lol. sad!
Wait, what?
archive your links you fucking newfaggot
Oh shit. Does this mean it goes deeper now!?
The noose tightens.
I'm feeling sleepy too
Come on you faggot this is fucking huge
>He claimed the information would link the president and his associates to Russia. But instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated information involving Mr. Trump and others, including bank records, emails and purported Russian intelligence data.
The Russia dirt was all fabricated.
>be me
>convince half the American electorate that the American president is my puppet is through a fabricated 'pee pee tape' by taking advantage of retarded leftists, causing chaos in the country and intense distrust of the administration in power, weakening America
Yeah. We need some shut-eye
Ahah good luck getting enough diazepamines for this shit
this would make even democrats do a double take
Yes they paid for information involving TRUMP CORRUPTION and that's a good thing! All this shows is Russia is willing to bribe their way anywhere and that Tump is more than willing to pay the price.
BERLIN — After months of secret negotiations, a shadowy Russian bilked American spies out of $100,000 last year, promising to deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons in a deal that he insisted would also include compromising material on President Trump, according to American and European intelligence officials.
The cash, delivered in a suitcase to a Berlin hotel room in September, was intended as the first installment of a $1 million payout, according to American officials, the Russian and communications reviewed by The New York Times. The theft of the secret hacking tools had been devastating to the N.S.A., and the agency was struggling to get a full inventory of what was missing.
this cracking me up
wtf I love communism now
funny as fuck, can confirm
We have 17 intelligence agencies
We have the NSA that supposedly can store intelligence in big data centets
Vault 7 superhacking tools
But we gotta pay Russians for dirt on Drumpf that may or may not be real.
People need to start getting arrested ASAP.
Uh oh spaghetti -o's
>The Russian claimed to have access to a staggering collection of secrets that included everything from the computer code for the cyberweapons stolen from the N.S.A. and C.I.A. to what he said was a video of Mr. Trump consorting with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel room in 2013, according to American and European officials and the Russian, who agreed to be interviewed in Germany on the condition of anonymity. There remains no evidence that such a video exists.
Alphabet agencies getting scammed by russian individuals in 2017
Either the deep state fell apart a decade ago or affirmative action is taking its toll, can't decide
>be russian
>say you have dirt on drumpf
>stupid liberals pay you $100k
>give them regurgitated crap from the media
too easy
>wtf I love communism now
oy yey goy real communism hasn't been tried tred yet and pay not attention to Venezuela
Politics is so fucked
The "Intelligence Community" has too much dirt on DC and just about every person in politics and beyond for any action to be taken against them.
It helps that the democrats are fucking retards
Russian comedians prank phone call U.S. Representative Adam Schiff:
Except on Trump
You mean they COLLUDED with RUSSIA?
>based merchant
>tfw when op didn’t read their own source
>After months of secret negotiations
>A Shadowy Russian
>delivered in a suitcase to a Berlin hotel room
lol....omg....this is fucking funny.
Sounds like COLLUSION that's UNAMERICAN and TREASON. Also racist Nazis
So half of the government fell for decades old phishing scams and spent how many millions of dollars investigating themselves.
If don't laugh you cry
omg go soak your head
same bullshit response as the NYT comments. Suddenly Trump is responsible for the intelligence community - where two days ago he was diametrically opposed to them. Whoah these shifting narratives must make you dizzy!!
Joe Rogan?
It's all a fucking joke.
That's right user, you cracked the code
Best Timeline
So they fell for an Eastern European version of the Nigerian email scam........just to get dirt on Trump??
Is this correct??
I'm reading this article and I can't figure out why the fuck would anyone would pay a foreign spy to "recover" "stolen" "cyberweapons?"
Aren't these "hacking tools" just software?
this sounds like a setup to cushion the fallout for their collapsing russia narrative.
>we were duped by steele and those pesky russians goys
>its HONEST Treason goys
Don't forget podesta's emails
>are they really this retard
remember memetics?
>The Russian did not give it much thought. He took a sip of the cranberry juice he was nursing, picked up his bag and said, “Thank you.” Then he walked out the door.
the absolute madman
did they at least get their fucking monies worth???
All this evidence piling up, I'm sure the shills have a perfectly reasonable explanation for it.
>The N.S.A. even used its official Twitter account nearly a dozen times to send coded messages to the Russian.
we wuz cyber experts
Yea das it mayne
>The N.S.A. even used its official Twitter account nearly a dozen times to send coded messages to the Russian.
jelly, all they do is look at my dick pics
There it is.
>Pfft No one spied on the Trump campaign
>Well, of course they did, they had to look into the dossier
>The dossier had nothing to do with it! It was all about Carter Page
>Well, who cares if the FISA warrant depended on the dossier, Carter Page knew some Russians and oompaloompalous talked about knowing Russians in an English pub
>The FBI failed to tell the FISA Court the dossier was political oppo research paid for by the DNC, we'll just ignore this
>Political bias by the FBI? Pfft ignored
>Steele got his info from the Russians? Pfft ignored
>Warner wanted a secret meeting with Steele? Pfft ignored
>American spies paying Russians for dirt on a sitting president? Must mean trump is guilty
In short
>No we didn't
>Well yeah we did but Trump collusion
Old news. New York Times is just reporting it now.
> Wouldn't it be nice if we could rebuild this building without columns?
>Wouldn't it be nice if we could rebuild this building without columns?
are we talking the 5th column of jews or the Corinthian, Doric or Ionic?
Anything that does not involve minarets would be fine at this point
Indeed it does.
Nosenberg got identity issues lately
>it only took one clinton to bring the agencies to heel through AA
>imagine what the second would've done
Leftist snowflakes are incrementally getting cut down to size.
i guess its a good thing no-one taught the dems how to make crystals out of house hold chemicals
Don't call it backpedaling. Just call it Correcting The Record.
>only $100,000 to obtain damaging information that would damage a political enemy
Hahaha how is this not evidence that it was a prankster in over his head? 100,000 sounds like the amount that someone who got cold feet would ask for when they weren't confident that the stunt they were pulling would work. I would demand at least a million if I was holding election changing information.
stein))), berg))) take her pick
Wait what this confuses me
Why is this being reported wrong? Didn't Trump pay Russia for material on Hillary? Why is this talking about the opposite?
Mathew Rosenburg is confirmed CIA. DO NOT TRUST!!!
I don't know what angle he is playing, but DO NOT TRUST!!!
This is the angle!
I hoper there's gonna be leaks
senators get bribed like $5-20 thousand by multibillion dollar corporations, $100,000 will get you a lot further than that
wish i was a russian so i could tell traitorous americans i had dirt on a presidential candidate
i would be set for life
Why aren't u trap posting with the rest of the feds
This is fucking huge.
>After months of secret negotiations, a shadowy Russian bilked American spies out of $100,000 last year, promising to deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons
>deliver stolen National Security Agency cyberweapons
>But instead of providing the hacking tools, the Russian produced unverified and possibly fabricated information involving Mr. Trump and others
"Yeah so uh, the Russians stole our hacks, and we're at a major disadvantage in Cyber now because they took all our hacks. So we thought we would buy the hacks back. Then we would have the hacks again, and Russia wouldn't have any hacks anymore. That's how hacks work. And wouldn't you know it? Turns out he didn't have hacks but he had a pee pee dossier that WE COMPLETELY NEVER IMPLIED WE WANTED. We just wanted our hacks back."
What a terrible fucking cover up. How did nobody notice how absolute batshit this is? Does nobody in the IC understand that software is copyable? You can't fucking steal it back.
100,000 was the first installment. It was supposed to end up totaling an even million
>he's never seen a Hack-o-Tron 5000
>NY Times writes an article about American spies being completely pants on head retarded
I don't know who is jewing who anymore
the fact that jew york news is reporting it is news
>I don't know who is jewing who anymore
Even more jewing: Rosenburg IS a spy! He has been kicked out of two different countries for being a spy. Also, his articles in the NYT blow his cover as CIA. Probably Mossad as well, but that isn't confirmed
a fool and his money are soon parted
yes pls what does this all mean
back to page one with you
>Dahnald. I've assembled a team of Top Men to reacquire the stolen Cybertools.