Save net neutrality and save the world. Trump will give your futures to jews...

Save net neutrality and save the world. Trump will give your futures to jews. Wake up and stop playing identity politics.

>oy vey goyim save net neutrality!
>t. Jewgle, Jewtube, Faceberg, Goyflix

this guy actually thinks jewberg and jewflix are against net neutrality repeal
HA! You drank the coolaid, man.

Jews already own our future you dumb nigger. Where the fuck have you been?

The people who support the Net Neutrality repeal unironically want street shitting neocons to control our internet.

>thinks jews have too much power
>supports guy who gives them even more power

>implying I support someone
You really should stop shitposting.

>keep it a public utility!!1!

enjoy your sterilized mcinternet faggot.

so what youre saying is that i should take a nap?

the internet is a garbage wasteland, and if it were to shut down tomorrow I would take to the streets and preach the word.

what do you think of ubi ?

Net neutrality is LITERALLY "muh gubbermint is taking muh porn, so now i cant jack off to futa REEEEEE"

gay and will never work. just fucks the economy and the price of mcdondies.
if the internet were shut down tomorrow it would be way better than if the internet continued under the rule of fidget spinner pushing pedophile golsteins.

Right, and Google and Facebook and Netflix, with all their power to brainwash normies, has been taking advantage for years. Fuck 'em, and fuck net neutrality. Fuck gamers, fuck streaming, it's all poison.

net neutrality is LITERALLY "give us the internet goyim we need to control the traffic for your benefiet goyim."

I dont understand why you think giving power over to the comcast jews would cure the poison. Those guys want people to be defenerates. All the educational content on the internet will be lost in favor of cancer if you let the jew isps dictate what can be seen and what will load. I guarentee you, youtube, facebook, twitch and netflix will get faster speeds while torrenting sites and educational websites like edex will get fucked.

a dirt nap

what is the alternative ?

What do you think Ajit Pai's job is?

Ajit pais job was to remove net neutrality regulation for his employers. He was bought and sold with a shit eating grin.

comfy hobo shelters that help direct people to appropriate employment? dunno.

ok memeflag
net neutrality btfo

nice ad hom argument
its funny how you literally think you got me btfo while actually looking like a complete moron

define 'appropriate employment'

in cases where someone cannot decide what job they want, and as a result cannot survive in capitalist society, appropriate employment would be determined by an agency which evaluates qualification to send unemployed where they might be most effective.

>Net Neutrality
Nicememe faggot
>Trump will give your futures to the jews
Citation needed
>Stop playing IDpol
yea ok

I only us netflix and facebook. Why wouldn't I want them to be faster? Just because some stupid websites I never use might not be seen? Lol who the fuck cares! Give me my goddam fidget spinner!

wtf I love hillary now.

>nicememe faggot
how ironic
>citation needed
look around you
>yea ok
a real thinker

Fuck you demcuck
>using picture of a white girl
very bigoted! why isnt this a bisexual trans black person!

the fuck does this have to do with net neutrality? fuck hillary and fuck your stupid reactionary chimp brain.

black people are ugly and trannies are a symptom of a dying society. care to prove my point more? this issue has nothing to do with democrats or republicans, only the future of our global economy. you want it to be fair or you wanna end up a slave?

Kill yourself. You fell for a shitty buzzword made up by the dems.
no one gives a shit anymore

the fuck does net neutrality have to do with being a democrat? fuck I hate people who make everything a party war. im deeply upset about the state of my own party.

Im starting to think the problem with america is that everyone gets to vote. You dont deserve a voice in politics you leech.

Thank you for your clear answer.

Well this is a new one. Why would they be against something that was saving them money? Why would they spend money on pro-NN marketing of they are in on this whole scheme you guys believe is being cooked up?

Why should the power be given to the google jews? It was never given to the comcast jews, it was taken from them and given to the google jews.

At least the comcast jews are only after my money and don't want to brainwash my children to be good ad viewing goyim.

what makes you think nn was saving them money? Netflix will get more traffic because they will have faster bandwidth. Isps will be able to advertise faster netflix speeds ect. Comcast actually spent money on some pro nn propaganda to cover their interest in nn repeal. But its all old news. Its not hard to figure out why a company would spend money to hide their true interests, especially when a side effect is that poltards sperg out in an attempt to act against those companies.

all jews work together. obviously the illusion of jews vs jews is made to get you to support jew movement. your children will be good ad viewing children. ajit said so with his video. believe me, if a massive company was really against nn repeal, we would still have it.

concast and jewgle are probably working together on this one. think about it, how do either of them suffer from nn repeal? they dont. the only people who suffer are small startup websites and internet providers who would challenge the giants. small websites wont get bandwidth, thus solidifying google power as THE search engine. small isps wont be able to keep up with big isp speeds for popular websites, no isp threat. plus, both already had a near full monopoly before, its just that wothout nn, their power is set in stone.

yes, give goolgle all your data online, cuz they not run by jews or anything

in all fields

Ha! Google and your isp both have all of your data. Your map history, your curiosities, your sexual preferences. They have it all already, and without the regulation to evenly favor websites that arent in their interest, you have no chance of escaping the web they weave for you. The content you see will be the content that complies with their manipulative agenda.Your destiny is theirs now. Fight for neutrality or unplug.

this argument makes no fucking sense. google still gets all your data regardless of nn. you know that dont you? goddam shill. youre selling out the whole world you greedy fuck.

Corporate global takeover is inevitable. We created a way for someone to own the world. Despair over is over the horizon and time is pushing us forward.


fuck. im witnissing the walmartization of everything.
