Where to build the ethnostate

Hypothetically if we were to all move to a country in an effort to infiltrate it's government and institutions to turn it into an ethnostate (a state explicitly for white people that protects that demographic) where is the best place to do it. Tell me your reasoning for the place you choose. Alternatively what are some other likely scenarios in which an ethnostate could arise.

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Shameless self bump


Shouldn't brown hispanics be called indians at this point? It's not fair for hispanics with virtually no indian genes to be lumped with them.


Yeah I don't even know what the label hispanic means in the context of that map. You get white hispanics so I'm not sure if they are included or not

"Irish arent jews"

Human development index

>more ethnically diverse than America

Who makes this bullshit

In America, Costa Rica, or Canadian Rockies

>Where to build the ethnostate
You pathetic POS. The white race has been in worse places than where it is now. We are not retreating to Alaska or some shit. Everything is our rightful land.

It's actually a map of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious fractionalization in different countries



Hey look it's just a hypothetical masterbation. I'm open to any alternative ways of achieving an ethnostate

we can just allocate Victoria as a White Ethnostate to start off with to make sure it doesn't get overrun by leftists - I have a feeling that Vic will become our California if it already isnt.

There is actually an ancient jewish myth that ireland was founded by a jew.

>I'm open to any alternative ways of achieving an ethnostate
You get fit, cut out porn and read history. You spread that advice to anyone who asks.

What is "victoria". Is that like a territory in Australia or something?

its a state and melbourne is its capital

Yeah I do those things already. So you think there is going to be a civil war or revolution or coup or something? And then we just deport all the darkies? Not to sound black pilled but that doesn't seem super likely to me

Northwest, Midwest and Pennsylvania are white enough to be that.

In the coming years, rightwing, intelligent mutts and western yuros will start emigrating en mass to Eastern Yurop/Russia. That's why the kikes are trying to conquer it at all cost.

Alt hype suggested the ukraine as a possible location. It has some benifits like already being highly suceptable to racialist/nationalist ideas. However you would have to learn a slavic language and live in a low iq low gdp society. Plus they aren't really im a good geographic location being samwidged in between the west and eastern blocs and only having access through the sea by way of Constantinople, suez canal etc. The only thing I can guess alt hype was thinking was that woe could move to an eastern european country and potentially initiate a eugenics program to improve the stock

Putin said in a recent interview, almost like a father to his grown son, that Russia is a giant Christian country, rich in resources, with nuclear armament, for European people. I think he sees it as the future hu'wite ethnostate.

Who color-codes this shit? They try to make people diversity is good by making it green

I doubt it. Putin has the typical russian imperial spirit in him. This kind of Messianic russian imperial spirit is pretty admirable but at the same time it is leading to the death of people who built the russian empire. I think I even remember putin saying that the collapse of the soviet union was one of the most tragic events.

It's possible that it was these guys. Shit is so political correct nowadays they probably did that to not raise any eyebrows.


>mfw in order to escape the influences of the jew, who take over foreign lands through subversive tactics, you set out to subversively take over and rule a country for the whites

Honestly it's just hypothetical masturbation. We already practice defacto white nationalism through white flight. But at some point we are going to have to stop running and stand our ground.


I may have paraphrased a little with the nuclear weapons, but he's literally saying that Russia is the hu'wite ethnostate.

What is White S.lib?

To me that is simply putin embracing the typical imperial, statist, patriotic “Rossiyskaya” identity instead of the ethnic, racial, nationalist “Russkaya”. But hey I could be wrong

Same as it's always been in every Immigration act. White = european. Though I do think we should give preference to northwestern europeans since they would be the most culturally/ethnically/linguisticly similar

He literally said we need to preserve white Christian culture, and that ethnic differences of the past need to be set aside, differences such as those created by the Napoleonic War.

No, what confuses me is why "White S.lib" is a category onto intself? Why not lump it with ">75% White"? And what does S.lib stand for?

What he said was that even though russia is geographically a Eurasian space it's still culturally/ linguisticly/ historically european space. This does not mean he intends to turn russia into an ethnostate. It just means he probably wants to limit Immigration.

Oh those are the libtards. Map was made by alt hype abd he figured it was important to recognise where they made up the white majority

It stands for shit lib

If you're interested counter currents has a pretty good essay on the ethnonationalist history of russia

Lol, my first guess was correct! Ty user.

>muh ethnostate

slavs get lumped in with whites. get over it.

Ummm why do you think I want an ethnostate lol

American Midwest my dude