Why are there no Trump supporters in densely populated areas?
Why are there no Trump supporters in densely populated areas?
City people are faggots.
Filled with minorities and whites intimidated by said minorities into siding with them
Urban areas are full of spics and niggers. Whites left cities specifically to get away from that bullshit.
Because rural life stresses self-reliance (left brain) and city life stresses intercooperation (right brain).
It's literally a societal mindwar writ in large figures. The way our society is built is literally, well....a headache.
Once you're actually forced to live around other people and see them on a daily basis you become unable to believe fantastical bullshit lies about them.
Urban areas are full of leeches, simple as that.
Unironically this
High population density leads to greater social pressure and difficulty having independent thought.
Cities are niggerized shitholes
White flight and people too stupid to know they are being ethnically cleaned or too cowardly to react to it.
There are plenty, there were no 9-1 blowouts in any counties during the election.
t. has never been to the countryside
Fuck off faggot.
I grew up around niggers,and I still beat them, and leave them bloody to this day. Niggers literally run from me.
Just because your a disgusting halfbreed doesn't mean that we won't eventually kill you off.
>Why do the Italian Provinces love the Gracchi brothers?
>LARPing this hard
This guy gets it
Cable providers use Remote Neural Monitoring to brainwash them into believing what the dems are selling.
Don't reply to this bait thread. This Canuck has been posting this same line for nearly a year now.
He uses exactly the same talking points- "why are Trump voters less educated", "why do Trump voters live in rural areas" etc...
>I grew up around niggers,and I still beat them, and leave them bloody to this day. Niggers literally run from me.
So when do you graduate middle school?
Waiting for that copy-pasta...
There are plenty. They stay quiet.
You can't sleep properly in an urban shithole.
You don't get enough sleep, you can't think too well.
because stupid people live outside of cities
so all the dumbards congregate there
the smart people live in the cities
and get paid more
the people who can't hack it, who were born there and can't leave, and those that got money and want to live away from the city live there
anyone in rural america is a total retard
people in cities are assholes but they're smarter and more successful
the data backs this up so cry all you want bubba
go put your camo clothes on and talk bout muh guns
lol faggots
rural and suburban retards
also think weimar republic. obviously you'll have people in urban areas who are hip with the zeitgeist voting left. as long as there's money and a sense of progression you'll have people voting left
You seem like an intelligent person. Do you really believe that is the explanation?
I seem to recall a study that the heavy metals from engine exhaust are in higher concentrations in cities, so people's brains get fucked up faster. It doesn't help that some diesel manufacturers lied and the NOx coming out of their exhaust is orders of magnitude over what is allowed.
Rural and suburban retards voted Trump.
Rural and suburban areas are safer and more civil than urban shitholes
there are. it is just in urban areas there are 45% trump voters instead of 55%.
so the real question is why is there that ~10% difference ?
easiley explained by blacks and other gimmadat types
Uhm, sweetie, city folk voted for Hillary. And now Trump has the nuclear codes.
Libertarianism is somewhat of a plague, a disease that spread like any other only instead of physical illnes it causes mental illness, revoking peoples natural thoughts and fears, making them docile. The niggers are the vectors, whom are carries of this disease though the difference is they do not become docile, while the other effects remain. That's why they shoot eachother for scuffing a pair of jordans, no thought or fear of concequences. The further away from the cities the less chance it will spread to you.
Literally frightened of anything different from themselves. Why do you think you find more inbred white trash out in bumfuck nowhere?
Trump supporters. Genetic diversity wins every time, red blooded cowards are a dying breed and they know it, so they distance themselves from the rest of humanity as globalization and integration extinguish their miserable existence. Good riddance.
Jews don't live in suburbs.
This is the perfect example, so ignorant without any knowledge of it, these are the kind of people who say that kinda shit, then fly to the middle east to prove their altered thoughts and end up getting their head cut off on video.
Information density.
People in rural areas don't receive a large amount of information about candidates, just mailers and whatever appears on local television. Seeing as 99% of local television stations are owned by two right-biased media conglomerates, you can guess which viewpoint is most portrayed.
Then why are southern whites more racist?
they're smart enough not to live in overpriced piles of human misery and garbage
do you really think that is true?
Only retards think globalization means acceptance of a historically violent and uncivilized society. Did I say anything about the Middle East? You won't find me going anywhere near that hellhole. That's the difference between me and you. I'm talking about shitheads like you that can't stand to be around a brown person in America. Cowards with no understanding of the wider world around them.
white people don't want to live in American (african) ghettos.
It's even worse than that.
Overcrowding causes mental illness.
Thus: Democrats.
you tell me, faggot
Yup, parasitic industries like (((government))) and (((finance))). We suburban and rural retards are out there working with our hands, building small businesses, driving trucks. working in factories.
The entire economy of NYC is essentially centered on Wall Street, and D.C. the federal government, sucking the blood of the rest of the country to create their artificial, distorted wealth.
Yes brown people scare me terribly. When the black guy stopped to ask me directions today I was practically pissing myself telling him he was one street over. Gee wilikers I dont know how I survived.
Also great job trying to strawman my example. But really, try walking through the city at night anywhere near main nigger concentrations. You cant be out there an hour without getting fucked with or mugged being white.
>Nigger breeding ground
>101 IQ
Pick one.
Because cities are full of niggers, spics, faggots, chinks, and whatever other undesirables and their enablers that I have forgotten.
>Almost all international businesses and industries operate in urban areas
What are you trying telling us?
>Tfw 130 IQ trump supporter
It's hard telling people I voted him just because I wanted to watch the spectacle.
Big surprise, the states with the highest proportions of blacks and Mexicans bottom out the list. Tell us something we don't know.
This is a good question. What is it about living in a city that turns people into abject, slobbering retards? Needs more study.
Are we re-writing reality? North Dakota is one of the highest IQ states in the county. over 103. SD and MT are similar. NY is closer to 100.
Illinois and California are under 100.
but WI, MI, and PENN went red
also lowest IQ state, highest nigger state.
>that bike
Is this Seattle or SF?
Unironically groupthink.
Because urban people have been fooled into thinking mass immigration is a good thing despite it decreasing civic trust and increasing rents.
Fake and kill yourself.
>when soyboy cucklets LARP on pol
>the data backs this up
you got proof of that data sherlock?
City populations are too dense to understand why socialism doesn't work.
City people live so closely with other people that they want the law to acknowledge their inner groups' needs rather then conservatives that want less of the government controlling thier lives.
looks like Trumps vote is more even wile Clintons was clustered around dense Urban areas.
because densely populated areas mean cities and cities are filled with the insane, evil, and depressed.
when you're alone in the middle of nowhere you need to use your own head to survive and make profit. When you're surrounded by hundreds like you there's no need to think for yourself. Just do what others are doing and you will be alright. There's also peer pressure. City people are basically sheeple on a lot of levels, they can't think for themselves, can't assert the situation properly.
Yeah it was easy to tell that chart was bullshit.
Is closest I could find to current day.
That's an outright lie and one that will cost liberals dearly each election.
wtf is that supposed to demonstrate?
Virtue status matters less to conservatives. If I disagree with someone on a topic, you can guarantee the difference in how we reached our conclusions is based on how much each of us is trying to be a "compassionate" person. In case you didn't already guess, I don't try to be compassionate.
Interesting that you say city people are assholes. I thought democrats were all about love, according to themselves.
This. I don't understand why anyone would want to live in the city.
>minorities all over the place
>basically 3rd world
>liberal faggotry
>heavy authoritative presence, police, security cams, etc
>have to double lock everything everyday all day so someone doesn't steal everything you own
>piss smell on everything
>homeless bums, psycho mental patients, etc
>outrageous rent
>various ethnic foods (if you're into that)
>live entertainment (can just drive into town to catch a show then leave)
>better internet speeds
Pretty much this, Chicagofag here
Still, 10% or so voted Trump. On a psych level that seems low, but one in ten is not nothing.
One in ten, and seeing as nearly no black and very few Hispanics voted for Trump especially here in the city, it's interesting to be on a bus, look around, and think about how 50-60%~ of the white men I'm looking at are trump supporters and 30-40%~ of the women are too
I'm in Chicago and I voted Trump, my husband did too
tits or gtfo
As good as you're gonna get, they are small
Chicagofag in LA now.
Same here.
312's got a very old-fashioned bootstraps mentality despite the total union ownership of the city's trades. The Red Line should also be called the Red Pill at this point.
I voted for Trump in the middle of Los Angeles.
flat like my screen
Haha, agreed. Fuck, living in Chicago has made me so racist,
Trump supporter in a densely populated area reporting in faggot.
It's easy to be more right-wing or libertarian leaning when the nearest person is a mile away and your family has been self-sufficient on its own property for generations.
In the city you actually see the government in action. So imagining small government will immediately trigger you into thinking that trains and subways wouldn't exist and crime and homelessness would explode without the government.
I live in a big city and am a trump supporter and know plenty of them. Looks like your idiotic theory is incorrect. Libtards and nignogs cheat
Wouldn't hit it ?
Nice bullshit pic shill
Real IQ is as you would expect lily white states have a higher IQs and states filled with Hispanics and blacks have low IQ.
based new hampshire. god I can't wait to move back.
To bad it's bad it's full of naive whites, the sad thing about not being around blacks and hispanics is your filled with delusion about them not being all that bad.
The only city that really has that problem is manchester and nashua, aka manchvegas and trashua
there are comfy white pockets of NH that are very desirable to live in if you can make a good income
but yes you are right the delusion through lack of exposure is real. but I don't think many non-whites want to live here. It gets cold and there is nothing for entertainment besides foxwoods and NH state liquor stores
dense population causes mental illness.
>rural life stresses self-reliance (left brain)
lol white people in rural areas literally live off welfare, more than any other class of people.
depends on face
I had a girlfriend that looked almost exactly from the back but lately I feel like a that looks a little boyish