I'm wondering how Norway is faring in the surge of sand niggers across Europe. I know they're slightly more conservative than the rest of the EU, so I'm curious as to how they're fairing at holding off mudslime rapefugees.
Really I just want to know if they're getting raped/mixed with sand niggers as bad as Sweden is.
I want to breed with a blonde blue eyed nordic woman, need to know how urgent it is to get to Norway before they're overrun by sand niggers that start raping the beautiful white locals.
Update on Norway
Sweden's worse off than Norway but there are some bad areas in Oslo, don't hang around Brugata. Most Scandinavians hate this stuff, especially normal rural folk. Swedes despite the memes are against what their governent's doing. Right wing groups are growing and people there are protests like with the Nordic Resistance Movement. Just a matter of time till the next attack though.
Wasn't even aware of the NRM, good to know that locals are standing up against the waves of rapefugees that their governments are letting in.
Oh man, I can only imagine the freakout sjws would have about the NRM
Just stay the fuck out of Oslo and you'll be fine. Also, at least where i live, there are a lot of Antifa/Marxist propaganda stickers, but you rarely see anyone openly supporting them in public. Meanwhile, i've seen plenty of people wearing iron crosses and Nordic resistance clothing, even MAGA hats while walking around.
Basically same here in Sweden, remove Malmö and Stockholm and you've basically still got the good old Sweden.
Thanks, still curious as to what your government is doing about it? I'm guessing there is gunna be a big conservative/nationalist swing there pretty soon, but is that reflected in the government there yet?
Umea is getting shittier by the day though.
I went to Göteborg in 2015 and it was filled with Somalis, not as bad as Stockholm though.
Literally just walking from the hotel to get to the royal palace, I saw a bunch of fucking hippies straight from 1969 walking through the street in Stockholm.
I'm guessing then as a general rule of thumb the further north you go the whiter it gets? Kinda the same applies with North America
They haven't done much except crack down on immigration. All immigrants have to go through a pretty rigorous program where they have to live in government housing on government pay with curfews i believe. I have yet to meet an immigrant who doesn't speak fluent Norwegian, but i live in a relativity high end part Norway. I don't know if they do it anymore, but if you come out of an international flight they'll immediately check your passport, and if it isn't Scandinavian you will be escorted and questioned. I remember walking of a plane from Zurich and some guy asked for my passport. Before i had even properly showed it to him, he recognized it as Icelandic and told me to continue, but two foreigners behind me were escorted by security to the security office.
>Just stay the fuck out of Oslo
true that
I actually think they have started to deport these criminals running in the streets there some time back. They used to be all over the place in there, put poff they were gone all off sudden. I haven't been there in a few months though. I'll see if we can start this again. It was just strange because they were all over that place, now it's just dindus that speak the language. Looks like it has burned in there, it is that black
user, what have you been doing there. That's junkie town deluxe. I don't even go there lol
It's similar to how blacks congregate in the U.S. Basically they've stuffed all the muslims in the biggest metropolitan cities/areas ie Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Uppsala and I think Västerås as well etc and most larger cities are situated either in central or southern Sweden, so technically the north is less browned but for different reasons.
10% non-white and growing each year.
It really wasn't that bad in Norway when compared to Sweden. I only visited Bergen, Oslo, Stockholm and Gothenburg. But Sweden was definitely more fucked, all nightlife was filled with Somalis in Stockholm, there were many veiled women in Oslo, but very little compared to Stockholm and Gothenburg. This was in 2015, right before the migrant crisis though.
I passed by it and went yikes
The reason you see tons of immigrants around centre in Gothenburg is because:
1) Swedes don't have time to hang around in the centre since we are working
2) It is not Swedish culture to hang around town all day and do nothing. If Swedes go to city they just go there to do their errand and then leave right away and go home. We are not lazy mañana people like spics and sandniggers
Oslo isn't really that bad, unless you can't even stand seeing brown people.
The only place I've felt a little uncomfortable was in Grǿnland, right outside Grǿnland Frukt og Grǿnt. There are black and brown people who cover up their faces everywhere in the evening, and there's usually some weirdo selling something underneath the bridge. One of them approached me and asked if I wanted to buy weed, and I politely turned it down. He was alright. It's the fucking masked people that I'm particularly wary of.
How is the situation in Oslo? I was thinking of joining the Forsvaret and i believe you need to live in Oslo for a while.
Yeah I forgot Göteborg, but still like you said it's not nearly as bad as Stockholm or Malmö.
Oslo is niggerland, bergen is pretty bad and trondheim is getting worse. 1 in 10 "Norwegians" are now non white and non western. People keep saying we're not as bad as sweden, but we will be if things continue as they do.
How bad is Nydalen compared to the rest of Oslo? That's where our hotel was.
Not the worst place, its mostly filled with polish guest workers.
Are those vikings gonna fuck that little thing in its boipucci?
Depends entirely on branch and station. More likely not to be placed in Oslo than to be.
At least you'll have a gun.
Forsvaret har vel bare administrasjon i oslo. Baser og lignende er spredt over hele landet.
I was thinking Cyber or computer engineer for the Army branch, while getting studiekompetanse and fagbrev.
You people don't understand Islam, we a kind and peaceful and can be more romantic, the systems creator or the grand architect needs diversity in the future of your children, it is mandatory that we race mix with your women because you are doing the same to us dark people, you enjoy our ethnic foods and we do the dishes for you if you throw us enough money to survive, while you practically roll in it. I love white women so much but it's hard when me and my friends have to embarrass ourselves when we are around you in public, we feel you but remember we are under a magnetic spell and one day the next cliche will be white man and Persian women. You can't argue with that, peace and blessings to you all.
Reitan basen er gjerne et alternativ da.
It's actually worse than Sweden.
Sweden has a much larger native population stock to breed from.
Native Norwegian population drops at least 10% every generation due to low birth rate.
It's been under 1.8 since 1980, two generations ago.
>1980 4.1m
>2000 projection based on 1.8 birthrate 4.1*1.8/2 = 3.69
>2020 projection based on 1.8 birthrate 3.69*1.8/2 = 3.32
Actual population number in 2018 is 5.2m.
>5.2/3.32 = 1.56 *100 = 56%
The replacement is happening at 1% every year, as planned.
Constitution is also changed to give protection to Sami people, by making that rule they are excluding the Native Norwegian people from having any right to protection.
We're more fucked than you can possibly imagine.
>there's usually some weirdo selling something underneath the bridge
yeah they are always there, that's the lowest of the low.
du har det over alt, men du har vel sesjon der inne om du bor på ostlandet tenker jeg. Det er vel litt her og der det også. Jeg var der inne på det hvertfall
Just fuck my country up..
cyber is in mjǿs område
>the only place with higher nigger density than oslo
Nydalen is just fine. You have some business school there some center sort of, not much to brag about but a mall not that far away.
I have worked there. Had office there for awhile and there is a tv station there called TV Norge where I used to do work for a company way back. It's a whole different world than mentioned areas lol. Several it companies there. Rather expensive if you plan on living there. When I had office there a colleague bought this tiny shitbox of a flat to live in, it was expensive as fuck. I bought about a year later in another town and my flat was twice the size and under half the price.
My recollection is, not may blondes. Lots of blue eyes, but most are brown-haired and lots of brown eyes.
Bu tif you're not Norwegian, you're a jævele utlander, so you won't be easily picking up chicks. There used to be a bar called something like "International Club" where us foreigners would go, and a few Norsk sluts would show up, but yikes, they were skanky.
Norwegian girls love big black cock. Norwegian boys also love big black cock.
Hahahah snobby Norwegians btfo!
you have all that cyber stuff there, you have HiG on the other side which specializes in information security. Cyberforsvaret in Hamar and Jǿrstadmoen isn't that far away. HiG and that has many of the same teachers. You got other such things around Mjǿsa too
> SV hobby politicians
> Norwegian
He's a marxist AND a mutt. He might as well go with his boy lover to Somalia.
he quit didn't he, after he was called out for his disgusting stunt there? The lit faggot
Oh no, a "new swede" has appeared.
>hating on our norbros
Also, Norway, don't be docile about the problem that is immigrants. They will become worse with time.
Don't be a faggot, we need all of our neighboring countries to be strong, stable and pure.
We have reached nigger-tier neighbourhoods now with shootings and stabbings becoming regular.
Day of the rope when?
a lot of us burgers think norway is the based scandi country but it is actually denmark. pic related
Fucking A, based as fuck
how the fuck do the niggers get that far north?