How do we get Uncle Jared on The Joe Rogan Experience?
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Just heard of Jared Taylor because of the "debate". Who is he?
I can Google but I'd rather Sup Forums tell me
We can't because Joe Rogan is worm
How sad it must be to push these retards all day every day.
This, Joe would never have him on.
He knows he'd demolished by Jared.
jared taylor should debate david pakman(high iq jew).
joe rogan is kind of retarded and wouldn't put up much of a challenge
fucking reddit get the fuck out
i don't even think joe rogan would challenge jared taylor. he would just interview jared taylor and ask him a bunch of questions like he always does with his guests. it would be boring
But it would still be an opportunity to redpill normies
what's the appeal of jre?
I will after you tell me who he is
You must not know how his show works.
Please shill harder
um jared taylor would just say a bunch of things he has already said in his other videos. i could imagine it being the most boring video ever. joe rogan isn't the type to challenge his guests. he's the type of interviewer who acts like a neutral party and doesn't really ask challenging questions. he's similar to dave rubin. he'll ask questions in a way that makes him seem like he's on the side of the quest.
that makes him a terrible interviewer in my opinion.
dave packman on the other hand would at least try to challenge jared taylor as someone who is the opposite of jared taylor politically
get him into smoking pot and taking smart pills?
you must not watch joe rogan. he gives the most soft ball interviews and never challenges any of his guests.
Entertaining background noise?
Jared Taylor did nothing wrong. While you're at your computer slobbering over your keyboard he's actually taking action and changing peoples mind.
remember when kyle kulinski destroyed razorfish?
He's a big brain nigga that makes black science man look like a Jiggaboo.
one on the left would get it hard
Jared Taylor thinks hispanic is a race and blames hispania descent rather than the beaner's mestizo asian mutt descent
how can you tell the difference?
He pulls decent guests who get a good amount of freedom and longer time limit to speak. If he's not being too retarded he can be a halfway decent interviewer. But a lot of the time the guests suck and its easy to tell when joe doesn't give a shit. Just listen to the guests that interest you.