Degeneracy is not a meme... I've found this out today.
After I broke up with a gf I thought I'd start a family with, I fell into severe depression. I tried fucking hookers, but it didn't fill the void. Beating off to porn didn't fill the void. Abusing booze, weed, and stimulants didn't fill the void. One night stands didn't fill the void.
Yesterday the sex doll I ordered arrived in the mail and when I woke up with that cold dead body next to me in bed I almost offed myself this morning.
Degeneracy is not a meme.
Life is at its best when finding and being with someone whom shares reciprocal love and makes babies with you. Life is at its best when you are pushing yourself forward, struggling, improving, and achieving.
I have lived my whole life being brainwashed by libcucks who think everything should be handed to you by the government, that you should live a carefree childless life, that you should not take on any responsibility, and that all women are evil (so menhate them) and all men are evil (so women hate them) and now myself and so many people of our generation are left with shallow, void, meaningless lives.
Today I work towards fixing this, but if there are any other Sup Forumslacks out there who are struggling, let's end degeneracy within ourselves and then within others one step at a time.
Degeneracy is not a meme
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao @ ur life faget
Blessings user.
Holy crap. Its my waifu shrine!
>when even your dakimakura looks at you in disappointment
>after my girlfriend broke up with me
Soon she appears with Jamal
>after my gf ran off with Jamal
Stop basing your life around pussy and you might not want to off yourself everyday.
Don't worry your sex doll will leave you for Tyrone.
>being this much of a fucking incel
>needing an SO to stop you from killing yourself
Find a hobby. Actually have you tried exercising for once?
you need to warm up that sex doll
How recently did you break up?
Should have held off on the sex doll. It does take a bit of time before you will get back to normal, longer than you'd think. Only time heals these types of wounds.
I get this is a pro marriage post, but why do you need a partner to have good hobbies and routines?
Are you a fucking child? You can only help others get up if you can stand alone.
>Yesterday the sex doll I ordered arrived in the mail and when I woke up with that cold dead body next to me in bed I almost offed myself this morning.
I predict this will be a big thing in future.
First post best post
>implying tyrone doesn't already have a sex doll
Since the pawg doll went viral I'm pretty sure every black man on the planet has ordered one.
Elaborate and sheeit...
Underrated af.
God bless user
silly pic.
she can't eat that pizza.
can't you see she's stuffed?