Remember what we fight for Sup Forums

Remember what we fight for Sup Forums

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Those girls all got BBC that night

Not what I fight for, I'm a manlet


are there any brunettes?

>Dying and fighting for whores

Fuck that

I remember.


Remember what we fight for Sup Forums

White men putting spoiled white women above them is how we got here.

>Remember what we fight for Sup Forums
Fight? When? We're pacifist.

I like women, but why do these women repulse me? Is it because I know they're affluent upper middle-class and probably have shit personalities and little loyalty to the tribe, and that they're all about status and accumulation of fun?

Maybe it's cus' they're tall and I'm autistic or something. I like short women like my gf.

you're a manlet

Has there ever been a leaf that didnt fantasize about nigger dick?

I'd love to watch them all get BLACKED.


>projections: the post


No, I'm 6ft 1.

Remember what we fight for Sup Forums

Tbf it's kinda likely those ones in particular did


What did she mean by this?

For Israel?

Who's the chick being hugged on the left?

I don't really find Kloss' face attractive tbqh. Taytay is much prettier

Somebody make the background transparent

Sup Forums BTFO

You're not fighting for anything, you're sitting in a chair smelling your own farts (op's smell like Vaseline and anger).
Sup Forums is where teenagers go when they want to be edgy without actually doing anything.


I hate to break it to you but to those girls you ARE a manlet. . . and so am I. . . H-hold me fellow 6'1 user.

true, kek


Taylor really is an Aryan goddess.

Unfortunately they may have gone slumming

What did she mean by this

Nigger. Sup Forums got me put and voted for Trump. Twice! Party nomination. And general election

She means your country failed at the one job you had.

>got me out
Damn phone

This. Roastie hoes get the gas.

Nice thanks. What do you use to do that?
