prison and pay a $100,000 fine.
And its a plea deal, meaning they basically said "we're going to use these women to try to get you a life sentence - would you prefer to just say 'i did it' and maybe get out of prison before you die?".
This doesn't sound at-all like a case of pedophilia though...
>A grand jury on Thursday indicted him on eight more charges, including rape of a female over age 12 from an incident dating back to the summer of 1965. That's when Nolan, 70, would've have been about 18 years old.
>The indictments don't contain details of the crimes. Information has come out piecemeal through court hearings and documents.
>Search warrants and affidavits from the Campbell County Police Department claim women identified as Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2 accused Nolan of extorting sex from them in exchange for money or under threats.
>Jane Doe 1 estimated she had sex with Nolan in exchange for money more than 50 times, often told by Nolan to do drugs and alcohol beforehand, the warrant stated.
>Both women said in the documents they were addicted to heroin.
>Jane Doe 1 was "essentially homeless" and Jane Doe 2 relied on Nolan for income, food and transportation.
>Under questioning from Grubbs, Campbell County Police Detective Donald Dornheggen said the investigation into Nolan began in December 2016 when one of the victims contacted a school resource officer in Campbell County.
>The victim and her grandmother lived on Nolan's property as a tenant.
Sounds strange, to say the least.
>When you post in perceptive third person to put yourself on a pedestal because you're not on Reddit and require some form of hierarchy in the thread.
What the fuck are you trying to say?
It made perfect sense retard.
>Trump campaign chair
Yeah, no nobody was implying ANYTHING..
Fucking leaves
What exactly do you think third person is? And how is any of that creating hierarchy?
Thing is, this isn't PizzaGate-tier at all.
By the sounds of it, these women were over age 12, both were addicted to heroin, etc etc.
This wasn't kiddie fiddling, at least not in the PizzaGate context, by the look of it, so much as it was an - albeit creepy as fuck - case of an old man getting sex from a teenaged drug-addict in exchange for, amongst other things, drugs, money and rent.
Which isn't PizzaGate-tier. Creepy hebophilic exploitation of drug-addicted teens, sure, but not PizzaGate under-12's being sacrificed and molested as part of a coordinated pedo cult.
He just misspelled perspective is all. He’s calling you a virtue signaling faggot trying to be beyond reproach.
Im pretty shure its at least second to the_donald
>perspective third person
I still wasn't doing that, idiot. Do you know english?
Does this guy have some weird blog like Tam Luzzatto? That would be cool stuff.
no, but Shitary is ?
should we spam this strawpoll over social media? Whens the last time it happened?
Jew predicted this
Anthony Wiener is a pedophile. What's your point?
However, political pedophilia is RAMPANT (both parties).
Cause that’s who he is? People on Sup Forums keep tying Anthony Weiner to Clinton because he married her assistant
Who pays you to behave like this?
So hey.. you know what would be a good way to get rid of this wojak me-me?
Add the "CIA" into some perspective so that if the Alphabet agency is posting here then they have to make fun of themselves. Would be funny.
>child molestor
Put a bullet in his head. Party affiliation is irrelevant if you're fucking kids.
Well, I wish that they would string him up. First and foremost because of his crimes and second for putting his taint on Trump. Trump doesn't need this shit.
Trump was in epstine book
>What's your point?
That’s I don’t like pedophiles in the government. Why don’t you?
>muh guilt by associating
You leftists are retarded when you're desperate.
Fuck hillary but was she not guilty by association with pedesta lol
Hope he gets shanked on the inside. Now watch people try to connect this to Trump.
That's cute. You still think this is about republican and democrat. Well bless your heart.
Nice reverse psychology. I think it's thrown off with the imagery
But we hate niggers and jews too
Pretty sure he means that the story is being pushed because of the way it can be made to reflect on Trump. I.e., they can harp on the hypothetical possibility that Trump knew and trick people into believing that he did without any actual evidence of it.
Pedophiles are everywhere and in both parties. Supposedly, the Republican pedos are actually worse. The point is that Trump probably had no idea. Conversely, if it were someone working for Hillary Clinton, it'd be more likely that she did know.
Trump's administration has dismantled record numbers of child sex trafficking rings.
Yeah, I’m sure if Podesta gets busted no one on Sup Forums will mention his association with Clinton or the DNC.
Literally two posts above you? I know your a leaf so it's hard, but try and not be a mega fag for one day, in your short miserable enriched life.
Your salt is delicious
Oh my god Trump is literally pizzagate now
This post is litteraly the "democrates are the real racists" post had to add that
Who the hell is ignoring it? You liberals play victim like it's in this years winter Olympics and if you do it well enough you will get a medal. You won't fagot. Show me one post on here of a right wing ignoring this or brushing it off. Where is it, victim?
Unlike Hillary,Obama, and all democrats, we don’t cover for these type of crimes for people on our side
this is a huge pedo president and party. hence the pizzagate distractions to begin with. it never ends. from epstein on down to Putler
And Trump also banned Epstein from his resort.
Oh u got me, ignore what you said and my rebuttal and just say something dumber then usual. GJ retard. This response actually exceeds my expectations for a leaf.
>Sup Forums will defend this
Look up on all the republican reps who where going to a child brothel and the fbi covered it up
Again, Trump ahead of the game? Hires sleeze like this to bust first to show this isnt a biased one side of the aisle problem. Just saying, Trump has been killing it as far as strategy goes for a couple years now. If you think its been dumb luck well I dont know what to really say to convince you.
Im a different poster lol
No fucking was is this getting ignored. In fact read about the franklin scandal, it dealt almost primarily with a republican pedo ring. The shit is everywhere. With the rise in power of the Democrats thru the neolibs, the elite pedophilia became huge in their side.
All of this stuff needs to be exposed. I did not know about this so good job OP. I wish more liberals would post here honestly from their own perspective so that shit not covered would get covered more. Problem is there is so much bullshit shilling from she progressive types it muddies the water
Makes the most sense to do it this one desu. The left and MSM gets so riled up when it comes to Trump and the right now that they jump at anything to possibly discredit/bring down this presidency. Why not start with the right and get rhen all into a frenzy so when it reached across the aisle they can do nothing but support it even if its big names of the dems that start to fall.
>arranges for fucking "fall goyim"
>even fucking pedophilia is 44D pedo chess for kikes
the only reason why the trump epstein trial ended were alleged threats made. cant have president in trouble. russia will nab him i guess. do you know how many minor girls have disappeared through epstein and fucking "pedo a lago"? tons
When he knew needed to
This. It's become clear over time that there's some serious cunning on the Trump team, whether it's Trump himself or not. It's gotten to the point that when the press says something looks bad for Trump, it's more rational to think he'll come out ahead.
He just keeps on winning.
>democrats allowed this
>franklin scandal was democratic
where were obama's pedo stories?
republigoyim stars on their logo are upside down molech stars
one small fish down many more pedos to go.
Agree completely. This is a problem that needs dealt with. No side is immune from getting this shit fixed. Thanks, OP.
thanks to the pedo in chief? what about tory smith's allegations?
jewvanka used to work at pedo a lago and we all know how much her own daddy loves her asshole. maybe this is why tiffany is the black sheep. she never put up with it
>where were obama's pedo stories?
Idk when was in Indonesia
>franklin scandal was democratic
Im pretty shure there was alot of republicans
so. nothing. and you dont understand sarcasm
>muh indonesia
muslims dont bite off penises. kikes do. and dolan fucken loves em. why wouldnt a rich man be a lying degenerate prick with little "secret" parties? hrm? this is why my flag also became a scapegoat for this. tanked markets. no moral majorities. the fuck does the right have left? bibi
>Hey guys, remember when you were parading around about pedophiles in high echelons of american parties? Well guess what, you were WRONG! There are pedophiles in the high echelons of the republican party!
Imagine my shock
>The 70-year-old was appointed to chair Trump’s electoral campaign in Kentucky’s Campbell County last year
I understand you leftists are grasping as straws, but what in the world does that have to do with Trump? Trump won't discriminate, all diddlers are going to jail.
About pizzagate indeed. Pizzagate shows that the whole establishment power structure is a system of sexual abuse. Do you think no one associated with Trump would be associated with it? Nonsense. I am sure there are others that can be labeled in the same way. All this shows is the reality of the pedo elite. Which Trump is destroying. Fuck off shill.
give up. fuck off. change your stars back to the right side up like the democrats never had upside down ones. nobody pedophilic is going to jail
>appointed last year reeeeee during my superfluous campaign rallies reeeeee this means this is all a nothing burger reeeeee
>appointed by him
like moore was endorsed by him? who is so nuts to hear pedo allegations against moore and then endorse him straight after as a president? you goyim do. that's who
Show me some emails linking both speaking in codes about diddling, then you can start making associations.