Have you apologize to a black man today?

Have you apologize to a black man today?

Other urls found in this thread:


Have they all left my country yet

I’m sorry we didn’t leave you in africa with your alien technology and flying pyramids

Literally soy man-tits on the guy with the sunglasses. Cannot unsee.
Also sage.

Spread the word for the BLACK BULL century.
That's right wh*toid dogs, fucking apologize to your BLACK BULL and become our slaves, bitch.

who are these people they need to be found and rescued. We will get those assholes that captured them and pay them back 100fold.

shoo shoo roach.

Fragile black ego

No they will be slaves and repay us for all the terrible things they did to us. Have no fear though, you will enjoy your servitude to the BLACK BULLS and you'll love our cock and ass taste, dog.

>my wh*toid ass is on FIRE

I apologise every night

Blacks don't even know what Sup Forums is, stop larping as a nigger you self hating fucktard

I never saw a black person today.

We BLACK BULLS have been here longer before Sup Forums existed, you belong on r/The_Donald with the rest of the wh*toid mutt dogs like you.

You're going to see us every day soon, wh*te dog



Why can't other wh*toid dogs be like you? We promise you won't be tortured as much as the rest of the mutts here when the BLACK century is upon us.

Hey are you that one turk that keeps ban evading the mods?

Kiss my 30cm BLACK cock, wh*te boy


You apologize every night because you're fuckin a black dude, aren't you?

Now join us and tell the other wh*toid dogs that they WILL apologize and become slaves to us BLACKS sooner if they do not.

I've apologized to the civilized world for setting them free

If I saw this i would curb stomp your nog ass you stupid nog.

It’s apologizeD... illiterate nigger.

>only 30cm

Im legit hard thinking about a snow white women with a caramel colored baby growing in her womb

And soon you will become OUR slaves, wh*toid. Freeing us wasn't enough, reparations to us BLACKS in large quantities to atone for the millions of deaths from slavery is well overdue.
You can't do anything little wh*te dog.

You think you're so big saying that aren't you, manlet mutt?

Good dog

This was Australia or England, not the US.

Cucks shouldn't be involving children with their fetishes.

And they will provide and secure a future for us BLACK BULLS and BLACKED children.

Get fucked wh*te dog.

Smile for the cameras, Damn It!

Fucking LARPsters.

No, don't care

Na they still nigs

Sounds about right for a leaf

You will care when you're my wh*toid slave to us BLACKS, little dog.

why would I?

I let the little niggers play on my basketball goal every day, declaring it a community goal for the neighborhood and they know it.
I done enough thanks. That's probably too generous as it is.

Still haven’t learned your lesson boy

We all say sorry in or own way

it's not my fault they're are violent and stupid

Why haven't you kys yet?

Please don't apologize to me. I hate when people do that shit, because most white people I know are Ellis Island decedents.

Sorry, not sorry.

Today I decided to go raping so I could know how it feels to be oppressed.

Of course, it is mandatory to apologise to the nigger in Slovenia

shoo shoo t*rkroach

Jews should be the ones apologizing since they kidnapped and sold blacks into slavery

Jews run the slave tried.

Not only did the colonies send articles to England banning Slavery which England denied since their central bank was run by jews. We had a revolution to remove that british rule and whites fought a war to end slavery while jews just kept blacks as slaves even today because most are too stupid to know Jews are the enemy not whites.

The jews who enslaved the blacks in the old days sold them to become the one percent today, not whites.

The more you know-----=====*

i sucked a smelly BBC today to prove im tolerant. I felt bad that the sperm was killed in my mouth though, knowing it could have bred a black baby that would grow to be a strong KANG and fighter of melanin justice!

Why, OP?

I have nothing to apologize for. Any maladies in black people's lives are solely their own fault.

>30 cm

We both know you'd enjoy having it inside your boipucci

You again?

Jews were responsible for the african-american slave trade.

I'm sorry too.... For what white people are about to do when shit pops off after they're fed up with all this race baiting bullshit from the left.


Dear Nigger,
I am truly sorry that i am not sorry!

>apologize to a black man
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:


Have blacks apologized to other blacks?

I had a nog at least a foot taller than me try to match my working weight for my front squats today. I think he really hurt his lower back. I tried asking if he was ok but he hobbled away in haste.

Does this count?