Whats wrong with trannies Sup Forums?
Whats wrong with trannies Sup Forums?
They're mentally ill
/thread fpbp
>What’s wrong with trannies?
They are any combination of mentally ill, abused, or from single parent homes. Mostly mental illness though.
Tired of social media retards appropriating southern slang
Gonna take advice on psychology from people who are a physical embodiment of mental illness.
They've the right to do with their body what they want, even mutilate it to reflect psychotic delusions, but I've an equal right to put them outside the bracket of normality for doing so.
The problem is they actually believe the bullshit in OPs pic. They say "thats not how gender works". If you press them to explain their idea of how gender works they will give you some post modernist bullshit about "everything is subjective, nothing is objective". Even if they don't use those exact words, that is the ideology behind whatever answer they give you. The rejection of objective reality that is the biggest problem and is also the biggest problem with all the other "progressive issues", not just the trans issue.
Woman transitions to man. Husband tries to make it work cause he's a numale. It doesn't. Files for divorce in less than a year. Insane tranny has him in court for alimony, saying this is a hate crime. This happened.
Stop doing science.
Their gay with low self-esteem
>We're not trans because we're mentally ill
Well at least they admit they are mentally ill lmao.
Isn't it obvious? They were abused.
Yeah it is mental illness. I wonder what the correlation of schizo and tranny is.
never gave a fuck about them until they became politicized
It's a mental phenomenon that is only creating more problems for people than solving them. Go over to the cesspool that is /lgbt/ anytime, and you'll see that half the threads there are made by suicidal Trannies constantly lamenting the fucking shit life that they threw themselves into. Thanks to the culture of political correctness that we've created, I don't think it's possible for anyone in the biology or psychology field to even try to perform a large scale study of what causes this in the first place. Now, thanks to faggots like John Money, sexual reassignment, despite the obvious problems that it can cause (see the David Reimer case), only continues to get promoted by the media. It's only going to get worse.
>Don't bother arguing because I'm saying I'm right and that's the end of discussion.
If that's where they're at they know they're losing ground. So they say gender isn't real but 63+ plus genders are totally valid despite the fact that gender reassignment surgery only ever produces one of two outcomes. It's a fucking fetish it started out looking like it was related to body dysmorphic disorders like anorexia but I'm starting to thing it operates more like Munchausen which is supported by the sudden inclusion of children in their agenda.
Mental illness. The suggestion that they are not mentally ill is absurd.
Whether or not they are born that way is entirely irrelevant. Someone might also be born with a number of mental illnesses.
Lobotomy 2.0
Very soon people will deny that they ever supported it even tacitly much less believed it was real.
>Whats wrong with trannies Sup Forums?
They enjoy having a large dick in their butt, like you do
Only they dress as girls while doing it
>implying I'm going to listen to a mentally ill, abused, single home tranny faggot
>gender dysphoria
>not mentally ill
My dude if you LARP as a woman for some kind of sick fetish go ahead but don't expect me to not treat you as a crazy person
>Its really fucking obnoxious.
OUR sentiments exactly.
You you get with an apparent chick un lick her ass getting to her balls, WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO lads..
Damn underrated
They are mentally retarded exhibit A THEY WANT TO CHOP THEIR DICK OFF
Nice catch
>mentally ill people saying they're not mentally ill
I hear that every single day...
It's a mental illness and encouraging self destructive behavior is not good for the individual or society.
Throw in the child drag shows and 3 year Olds on hormone blockers and I want to bring out the rope.
raped as babies
Mental illness mainly. But honestly let them invert their dick, It subdues their illness for a time and it prunes the gene pool, win-win (Espically when the ilness takes hold again so they kill themselves)