Holy shit has Capitalism been BTFO? youtube.com
Seriously, Sup Forums, what have you got against this? You have zero logical reasons not to be a Marxist.
Holy shit has Capitalism been BTFO? youtube.com
Seriously, Sup Forums, what have you got against this? You have zero logical reasons not to be a Marxist.
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the majority of marxists I know haven't worked a day in their life & just want my money, fuck off or I'll neck you
all fucking commies must fucking hang
so? What does that have to do with the points in the video? Engage your brain, amerifat.
every marxist i know also hates work, and when they are working they dont hold it down long.
they literally just want the benefits of society all the whilst ridiculing it and not helping.
basically cancer.
You will suck his penis?
I'm not a Marxist because I don't want to be dirt fucking poor the same as everyone else in the fucking shit Marxist state.
You think you're gonna get free hand outs but instead you'll be assigned a job like a slave you have to work. And you'll wait in line for soup bitch.
>they hate work
and you love it? You'd have society working for the sake of working, rather than pursuing your passions? You put value in working, for someone else like that, because that's what you've been told your whole life. Work though shouldn't have to extent past what we need to function, the rest being dedicated simply to what we want to do with our lives.
>and you love it? You'd have society working for the sake of working, rather than pursuing your passions?
No you still have to work in a Marxist state moron. In fact you'll be given no choice. And you will work hard. Very hard.
And be given nothing. Dumb ass.
lmao this guy's voice is annoying as fuck. what a faggot
i do enjoy what i work towards.
took a long time to be able to do what i like working on.
stop being a soy-child, no-ones going to give you what you want apart from you. better get started working towards it my friend.
Really? Marx was explicitly against such a thing.
If you're passionate in what your job is, you're lucky. What about the billions of people doing menial or manual work just to survive though?
The point is though that everyone should be able to pursue such things.
gee good thing he's a skinny white guy 'soy boy' otherwise we'd have to engage his arguments right fellas
It's hard to even listen to this guy for more than 30seconds and the video is 20minutes long
>If you're passionate in what your job is, you're lucky
you blind faggot, im not lucky, it took 10 years of hard work.
this is what people like you dont grasp. nothing is free ever, regardless of political system, Marxist thought is a lie, a very complex lie that pulls people in from the bottom and keeps them there.
as for people that are in poor countries, they always have south korea to look to when it comes to getting ones shit together and just following suit, they are far better off.
> Really? Marx was explicitly against such a thing.
OH well Marx as a bit of a dumb fuck too.
Because when you put his theories into practice?
It creates a state with total power. For a state to retain it's total power it must always be wealthier and more powerful than the people collectively and as a whole.
Meaning the state in this case keeps you DIRT FUCKING POOR. How else can they retain their absolute dominance, which they'll need, to enforce Marxism.
This is why when you look at communism or marxist nations in the past, they've been insanely poor, slaves, and even genocides.
You're asking for hell on earth. You are too stupid and ignorant to know better.
Holy crap this video actually converted me right now. Like I'm actually starting to second guess myself whether I was wrong about capitalism the whole time. It made me realize I don't actually know what communism is. Post more videos.
>Work though shouldn't have to extent past what we need to function, the rest being dedicated simply to what we want to do with our lives.
We work because we want shit like
>a house nobody can take
>savings so we can get shit we want later
>the food we want to eat
>the entertainment we desire to consume
What marx wants is institutional power over everyone in an authoritarian dictatorship, where his every whim is law. This is what communists want. Power because they think they know best
The real question then becomes, who runs this society, in which marxist values are embraced
Who'll bust a hump to feed you?
Who'll toil in the elements to make your house?
Who'll mine the ore for the metals we use in society?
Who'll smelt that shit?
Who'll maintain sewage systems?
Water filtration stations?
Power Plants?
And once the army is marxist, who'll stop them?
I gotta say, you haven't thought this through very well neighbour
>Work though shouldn't have to extent past what we need to function
Found the unemployable parasite.
Don't worry, Gomrade, in worker's utopia you will probably be a commisar or something, you definitely won't be the guy working in a coal mine or fish packing plant.
part of the reason why leftism is such a fraud, is because it doesn't really come from the people in question, it comes from intellectuals who presume to speak for them
Check the nose communigger
The channel has loads more videos, albeit not with the same editing. This video though goes into detail on what Socialism would roughly look like: youtube.com
Oh and it's pushing Frankfurt School in the video?
LMFAO! Allow me to introduce you to the values of the Frankfurt School in just a simple meme.
I'm not watching your video Chaim. If you have something to say then say it.
Work faggot!
Guess what, most people don't land their dream jobs in life. If you don't like where you are in life, then get off your ass and fight like hell to achieve whatever lifestyle it is you want. It doesn't matter if it's your job, getting in shape, a degree, etc. you've got to put in the time and effort to make it happen.
Stop being a fucking loser and blaming everyone else for your shortcomings.
you want the script or something?
>linking a 20minute video of propaganda without summing up any of the key points
welcome to Sup Forums retard
Commies don't want to work
They feel this will allow a workless lifestyle, like they have now
god this video sucks. i honestly gave it a pretty good try
the editing and animations are fucking hideous and add nothing except distraction. screen shifts to newe ideas way too fast
it's just adding BIG WORDS in few seconds while the narrator says the BIG WORDS it's fucking retarded.
he covers some topics much too slowly and in confusing ways.
this video sucks and so does op
not too mention this guy has no clue what engineering or manufacturing actually is. he's an "intellectual" idiot
He's a Physics student lol
so he's an idiot yeah like i said
>lmao just let us take away your rights think about minorities and stuff
>wait why are you taking away our rights?
Why did Slovenia stop being (((socialist))) then??
>communism is so stupid even the guy in the video says he can't explain within the first 2 minutes
ok i finished it and he basically said nothing except capitalism is bad and will collapse and that it's complicated and to read marx
wtf was the point of this?
>something being complex makes it stupid
yep, this sums up Sup Forums.
well, the point that capitalism is bad an will collapse?
damn if only all those innovators spent 10 years of their youth to understand Real Marxism we'd be better off!
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of rebolutionary socialism and gommunism.
/lefdibol/ raids /bol/ general - pasda spam and endorsedd rule violadions ebidion :DDD
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism aggording to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run
away we win and I kill you all. Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD
Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.
>Sdage four
Nod real gommunism. Move on to nexd goundry :DDDDDDD
well meme'd friend
good work soldier
>What is supply and demand
you'd know if you watched the video
Time is Money, workers sell their time in exchange for more money. Profit is the money the capitalist receives from his invested time or money. How is it that hard to understand that the money the capitalist gets paid too. Once you exchange enough time or goods for money you can also invest into something that will pay you ¨interest¨ for your money or your time. TIme=money which then can be used to buy things to waste more of your time
National Socialism is the true solution.
We share a common enemy in pure capitalism.
>national socialism
>it's just the capitalist mode of production but with white people
no thanks
Ok so I just finished watching the video and what I can say is it makes a lot of sense. Like it actually reveals a lot of answers about our capitalist society. The end was interesting and the video leads the audience to the real question: what do we replace capitalism with once it collapses.
I'm actually surprised for a board that claims to be "red pilled" it actually doesn't know shit especially about economics.
>what do we replace capitalism with once it collapses.
This question has puzzled mankind ever since Marx died
134 years ago
You can't expect half the retards on this board to actually watch a video that will challenge their beliefs. This board is an echo chamber.
> Work though shouldn't have to extent past what we need to function, the rest being dedicated simply to what we want to do with our lives.
> implying any socialists actually want to "do" anything with their lives
Glad to hear the ideas resonate with you. If you're interested in this stuff, you have a fair amount to learn, but you're also not alone. I'd suggest trying to get involved some online leftist communities (discords, twitter etc) to discuss things. Seeing as you're on Sup Forums I wouldn't expect you to gel with a lot of the more typical leftists out there who avoid slurs and the like, so maybe you might be interested in /leftypol/ on 8ch, but I will warn you while they're openly political incorrect most people there know shit all about theory, so if you want the good stuff you might have to bite your tongue a little and seek out more normie leftists. r/marxism_101 is actually good for a subreddit. Not r/communsim_101 though, that's where all the crazies who fap to Stalin hang out.
Well the video is right, capitalism isn't sustainable. With global warming and the pursuit of more resources at the cost of the environment. It simply cannot go on forever.
How come socialists were the first to go to space? How does a socialist superpower scare the american cocksuckers if they weren't doing anything with their lives. Why is China going to dominate the world? How were the Vietnamese able to hold their homeland against the Americans. Seems like the common factor here is that socialists strive harder.
Your friend's video didn't challenge shit.
Same old Marxist rigmarole where they dance around with the minutia of Marxism instead of looking what happens when you practice it.
Oh the animations suck too and made by some retarded "woman" lmao
>so maybe you might be interested in /leftypol/ on 8ch, but I will warn you while they're openly political incorrect most people there know shit all about theory, so if you want the good stuff you might have to bite your tongue a little and seek out more normie leftists. r/marxism_101 is actually good for a subreddit
Ok thanks I'll check out these places. I'm always willing to learn and this really piqued my interest. Too bad this site doesn't stimulate interesting discussion that much : (
Lmao you actually think China is still communist even those gooks knew it didn't work
>Same old Marxist rigmarole where they dance around with the minutia of Marxism instead of looking what happens when you practice it.
Watch it though it literally addresses this near the end. You'd know if you watched it. I guess you didn't though : (
yes please go to reddit and take your ideology with you.
Marx presumes too much with the Law of Value. In fact, he presumes himself into a circular argument. He assumes the following:
>Products have a value which is known by the capitalist beforehand
Which is underpinned by the following assumption:
>Demand is static
Both of which are underpinned by the following assumptions:
>Price discovery doesn't exist
>The value of uncertainty is zero
In reality, demand - and with it, prices - fluctuate over time. This uncertainty must inherently carry a value for dealing with it, because time is inherently valued in Marxist rhetoric.
Read the thread you dumbass shill. I did watch it. It sucked and explained nothing. Like I said it danced around in circles with minutia so he sounded smart but never went anywhere. He's a faggot """intellectual"""
Have another sage op
I feel like those are the kinds of people who need to be bullied regularly.
I'm sorry but where on earth did you get those assumptions Marx makes from? Like can I have some sources please.
i only like mass murder when its of the less races like jews and niggers
wanna bet on it, as long as people need other people´s time capitalism is not going anywhere. People waste their time on dumb shit that´s why capitalism kinda sucks butt fuck it
I do this on a daily basis and I have yet to hear anything intelligent come out of a liberals mouth.
how much money or time? or how long would you work? for her
Because despite marxist hopes and dreams, they cannot factor in greed, heirarchies, and the lack of intelligence and moral fortitude of the proletariat. The working classes will never be handed the torch by the "Vanguard" 10/10 times all you suceed in doing is ending up with a ruling class and a worker class, no different than capitalist system. Heirarches exist, people are unequal and inequitable in ability.
If you can't explain something complex simply, you don't understand it.
I agree with not working and seeing the current system collapse but not because I'm Marxist. If you are white and still working in a mode en western country you are a huge cuck
Watched the first two minutes and it still hadn't started to talk about the subject. Next time, post better stuff.
1989-1991 are good enough
do you think that applies to for example Quantum Field Theory?
> How come socialists were the first to go to space?
How come their superior allocation of labor value collapsed under the weight of bureaucracy?
Socialism was objectively shit every time it was tried
My source is youtube.com
When that video calls market value a social construct, he's assuming that value exists as a result of a relationship between labor and capital. Thus, because capitalism in Marx's view is - FOR CAPITAL ONLY - a series of voluntary or social arrangements, there can be no hiring of labor, no exploitation, unless prices are known apriori by capital.
But, there's a problem with this: Price discovery is a documented phenomenon within captialist societies. It's not controversial, it's not anomalous, it's the routine. Capitalists have a price which they would prefer to sell their products and services, but only very very large firms or firms in very very small markets can price set arbitrarily in that manner. Marx is very useful as tool to analyze capitalist societies. But it gets a lot of stuff wrong, too.
Literally the quantum physic of the political world. Works, in theory, is a nightmare in practice.
Socialism doesn’t work; see history.
>but that wasnt real socialism
And so you are more intelligent than everyone right? This time, you’ll make it work?
>no, i guess not. Shit, I’ve got some things to work out.
That’s okay bro, it’s never too late to make your life better
>thanks bro
Saged af
...quantum physics works in the real world too
...or do they? welcome to the world of quantum.
Marx explicitly says that private producers do not know what the values of their products will be until they take them to the market though. Plus I don't see why labour power cannot be hired without knowing what the resulting product will be sold at, that makes no sense.
Also Marx can draw correct conclusions about economics, it doesn't make your retarded social movements valid
Attempts at reaching Communism, killing tens of millions in the process, don't even guarantee achieving Communism (see: the 20th century)
Communism makes perfect sense for "individuals" within virtual systems synced with perfect information, like a "living" economy of IoT devices.
Good luck implementing it outside of a simulator.
Try starting a co-op where everyone works their fair share. Only recruit kids form your communist circlejerk group. See how long you can handle organizing it before you ragequit or lose all your members.
Organization itself is hard and carries risk.
>22 minutes of utopian theory with zero application
No thanks
How come Marx does not understand profit goes to the investor? The capitalist is getting money in exchange for his time. WAIT DOES MARX THINK EVERYONE´S TIME IS VALUED EQUALLY TOP KEK
He outright says the Capitalist takes profit, what?
Would rather have barbarism. Socialism is for faggots who can't produce anything.
Because I’ve actually read Marx, he’s he was a genius but being a genius does not make you correct. He fell into collectivism, which is always evil. Further, his theory is based on the alienation of labor value, which, is not apart of modern day capitalism unless you work a minimum wage job. However, it is also much easier to move between classes today, in comparison to the 19th century when Marx was from.
Pick related
Could you elaborate on what you mean with alienation of labour power only applying to minimum wage jobs?
Like, what do you think alienation of labour is?
>i gain nothing from communism
>communists (atleast in finland) want more niggers
Every Marxist in the West is a privileged little retard faggot that contributes absolutely nothing to their communities and complain incessantly about how the world needs to give them more.
>I'll neck you
you gay?
moron profit goes to the investors of time and money. WORKERS invest TIME. CAPITALISTS invest TIME or MONEY. In exchange EVERYONE receives a portion of the profit. Its a team sport but not everyone is the QB.
Had that book related in college
What you're saying isn't really contradictory to Marx
>How come socialists were the first to go to space?
It took the americans less than three months to make a satellite. The Explorer was lauched just four months afer the Sputnik. Shepard went to space less than one month after Gagarin, Glenn after one year.
>Why is China going to dominate the world?
Demographics, slavery, selling cheap things their people can't afford to capitalists.
>How were the Vietnamese able to hold their homeland against the Americans.
Better knowledge of the territory, opportunity to flee to Cambodia after battles and crappy tactics by the Amerifags.
>implying the two subjects have the same complexity
>implying the complexity of a subject is an excuse for been crappy in making a video about it.
That face is really jewish-like imo.