Who would win under MMA rules?

Who would win under MMA rules?

Shinka. She's significantly heavier despite being the same height.

Shinka can't keep up with Rin's ground game

Berserker vs Assassin

Shinka since Rin is incapable of holding back.

The audience

Shinka is the hotheaded one, Rin is ice cold.

This. She's got the Kyoani thiccness.

Floyd is going to slaughter memegregor.

Shinka. She would use the hairclip as a crude dagger.

How much for the PPV?

Rin of course, it would be a complete one sided beat down.

My dick.

All of Shinka's power comes from that hair clip and per MMA rules the hair clip would and Shinka would lose her powers. Rin by KO 45 seconds into the first round.

2 on 1?

I bet I can heem them both.

You won't even last one round against one of them.

Her weight is concentrated in her boobs
Rin wins this easily, she has better build and she's a real fighter.

Shinka's boobs aren't that big though.

Well some of it is on her ass too.

That's good, she can crush her opponents.

>112 kg fat ass
I fon't think they can do something to me.

Who would beat user the quickest and how?


Rin is a fucking stick, she's medically underweight. Even a skinny cardio bunny would weigh at least 50kg due to muscle mass, Rin is just skin and bone. Shinka crushes her.

Shinka would down you in one punch.
Rin would chain you up and torture you until you died of insanity.

I don't think Rin is following MMA rules.

She doesn't look that skinny though.

Where can I watch this fight?