Dragon Ball Super

>Vegeta scene
>Bad to the Bone starts playing

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Best OTP.

Is there anyone who could possibly defeat Boto Magetta?!

Leave Jobhan to me

>Vados promised a massive gangbang with the U6 team if they win

Make it happen

Was this song the only good thing to come out of GT?

wew vegeta i know this is a fight to the death and all but that's going a bit too far

Reminder that Goku kinda met (again) ChiChi during the tournament.

what are future trunks and mai doing for EVO Sunday?

Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

It was the second best thing out of two good things.

sucking mah pecker

Notice how Zeno's building is surrounded by an energy barrier, probably created by his attendants. I think Zeno himself is pretty weak and vulnerable and you can kill him by a sneak laser beam attack as long as barrier is not active.

Chichi? More like Cuckold

That, and the accurate tan Goku.

> skinny hand
> still able to do something
fucking Toey, pls

17 and 18 teaming up at the ToP and going full apocalypse mode like in FT timeline when?

Who's this semen demon?


Good things happening in our Dragon Ball? I don't bloody think so mate.

Why does Goku have his own name on gi?

Last arc:
>Evil Goku
This arc:
>Girl Goku

I just realised that Vegeta starts referring to himself as 'Vegeta-sama' every time he steps out of the rosat, feeling all high-and-mighty.
Then he jobs as usual.

>the absolute state of Cuckhan

only constant is jobbing, bad animation, and toriyama laughing

> when the universe is so retarded so Zen sent kid angel to look over it

Except Pan was fucking useless in GT.

>Vados already says goodbye to Champa
>Laughs in his face, taunting him about the warriors he chose
I wonder if Hit/Goku will team up against the U11 guys, it's the only way U6 keeps from being deleted

...and she never felt this tingling in her back.

She made my pee pee hard so she wasn't entirely useless.

>Makes a promise she knows she will not have to keep

>Freeza is the only one who realized the problem lies with the autistic brat instead of Zeno
>Freeza finds the very act of universal erasure unsettling
>Freeza is getting actual character development

Let us all applaud the real MVP of this arc.

I seriously love the dynamic between the two. I feel like Vados is respectful to everyone but Champa.

After all of these characters, who the fuck is Uub anymore?

She was useful for other things, user.

Pedro, I didn't know you were pedo.

What's his name again?

That's how Caulifla's muscle definition should be by default/non-powered honestly, I hate this skeleton shit she & the other U6 saiyans have going on. How is it that her crippled brother is the only muscular-looking one?

There's possibility Goku will not want to throw Caulifla from the arena because, you know, worthy opponent, and thus U6 will be safe. For now.

The fact that Pan never went SSJ is beyond retarded. Guess side characters can't have nice things in the Goku show. Majin Uub still pisses me off. I finally thought that little nigglet would do something but NOPE.

Fuck I hate GT. Super may have its fair share of problems but at least it's fun to watch.


Frieza was always far more intelligent than any of the Z fighters (which doesn't really mean much, but whatever). This is nothing new.

Gowasu, he is the Supreme kai of U10

Goku 2

kinda disappointing seeinng more krillin/18 stuff would have been cool but i was 99% sure krillin would be the first to go anyways

and fuck shin and beerus it's their fault they can't criticize anyone lmao

True mastermind tbqh


Uub was shit from the start.

>>Freeza finds the very act of universal erasure unsettling

I think Freeza just doesn't like that they don't appreciate how evil it is.

>we'll never have this

Even the manga didn't quite have it.

Goku will teach SSJ3 to Cauli to drain all her stamina on purpose

LOL. No.
Jobber cunt is going into the void.
And her getting drop kicked into nothing isn't some big loss for the U6 team.
The actual big loss is the spot that could have gone to an actually good and experienced and powerful fighter.

>Caulifla rings out herself during the ToP after having such entertaining battles


Her goons were also buff. Cabba and co are just kids/teenagers.

Just some random kid.

I thought it would be Tien. That guys been jobbing since the lost to Goku at the Budokai


>vegeta forgets botamo cant take damage
>18 stands over an unconscious/dead body at the side of the platform and doesnt just push him off
>krillin forgets probably the most basic of ki abilities, sensing people without seeing them

that last one drove me bananas

No wonder why those four Universe get a pass since they seem the ONLY smart enough to realize all of these shitters would've been deleted on the spot to make room for new universes.

Goku's offer at least will save one shit universe.

Here's one simple reason why Cauli x Goku will never happen : She can't cook.

>who the fuck is Uub anymore?
a mistake

Freeza is evil, yes, but he sees himself as a ruler, first and foremost.
If he just destroyed everything, he'd have nothing to rule over.

He's completely vexed that the KING OF ALL has this much power, but uses it to destroy. That's what he finds unsettling.

Also pic related soon because Goku wants to rebel as well.

nice casual racism and pedoism there shitlord

what if jiren defeats hit off screen

>She can't cook.
Saiyan women could have been good cooks. Gine worked at a meat factory, I believe.

Cabba is canon as old as vegeta.
Calli and Kale are also adults.

This them being teens teenagers bullshit is just toei pr spin.

They're supposed to be lanky stick people and the guys in her "gang" aren't even saiyajins. Only her and Kale are saiyajins.

Nice headcanon.

It wont happen because it's fucking garbage. Toriyama doesn't like writing romance. You think he's going to make Goku cheat on his wife? This board needs to get their collective heads out of their ass

>complain that they aren't teaching Gohan SSB or using the RoSaT
>braindead animals defend the writing in Super like it was their own mother
>get called retarded, you obviously can't learn SSB in a week
>get called retarded, why would the rosat be of any use (if you thought this kill yourself)

Now we have Vegeta using the RoSat with hours remaining when they had a week. Then Goku teaching mary sue fan service how to go SSB.

...and then she'll drain all his semen.

If Tien gets booped without him Volleyball spiking at least one fighter off the stage I will be really dissapointed.

>Cabba is canon as old as vegeta

Nice headcanon

Darker Gohan


>Cabba and co are just kids/teenagers.
That's no excuse. I didn't lift when I was a teenager and my muscles were still bigger than a so called warrior races.

>the guys in her "gang" aren't even saiyajins. Only her and Kale are saiyajins.
>Cabba is canon as old as vegeta.
>Calli and Kale are also adults.

And you know this how?

>implying this furshit has a soul after its erasure

If Cabba goes 2nd form frieza i'm done with Naruto

i thought it could be him too, i doubt it would have been roshi since it seemed like the obvious choice i guess i just really have zero faith in krillin

>implying she isn't the strongest
When looking at gods, the smaller the better. The only reason she isn't the strongest is because she's a girl. Zeno > Grand Priest > loli angel.

Nice headcanon


>Fuck I hate GT. Super may have its fair share of problems but at least it's fun to watch.

Let's not go that far. It's "fun" in the same way that GT was "fun".

>Dad you're a mess
>I'll pick up the your slack, but this is the last time


Sexy Saiyan 4

Doesn't matter. Their souls also were erased. Heaven/hell are just parts of universe in DB

artist is retarded, missed the point of erasure.

Caulifla's pussy was made for Goku's SSB cock.

The sniff yiff couldnt sense ki, he straight up was smelling people.

> mfw I realized the tournament of power is a game of smash bros for the fate of the universe
> no items
> final destination
> ring out = KO

The ring even looks like final destination. Hell, for some universes it IS their final destination.

WE KNOW. We want it but we know it's not gonna happen. Jesus Christ...

Nope. It is fun

There's a better chance of GT Uub getting into the next Budokai then any character from Super barring Hit.

it's useless, the level I'm at now is far ahead of your Time Leap.

>Caulifla's pussy was made for Goku's SSB cock.

Freiza was pretty bro-tier with the Ginyu Force and his underlings so he's not 100% evil.

>be superman
>have tiny human sized hands
>lifts planets
>people still bitch about anime

What about her ass?